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.net - DotNetOpenAuth CTP - Facebook 错误请求

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 05:17:43 25 4
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我正在尝试使用 CTP 通过 OAuth 2.0 连接 Facebook。

我可以让对 Facebook 的初始请求工作正常,但是当它返回时我们调用:

// Where null will become an HttpRequestInfo object


The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

我并没有真正对初始代码库做太多;只需将可选值设置为 null(我们仍在使用 .NET 3.5)。任何线索将不胜感激。


  1. 带有 OAuth 2.0 的 DotNetOpenAuth 的计划发布日期
  2. .NET 4.0 是否是先决条件



遇到这个问题后,我写了自己的代码来授权,并获取用户的详细信息。另一种方法是使用 Facebook C# SDK .作为其他任何想自己做的人的入门者,我是这样做的。请注意,我没有调查错误情况。

首先,read facebooks doc关于它是如何工作的(它相当简单!)


private static readonly FacebookClient facebookClient = new FacebookClient();
public ActionResult LoginWithFacebook()
var result = facebookClient.Authorize();
if (result == FacebookAuthorisationResult.RequestingCode)
//The client will have already done a Response.Redirect
return View();
} else if (result == FacebookAuthorisationResult.Authorized)
var user = facebookClient.GetCurrentUser();
return Redirect("/");


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;

namespace Web.Services
public enum FacebookAuthorisationResult
public class FacebookClient
private const String SESSION_NAME_TOKEN = "UserFacebookToken";
public FacebookClient()
TokenEndpoint = new Uri("");
AuthorizationEndpoint = new Uri("");
MeGraphEndpoint = new Uri("");
ClientIdentifier = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
Secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
LocalSubDomain = "";

public Uri TokenEndpoint { get; set; }
public Uri AuthorizationEndpoint { get; set; }
public Uri MeGraphEndpoint { get; set; }
public String Secret { get; set; }
public String ClientIdentifier { get; set; }
private String LocalSubDomain { get; set; }

public FacebookAuthorisationResult Authorize()
var errorReason = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["error_reason"];
var userDenied = errorReason != null;
if (userDenied)
return FacebookAuthorisationResult.Denied;
var verificationCode = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["code"];
var redirectUrl = GetResponseUrl(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url);
var needToGetVerificationCode = verificationCode == null;
if (needToGetVerificationCode)
var url = AuthorizationEndpoint + "?" +
"client_id=" + ClientIdentifier + "&" +
"redirect_uri=" + redirectUrl;
return FacebookAuthorisationResult.RequestingCode;
var token = ExchangeCodeForToken(verificationCode, redirectUrl);
HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_NAME_TOKEN] = token;
return FacebookAuthorisationResult.Authorized;
public Boolean IsCurrentUserAuthorized()
return HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_NAME_TOKEN] != null;
public FacebookGraph GetCurrentUser()
var token = HttpContext.Current.Session[SESSION_NAME_TOKEN];
if (token == null)
return null;
var url = MeGraphEndpoint + "?" +
"access_token=" + token;
var request = WebRequest.CreateDefault(new Uri(url));
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var responseReader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
var responseText = responseReader.ReadToEnd();
var user = FacebookGraph.Deserialize(responseText);
return user;
private String ExchangeCodeForToken(String code, Uri redirectUrl)
var url = TokenEndpoint + "?" +
"client_id=" + ClientIdentifier + "&" +
"redirect_uri=" + redirectUrl + "&" +
"client_secret=" + Secret + "&" +
"code=" + code;
var request = WebRequest.CreateDefault(new Uri(url));
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var responseReader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
var responseText = responseReader.ReadToEnd();
var token = responseText.Replace("access_token=", "");
return token;
private Uri GetResponseUrl(Uri url)
var urlAsString = url.ToString();
var doesUrlContainQuestionMark = urlAsString.Contains("?");
if (doesUrlContainQuestionMark)
// Remove any parameters. Apparently Facebook does not support state:
// If you do not do this, you will get 'Error validating verification code'
urlAsString = urlAsString.Substring(0, urlAsString.IndexOf("?"));
var replaceLocalhostWithSubdomain = url.Host == "localhost";
if (!replaceLocalhostWithSubdomain)
return new Uri(urlAsString);
// Facebook does not like localhost, you can only use the configured url. To get around this, log into facebook
// and set your Site Domain setting, ie
// Next edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, adding the line:
// local.happycow.cow
// And lastly, set LocalSubDomain to local.happycow.cow
urlAsString = urlAsString.Replace("localhost", LocalSubDomain);
return new Uri(urlAsString);
public class FacebookGraph
private static DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(FacebookGraph));
// Note: Changed from int32 to string based on Antonin Jelinek advise of an overflow
[DataMember(Name = "id")]
public string Id { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "name")]
public string Name { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "first_name")]
public string FirstName { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "last_name")]
public string LastName { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "link")]
public Uri Link { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "birthday")]
public string Birthday { get; set; }

public static FacebookGraph Deserialize(string json)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(json))
throw new ArgumentNullException("json");

return Deserialize(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)));

public static FacebookGraph Deserialize(Stream jsonStream)
if (jsonStream == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("jsonStream");

return (FacebookGraph)jsonSerializer.ReadObject(jsonStream);


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