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java - 在我的 rpg 游戏中滥用静态最终对象是什么?

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public static final Monsters CRAWLER = new Monsters("Crawler", 15, 5, 100, 3);
public static final Monsters HOWLER = new Monsters ( "Howler", 20, 10, 50, 4);
public static final Monsters PROWLER = new Monsters ( "Prowler", 30, 15, 150, 5);
public static final Monsters MANTIS = new Monsters ( "Mantis", 40, 20, 200, 8);
public static final Monsters GOLEM = new Monsters ("Golem", 60, 25, 300, 10);
public static final Monsters DOGS = new Monsters ( "Group of Dogs", 10 ,5, 40, 2 );

此代码位于一个名为 Monsters 的类中,该类扩展了一个抽象类 Character,因为它们共享实例变量 Name、health、alert、atk 和 xp。

然后我将这些敌人放入一个 Monsters 对象 Arraylist 和另一个用于战斗中的怪物的 arraylist。

ArrayList<Monsters> allenemy = new ArrayList<Monsters>();
ArrayList<Monsters> currentenemy = new ArrayList<Monsters>();

所有敌人阵列具有上述怪物及其统计数据,当前敌人是玩家与之战斗的敌人。战斗立即发生,玩家和怪物都会使用 getAtk、setHealth 和 getHealth 受到伤害。如果玩家的生命值变为 0,则会显示游戏结束消息。另一方面,如果敌人的生命值变为 0,则会显示不同的消息,并将该敌人从当前敌人中移除。但是,遇到同一个敌人(同名),敌人就直接死了。唯一可能的方法是敌人的生命值是 0,所以我认为它一定与 public static final Monster 对象有关。谁能帮我?下面是一些更具体的代码。

敌人生成方法: public static String espawn(玩家一){

    int enemychance = (int)(Math.random()*101);
Monsters current= null;
if ( enemychance >= 0 && enemychance <= 25 ) current = one.allenemy.get(5); //end if enemychance is from 0 to 25
if ( enemychance > 25 && enemychance <= 50 ) current = one.allenemy.get(0); //end if enemychance is from 26 to 50
if ( enemychance > 50 && enemychance <= 70 ) current = one.allenemy.get(1); //end if enemychance is from 51 to 70
if ( enemychance > 70 && enemychance <= 85 ) current = one.allenemy.get(2); //end if enemychance is from 71 to 85
if ( enemychance > 85 && enemychance <= 95 ) current = one.allenemy.get(3); //end if enemychance is from 86 to 95
if ( enemychance > 95 && enemychance <= 100) current = one.allenemy.get(4); //end if enemychance is from 96 to 100
String espawn = "\nA " + current.getName() + " has appeared.";
return espawn;
} //end static espawn method


if ( one.getAlert() >= 15){ //threshold for spawning monsters
if ( enemy <= 30 ){ //chance for encountering enemies
System.out.print ( Interaction.espawn(one) + "\n");
while (one.currentenemy.get(0).getHealth() > 0 && one.getHealth() > 0){
flee = (int)((Math.random()*4)+1); //1-5 for fleeing
attack1 = (int)((Math.random()*9)+1); //1-10 for your attack chance
attack2 = (int)((Math.random()*9)+1); //1-10 for enemy attack chance
attack3 = (int)((Math.random()*9)+1); //1-10 for enemy attackchance while fleeing
System.out.print ("\n" + Interaction.combatmenu ( one) + "\n");
int check2 = reader.nextInt();
if ( check2 == 1 ){
if ( attack1 <= 6 ) {
System.out.print (Interaction.atk1(one));
} //end if enemy atk hits
else {
System.out.print (Interaction.atk3());
} //end if enemy atk misses
if ( attack2 <= 8 ){
System.out.print (Interaction.atk2(one));
one.currentenemy.get(0).setHealth(one.currentenemy.get(0).getHealth()-one.getAtk()); //calls arraylist index 0's setHealth method as arraylist index 0's getHealth method-player's getAtk method
} //end if your attack hits
System.out.print (Interaction.atk4());
} //end if your attack misses
} //end if user wants to attack
if ( check2 == 2 ) {
if ( flee == 1 ){
System.out.print (Interaction.flee1());
break here;
} //end if flee works
System.out.print (Interaction.flee2());
if ( attack3 <= 6 ) {
System.out.print (Interaction.atk1(one));
} //end if enemy attack hits
else {
System.out.print (Interaction.atk3());
} //end if enemy atk misses
} //end if flee fails
} //end if user wants to flee
} //end while player and enemy are not dead
if (one.currentenemy.get(0).getHealth() <= 0 ){
System.out.print ( Interaction.deade(one));
if ( loot <= 4 ){
System.out.print ( Interaction.loot1(one) + "\n" + Interaction.atk(one));
} //end if no weapon has been found for 80%
else {
System.out.print ( Interaction.loot2());
} //end if weapon has been found for 20%
one.setXP(one.getXP() + one.currentenemy.get(0).getXP());
if ( one.getHealth()<= 0){
} //end if player is dead
} //end if enemy is dead
} // if enemy spawn chance for 20%
} //end if alert is greater than 15


初遇:敌方狗群攻击你并造成 5 点伤害。 你攻击了敌方狗群,造成 20 点伤害。

生命值:85 攻击力:20敌人生命值:20 敌人攻击力:5

按1攻击。按2逃跑。1个 敌人的攻击失手了!你攻击了敌方狗群,造成 20 点伤害。狗群死了。

您在死去的 Group of Dogs 身上找到了一根棒球棒并装备了它。你的攻击力增加了50


因此,这群狗立即死亡并获得杀死它的 xp。这证实了敌人的生命值必须达到 0,因为只有在那个循环中玩家才能获得 XP。有任何想法吗?我知道这是一段相当困惑的代码,在您看来可能令人厌恶,但我是一名学习型学生,所以请原谅我。请谢谢!



您真正应该看的是两件事:工厂模式和复杂的枚举。也就是说,带有初始化器的枚举和 create() 方法,它们返回描述您的怪物的对象的新实例。你是对的,肯定有一些东西是从以前遗留下来的,我们希望像这样的 Material 只是被垃圾收集。


interface Monsters {


interface MonstersFactory {
public Monsters create();

enum StockMonstersFactory implements MonstersFactory {
CRAWLER("Crawler", 15, 5, 100, 3),
HOWLER( "Howler", 20, 10, 50, 4),
PROWLER( "Prowler", 30, 15, 150, 5),
MANTIS( "Mantis", 40, 20, 200, 8),
GOLEM("Golem", 60, 25, 300, 10),
DOGS( "Group of Dogs", 10 ,5, 40, 2 );

private StockMonstersFactory(String name, /*…other initialization options…*/) {
//standard initializer, set enum constants to what you need them

成为 //…

    public Monsters create() {
Monsters monsters = new Monsters(/*Initialization constants stored in enumeration fields*/);
return monsters;

我希望你明白了吧?当你需要一个新的怪物时,而不是简单地使用 current = one.allenemy.get(#);——这几乎肯定是问题所在——你会使用 current = StockMonstersFactory。 [chosen monster].create();,这将为您提供一个完全新鲜的对象,不记得之前发生的任何事情。

当然还有其他方法可以得到您要找的东西,但这就是我想到的。如果您为我们提供了有关如何实例化这些怪物的更具体的代码,它也可能会有所帮助; one.allenemy.get(…) 可以具体扩展。


关于java - 在我的 rpg 游戏中滥用静态最终对象是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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