- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
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? 最大长度为 60。 字符串中的整数不能超过10。 例如,如果用户粘贴到输入中: INV-1-6ren">
最大长度为 60。
$('.isInvoiceNumber').on("input", function(e) {
var pos = this.selectionStart;
var str = $(this).val().replace(/[\~\`\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)_\+\=\{\}\[\]\|\\\;\"\'\,\<\>\?]/g, '').replace(/\.{2,}/g, '.');
var digits = str.replace(/[^0-9]/g,"").length;
if ( digits>10 ) {
// ??
var len = str.length;
this.selectionEnd = pos - ( len-str.length );
-->下面是 Codepen 以简化操作: https://codepen.io/btn-ninja/pen/vJrXbX
function limit( str ) {
var patt = /[~`!@#\$%\^&\*()_\+={}\[\]\|\;\"\'\,\<\>\?]/g;
var strWithoutSpecialChars = str.replace(patt,'') ;
var count = 0, result = '', numberDigit = 0 ;
for (var i = 0; i < strWithoutSpecialChars.length && count < 60; i++ ) {
var ch = strWithoutSpecialChars[i] ;
if ( /\d/.test(ch) ) {
if ( numberDigit < 15 ) { result += ch; count++ ; }
else { continue ; }
else { result += ch; count++ ; }
return result ;
var longText = 'Miusov, 5699999999as a man man of breeding and 555deilcacy, could 98955not but feel some inwrd qualms, when he reached the Father Superiors with Ivan: he felt ashamed of havin lost his temper. He felt that he ought to have disdaimed that despicable wretch, Fyodor Pavlovitch, too much to have been upset by him in Father Zossimas cell, and so to have forgotten himself. "Teh monks were not to blame, in any case," he reflceted, on the steps. "And if theyre decent people here (and the Father Superior, I understand, is a nobleman) why not be friendly and courteous withthem? I wont argue, Ill fall in with everything, Ill win them by politness, and show them that Ive nothing to do with that Aesop, thta buffoon, that Pierrot, and have merely been takken in over this affair, just as they have.';
var result = limit(longText) ;
console.log('Length : ' + result.length ) ;
console.log( 'String : ' + result ) ;
关于javascript - 正则表达式 : how to limit max number of integers in an alphanumeric field,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55590805/
关闭。这个问题是opinion-based .它目前不接受答案。 想要改进这个问题? 更新问题,以便 editing this post 可以用事实和引用来回答它. 关闭 5 年前。 Improve
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