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java - 如何使 HK2 ServiceLocator 使用桥接自 ServiceLocator 的单例服务实例?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 08:11:04 30 4
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我们正在使用 ExtrasUtilities.bridgeServiceLocator() 通过将应用 ServiceLocator 桥接到 Jersey ServiceLocator,将在一个 ServiceLocator 中创建的现有单例应用程序服务注入(inject) Jersey RESTful Web 服务。

然而,存在于“外部”定位器中的单例并没有被使用——每个服务在注入(inject) Jersey 服务时都会被再次创建。似乎 Singleton 仅在 ServiceLocator 的范围内可见,即使它是桥接的。

这是预期的行为吗?如果是这样,是否有任何方法可以改变这种行为并在桥接的 ServiceLocators 中拥有真正的单例?


public class BridgedServiceTest
private ServiceLocator _outerServiceLocator;
private ServiceLocator _innerServiceLocator;

public void testBridgedInnerServiceOK() throws Exception
ServiceLocatorFactory serviceLocatorFactory = ServiceLocatorFactory.getInstance();

_outerServiceLocator = serviceLocatorFactory.create("Outer");
ServiceLocatorUtilities.addClasses(_outerServiceLocator, SingletonServiceImpl.class);

_innerServiceLocator = serviceLocatorFactory.create("Inner");
ExtrasUtilities.bridgeServiceLocator(_innerServiceLocator, _outerServiceLocator);

final Client client1 = new Client();

final Client client2 = new Client();
// next line fails as instance count is 2

public void tearDown() throws Exception

public interface SingletonService
void fulfil();

public class SingletonServiceImpl implements SingletonService
public static AtomicInteger instanceCount = new AtomicInteger();

public void postConstruct()

public void fulfil()
System.out.println("Contract Fulfilled.");

public class Client
private SingletonService _singletonService;

public void test()

public SingletonService getSingletonService()
return _singletonService;


与此同时(如果确实是设计行为),我通过实现自己的 InjectionResolver 实现了解决方法。它不是一个完整的解决方案,因为它只适用于注入(inject)(即调用 ServiceLocator.getService() 不会桥接)但它可以满足我现在的需要。

如果有人需要的话,这里是类(class)。不是调用 ExtrasUtilities.bridgeServiceLocator(_innerServiceLocator, _outerServiceLocator);,而是调用 BridgingInjectionResolver.bridgeInjection(_innerServiceLocator, _outerServiceLocator);

public class BridgingInjectionResolver implements InjectionResolver<Inject>
private ServiceLocator _localServiceLocator;

private ServiceLocator _remoteServiceLocator;

public BridgingInjectionResolver()

* This method will bridge injection of all non-local services from the from ServiceLocator into the into
* ServiceLocator. The two ServiceLocators involved must not have a parent/child relationship
* @param into The non-null ServiceLocator that will be able to inject services from the from ServiceLocator
* @param from The non-null ServiceLocator that will provide services for injection to the into ServiceLocator
public static void bridgeInjection(ServiceLocator into, ServiceLocator from)
checkParentage(into, from);
checkParentage(from, into);
ServiceLocatorUtilities.addClasses(into, BridgingInjectionResolver.class);

private static void checkParentage(ServiceLocator a, ServiceLocator b)
ServiceLocator originalA = a;

while (a != null) {
if (a.getLocatorId() == b.getLocatorId()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Locator " + originalA + " is a child of or is the same as locator " + b);

a = a.getParent();

public Object resolve(Injectee injectee, ServiceHandle<?> root)
ActiveDescriptor<?> ad = _localServiceLocator.getInjecteeDescriptor(injectee);
if (ad != null) {
return _localServiceLocator.getService(ad, root, injectee);
ad = _remoteServiceLocator.getInjecteeDescriptor(injectee);
if ((ad != null) && (ad.getDescriptorVisibility() == DescriptorVisibility.LOCAL)) {
ad = null;
if (ad == null) {
if (injectee.isOptional()) {
return null;

throw new MultiException(new UnsatisfiedDependencyException(injectee));
return _remoteServiceLocator.getService(ad, root, injectee);

public boolean isConstructorParameterIndicator()
return false;

public boolean isMethodParameterIndicator()
return false;

private void setRemoteServiceLocator(ServiceLocator remoteServiceLocator)
_remoteServiceLocator = remoteServiceLocator;


关于java - 如何使 HK2 ServiceLocator 使用桥接自 ServiceLocator 的单例服务实例?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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