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我读到this article如何使用复合键构建多对多。这些实体是
class Student {
// ...
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "student")
Set<CourseRating> ratings;
// ...
class Course {
// ...
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "course")
Set<CourseRating> ratings;
// ...
class CourseRating {
CourseRatingKey id;
@JoinColumn(name = "student_id")
Student student;
@JoinColumn(name = "course_id")
Course course;
int rating;
// standard constructors, getters, and setters
class CourseRatingKey implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "student_id")
Long studentId;
@Column(name = "course_id")
Long courseId;
// standard constructors, getters, and setters
// hashcode and equals implementation
现在,我们假设,我想要获取具有特定 courseId 的学生。
那么我的 JPQ 会是什么样子:
select s from Student s join fetch s.ratings r where r.id.courseId=:courserId
select s from Student s join fetch s.ratings r where r.course.id=:courserId
您应该仔细检查此类 JPA 查询的 SQL,因为其中发生的事情可能比您意识到的更多。
您在设置 ManyToMany
与属性 rating
em.createQuery("select s from Student s join fetch s.ratings r where r.course.id = 1", Student.class).getResultList().forEach(s->System.out.println(s + ":" + s.getRatings()));
Hibernate: select student0_.id as id1_2_0_, ratings1_.course_id as course_i1_1_1_, ratings1_.student_id as student_2_1_1_, ratings1_.rating as rating3_1_1_, ratings1_.student_id as student_2_1_0__, ratings1_.course_id as course_i1_1_0__ from Student student0_ inner join CourseRating ratings1_ on student0_.id=ratings1_.student_id where ratings1_.course_id=1
Hibernate: select course0_.id as id1_0_0_ from Course course0_ where course0_.id=?
Student(id=1):[CourseRating(id=model.CourseRatingKey@dd5, student=Student(id=1), course=Course(id=1), rating=11)]
Student(id=2):[CourseRating(id=model.CourseRatingKey@e10, student=Student(id=2), course=Course(id=1), rating=21)]
JPA 将生成一个额外的查询来获取类(class)信息,因为它没有预取。您可以通过自己预取来解决这个问题。
em.createQuery("select s from Student s join fetch s.ratings r join fetch r.course c where c.id = 1", Student.class).getResultList().forEach(s->System.out.println(s + ":" + s.getRatings()));
Hibernate: select student0_.id as id1_2_0_, ratings1_.course_id as course_i1_1_1_, ratings1_.student_id as student_2_1_1_, course2_.id as id1_0_2_, ratings1_.rating as rating3_1_1_, ratings1_.student_id as student_2_1_0__, ratings1_.course_id as course_i1_1_0__ from Student student0_ inner join CourseRating ratings1_ on student0_.id=ratings1_.student_id inner join Course course2_ on ratings1_.course_id=course2_.id where course2_.id=1
Student(id=1):[CourseRating(id=model.CourseRatingKey@dd5, student=Student(id=1), course=Course(id=1), rating=11)]
Student(id=2):[CourseRating(id=model.CourseRatingKey@e10, student=Student(id=2), course=Course(id=1), rating=21)]
em.createQuery("select distinct c from Course c join fetch c.ratings r join fetch r.student where c.id = 1", Course.class).getSingleResult().getRatings().forEach(r->System.out.println(r.getStudent() + ":" + r));
Hibernate: select distinct course0_.id as id1_0_0_, ratings1_.course_id as course_i1_1_1_, ratings1_.student_id as student_2_1_1_, student2_.id as id1_2_2_, ratings1_.rating as rating3_1_1_, ratings1_.course_id as course_i1_1_0__, ratings1_.student_id as student_2_1_0__ from Course course0_ inner join CourseRating ratings1_ on course0_.id=ratings1_.course_id inner join Student student2_ on ratings1_.student_id=student2_.id where course0_.id=1
Student(id=2):CourseRating(id=model.CourseRatingKey@e10, student=Student(id=2), course=Course(id=1), rating=21)
Student(id=1):CourseRating(id=model.CourseRatingKey@dd5, student=Student(id=1), course=Course(id=1), rating=11)
如果您要创建 REST 服务,这也会影响 JSON 格式。在第一个实例中,您有多个包含一个条目的 CourseRatings 数组,在第二个实例中,您只有一个包含评级和学生条目的 CourseRatings 数组。基本上,部分学生列表(每个学生列表都有部分类(class)列表)并不能准确表示数据库,而带有完整学生列表的类(class)则不能准确表示数据库。我目前不确定哪个在 SQL 服务器上更有效,但是类(class)应该比学生少很多,所以如果你想让所有学生都参加类(class),这种方式可能会更好。
使用 JPA,您应该检查 SQL 并仔细测试您的用例。由于有很多学生并且每个学生有几门类(class),因此性能或内存开销可能值得考虑。另请注意,如果您一开始就没有在查询中使用 fetch
关于java - JPQL:查询具有使用组合键建模的多对多关系的实体,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56760483/
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