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skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3, random_state=42, shuffle=True)
accuracy = []
for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X,Y):
X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
y_train, y_test = Y[train_index], Y[test_index]
gradientBoost.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = gradientBoost.predict(X_test)
accuracy.append(round(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred), 2))
precision, recall, fscore, support = np.round(score(y_test, y_pred), 2)
print('precision: ' + str(precision))
print('recall: ' + str(recall))
print('fscore: ' + str(fscore))
print('support: ' + str(support))
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
meanAcc= np.mean(np.asarray(accuracy))
print('meanAcc: ', meanAcc)
#Initialize classifier
clf_gini = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion = "gini", random_state = 42,
max_depth=10, min_samples_leaf=8)
scoring = {'Accuracy' : make_scorer(accuracy_score), 'Recall' : 'recall_weighted'}
gs = GridSearchCV(DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion= 'entropy', random_state=42, min_samples_leaf = 10), param_grid={'max_depth' : range(2, 30, 2)},
scoring=scoring, cv=3, refit='Accuracy')
gs.fit(X_Distances, Y)
results = gs.cv_results_
plt.figure(figsize=(13, 13))
plt.title("GridSearchCV evaluating using multiple scorers simultaneously",
ax = plt.axes()
ax.set_xlim(0, 32)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
# Get the regular numpy array from the MaskedArray
X_axis = np.array(results['param_max_depth'].data, dtype=float)
for scorer, color in zip(sorted(scoring), ['g', 'k']):
for sample, style in (('train', '--'), ('test', '-')):
sample_score_mean = results['mean_%s_%s' % (sample, scorer)]
sample_score_std = results['std_%s_%s' % (sample, scorer)]
ax.fill_between(X_axis, sample_score_mean - sample_score_std,
sample_score_mean + sample_score_std,
alpha=0.1 if sample == 'test' else 0, color=color)
ax.plot(X_axis, sample_score_mean, style, color=color,
alpha=1 if sample == 'test' else 0.7,
label="%s (%s)" % (scorer, sample))
best_index = np.nonzero(results['rank_test_%s' % scorer] == 1)[0][0]
best_score = results['mean_test_%s' % scorer][best_index]
# Plot a dotted vertical line at the best score for that scorer marked by x
ax.plot([X_axis[best_index], ] * 2, [0, best_score],
linestyle='-.', color=color, marker='x', markeredgewidth=3, ms=8)
# Annotate the best score for that scorer
ax.annotate("%0.2f" % best_score,
(X_axis[best_index], best_score + 0.005))
我们可以使用GridSearchCV for multi-metric evaluation :
# Author: Raghav RV <rvraghav93@gmail.com>
# License: BSD
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import make_hastie_10_2
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
X, y = make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=8000, random_state=42)
# The scorers can be either be one of the predefined metric strings or a scorer
# callable, like the one returned by make_scorer
scoring = {'AUC': 'roc_auc', 'Accuracy': make_scorer(accuracy_score)}
# Setting refit='AUC', refits an estimator on the whole dataset with the
# parameter setting that has the best cross-validated AUC score.
# That estimator is made available at ``gs.best_estimator_`` along with
# parameters like ``gs.best_score_``, ``gs.best_parameters_`` and
# ``gs.best_index_``
gs = GridSearchCV(DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42),
param_grid={'min_samples_split': range(2, 403, 10)},
scoring=scoring, cv=5, refit='AUC')
gs.fit(X, y)
results = gs.cv_results_
plt.figure(figsize=(13, 13))
plt.title("GridSearchCV evaluating using multiple scorers simultaneously",
ax = plt.axes()
ax.set_xlim(0, 402)
ax.set_ylim(0.73, 1)
# Get the regular numpy array from the MaskedArray
X_axis = np.array(results['param_min_samples_split'].data, dtype=float)
for scorer, color in zip(sorted(scoring), ['g', 'k']):
for sample, style in (('train', '--'), ('test', '-')):
sample_score_mean = results['mean_%s_%s' % (sample, scorer)]
sample_score_std = results['std_%s_%s' % (sample, scorer)]
ax.fill_between(X_axis, sample_score_mean - sample_score_std,
sample_score_mean + sample_score_std,
alpha=0.1 if sample == 'test' else 0, color=color)
ax.plot(X_axis, sample_score_mean, style, color=color,
alpha=1 if sample == 'test' else 0.7,
label="%s (%s)" % (scorer, sample))
best_index = np.nonzero(results['rank_test_%s' % scorer] == 1)[0][0]
best_score = results['mean_test_%s' % scorer][best_index]
# Plot a dotted vertical line at the best score for that scorer marked by x
ax.plot([X_axis[best_index], ] * 2, [0, best_score],
linestyle='-.', color=color, marker='x', markeredgewidth=3, ms=8)
# Annotate the best score for that scorer
ax.annotate("%0.2f" % best_score,
(X_axis[best_index], best_score + 0.005))
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我一直在努力处理一些时间戳数据(直到现在才需要处理日期,并且它表明)。希望您能帮忙。 我正在处理来自网站的数据,该数据显示每个客户 (ID) 各自的访问以及这些访问的时间戳。它的分组是指一个客户可能有
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我希望 100% 宽的包含图像的 div 位于我的页面下方。在这些 div 之上,我想要一个 1210 像素宽的 div,我可以在其中放置我的内容。 例子: http://mudchallenger.
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程序设计: A 类,实现较低级别的数据处理 类 B-E,为 A 提供更高级别的接口(interface)以执行各种功能 F 类,它是根据用户输入与 B-E 交互的 UI 对象 在任何给定时间只能有一个
CTE 对我来说有点新,所以我希望有人可以帮助我编写的以下内容将采用类别表并从中构建层次结构以进行显示。我知道这种事情一直被问到,但我认为我的排序情况使它有点独特。 我希望有一些使用 Hierarch
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数据 我有以下(简化的)数据集,我们称之为 df从现在开始: species rank value 1
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