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javascript - 冲突的@Dragenter @Dragleave/v-show 事件持续快速触发

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 09:17:31 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


指针事件:无;已经实现了,在调试中, bool 值在“拖动”和“拖动OL”的true和false之间快速切换


     <ol id="product-images" @dragenter="draggingOL=true" @dragleave="draggingOL=false">

<li v-for="(file, key) in files" style="pointer-events: none;"></li>


<div v-show="files.length < 1 || draggingOL == true">
<div ref="fileform" :class="['next-upload-dropzone', dragging ? 'css1' : '', draggingOL ? 'css1 css2' : '']" @dragenter="dragging=true" @dragleave="dragging=false">



OL 标签没有可拖动的,所以我添加了 Dragenter 并留给 OL

当我将第二个 dragenter 添加到 OL 标签时,当您将图像拖入该区域时, dragging 和 draggingOL 的 bool 值将以 0.5s 的间隔快速在 true 和 false 之间切换。 CSS 也一样,非常快速地显示和取消显示。

我尝试了几种方法,包括只有一个 dragenter ONLY,同样的问题。也许问题出在 v-show 上,我不确定。

Picture of <div>以上是DIV标签的图片 Picture of OL上图为OL标签图片


var dropFileApp = new Vue({
el: '#dropfile',
data: {
dragAndDropCapable: false,
dragging : false,
draggingOL : false,
files: [],
uploadPercentage: 0
// define methods under the `methods` object
Determine if drag and drop functionality is capable in the browser
this.dragAndDropCapable = this.determineDragAndDropCapable();

If drag and drop capable, then we continue to bind events to our elements.
if( this.dragAndDropCapable ){
Listen to all of the drag events and bind an event listener to each
for the fileform.
['drag', 'dragstart', 'dragend', 'dragover', 'dragenter', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach( function( evt ) {
For each event add an event listener that prevents the default action
(opening the file in the browser) and stop the propagation of the event (so
no other elements open the file in the browser)
this.$refs.fileform.addEventListener(evt, function(e){
}.bind(this), false);

Add an event listener for drop to the form

this.$refs.fileform.addEventListener('drop', function(e){
Capture the files from the drop event and add them to our local files
for( let i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.files.length; i++ ){
this.files.push( e.dataTransfer.files[i] );
Instantly upload files

methods: {
Determines if the drag and drop functionality is in the
Create a test element to see if certain events
are present that let us do drag and drop.
var div = document.createElement('div');

Check to see if the `draggable` event is in the element
or the `ondragstart` and `ondrop` events are in the element. If
they are, then we have what we need for dragging and dropping files.

We also check to see if the window has `FormData` and `FileReader` objects
present so we can do our AJAX uploading
return ( ( 'draggable' in div )
|| ( 'ondragstart' in div && 'ondrop' in div ) )
&& 'FormData' in window
&& 'FileReader' in window;

Gets the image preview for the file.
Iterate over all of the files and generate an image preview for each one.
for( let i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++ ){
Ensure the file is an image file
if ( /\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/i.test( this.files[i].name ) ) {
Create a new FileReader object
let reader = new FileReader();

Add an event listener for when the file has been loaded
to update the src on the file preview.
reader.addEventListener("load", function(){
this.$refs['preview'+parseInt( i )][0].src = reader.result;
}.bind(this), false);

Read the data for the file in through the reader. When it has
been loaded, we listen to the event propagated and set the image
src to what was loaded from the reader.
reader.readAsDataURL( this.files[i] );
We do the next tick so the reference is bound and we can access it.
this.$refs['preview'+parseInt( i )][0].src = '/images/file.png';

Submits the files to the server
Initialize the form data
let formData = new FormData();

Iteate over any file sent over appending the files
to the form data.
for( var i = 0; i < this.files.length; i++ ){
let file = this.files[i];

formData.append('files[' + i + ']', file);

Make the request to the POST /file-drag-drop URL
*/ '/file-drag-drop',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
onUploadProgress: function( progressEvent ) {
//Showing Loading

Removes a select file the user has uploaded
removeFile( key ){
this.files.splice( key, 1 );



我遇到了类似的问题。已经解决,需要防止Vue事件的事件冒泡: Prevent event bubbling in Vue

<div v-on:dragleave.self="dragLeave($event)">

关于javascript - 冲突的@Dragenter @Dragleave/v-show 事件持续快速触发,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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