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java - 嵌套异常是 org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException : I/O error on GET request for "*": Connection refused (Connection refused);

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 06:06:36 37 4
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我试图从我的应用程序访问 Rest API。当该 API 不在线时,我的应用程序发生了上述错误。我正在使用 Spring Boot 。我想知道,有什么方法可以在访问该网址之前检查该网址的可用性。

 String URL = "" + key + "/running";
instance = restTemplate.getForObject(URL, Instance.class);


要了解服务的可用性,您必须点击 URL,没有其他方法。


Circuit Breaker文档

Netflix’s Hystrix library provides an implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern: when we apply a circuit breaker to a method, Hystrix watches for failing calls to that method, and if failures build up to a threshold, Hystrix opens the circuit so that subsequent calls automatically fail. While the circuit is open, Hystrix redirects calls to the method, and they’re passed on to our specified fallback method

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关于java - 嵌套异常是 org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException : I/O error on GET request for "*": Connection refused (Connection refused);,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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