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我正在尝试了解如何在 Eigen 中使用样条曲线,特别是我想在某个点上找到样条插值及其一阶和二阶导数的值。找到内插值很容易,但是当我尝试计算导数时,我得到了奇怪的值。
我尝试按照手册 ( http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/unsupported/classEigen_1_1Spline.html#af3586ab1929959e0161bfe7da40155c6 ) 中关于 derivatives
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/Splines>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
double scaling(double x, double min, double max) // for scaling numbers
return (x - min)/(max - min);
VectorXd scale(VectorXd xvals) // for scaling vectors
const double min = xvals.minCoeff();
const double max = xvals.maxCoeff();
for (int k = 0; k < xvals.size(); k++)
xvals(k) = scaling(xvals(k),min,max);
return xvals;
int main()
typedef Spline<double,1,3> spline;
VectorXd xvals = (VectorXd(4) << 0,1,2,4).finished();
VectorXd yvals = xvals.array().square(); // x^2
spline testspline = SplineFitting<spline>::Interpolate(yvals.transpose(), 3,
cout << "derivative at x = 0: " << testspline.derivatives(0.00,2) << endl;
cout << "derivative at x = 1: " << testspline.derivatives(0.25,2) << endl;
cout << "derivative at x = 2: " << testspline.derivatives(0.50,2) << endl;
cout << "derivative at x = 3: " << testspline.derivatives(0.75,2) << endl;
cout << "derivative at x = 4: " << testspline.derivatives(1.00,2) << endl;
derivative at x = 0: 0 0 32
derivative at x = 1: 1 8 32
derivative at x = 2: 4 16 32
derivative at x = 3: 9 24 32
derivative at x = 4: 16 32 32
也就是说,插值是正确的(c.f. x = 3),但导数不是,它们以系统的方式关闭,所以我想我做错了什么。由于这些遵循 x^2,导数应为 0,2,4,6,8
,二阶导数应为 2
将 x^2
更改为 x^2 + 1
会产生相同的导数,因此至少可以检查。但是将 x^2
更改为 x^3
derivative at x = 2: 8 48 192
derivative at x = 3: 27 108 288
derivative at x = 4: 64 192 384
哪个是错误的,应该是 6, 9, 12
同时运行 x^2
案例,但将输入 vector 更改为 0,1,...9
会产生与使用原始输入 vector 相同的导数,但是二阶导数变为稳定的 200
1/(x_max - x_min)
(一阶导数)1/(x_max - x_min)^2
(二阶导数)。TLDR:您在拟合样条曲线时将 x 值标准化为介于 0 和 1 之间,但没有缩放 y 值。
您实际拟合的不是样条拟合 x^2,而是:
x_norm = (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
y = x_norm**2
因此使用链式法则,y = x_norm**2
的一阶导数为 2x/(x_max - x_min)
,二阶导数为 2/(x_max - x_min)**2
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/Splines>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
VectorXd normalize(const VectorXd &x) {
VectorXd x_norm;
const double min = x.minCoeff();
const double max = x.maxCoeff();
for (int k = 0; k < x.size(); k++) {
x_norm(k) = (x(k) - min)/(max - min);
return x_norm;
int main() {
typedef Spline<double, 1, 3> Spline1D;
typedef SplineFitting<Spline1D> Spline1DFitting;
const Vector4d x{0, 1, 2, 4};
const Vector4d y = (x.array().square()); // x^2
const auto knots = normalize(x); // Normalize x to be between 0 and 1
const double scale = 1 / (x.maxCoeff() - x.minCoeff());
const double scale_sq = scale * scale;
Spline1D spline = Spline1DFitting::Interpolate(y.transpose(), 3, knots);
cout << "1st deriv at x = 0: " << spline.derivatives(0.00, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
cout << "1st deriv at x = 1: " << spline.derivatives(0.25, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
cout << "1st deriv at x = 2: " << spline.derivatives(0.50, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
cout << "1st deriv at x = 3: " << spline.derivatives(0.75, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
cout << "1st deriv at x = 4: " << spline.derivatives(1.00, 1)(1) * scale << endl;
cout << endl;
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Eigen's spline module is not documented well. Once you fit a spline
* to find the derivative of the fitted spline at any point u [0, 1] you call:
* spline.derivatives(u, 1)(1)
* ^ ^ ^
* | | |
* | | +------- Access the result
* | +---------- Derivative order
* +------------- Parameter u [0, 1]
* The last bit `(1)` is if the spline is 1D. And value of `1` for the first
* order. `2` for the second order. Do not forget to scale the result.
* For higher dimensions, treat the return as a matrix and grab the 1st or
* 2nd column for the first and second derivative.
cout << "2nd deriv at x = 0: " << spline.derivatives(0.00, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
cout << "2nd deriv at x = 1: " << spline.derivatives(0.25, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
cout << "2nd deriv at x = 2: " << spline.derivatives(0.50, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
cout << "2nd deriv at x = 3: " << spline.derivatives(0.75, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
cout << "2nd deriv at x = 4: " << spline.derivatives(1.00, 2)(2) * scale_sq << endl;
return 0;
1st deriv at x = 0: 4.52754e-16
1st deriv at x = 1: 2
1st deriv at x = 2: 4
1st deriv at x = 3: 6
1st deriv at x = 4: 8
2nd deriv at x = 0: 2
2nd deriv at x = 1: 2
2nd deriv at x = 2: 2
2nd deriv at x = 3: 2
2nd deriv at x = 4: 2
关于C++ Eigen : spline derivatives() gives strange derivatives,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43571084/
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