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package org.example.foo;
public class Foo {
private int y;
// more code here
public int foo(int x) {
return x + y;
GETFIELD org/example/foo/Foo I;
是否有任何库允许我将 .class 文件解析为这些指令并让我知道在 .class 文件中可以找到每条指令的偏移量?我已经使用 ObjectWeb 的 ASM 来解析和生成 .class 文件,但它没有立即提供此信息。
出于好奇,我决定检查 ASM 源代码。这是读取和访问指令的循环。偏移量存储在局部变量中,但由于某种原因不会传递给访问者。不管怎样,如果你想使用 ASM,似乎唯一的选择就是要么自己修改代码,要么使用丑陋的反射黑客。如果要修改 ASM,只需更改此处所有 vist*Insn
调用以传入 offset
u = codeStart;
while (u < codeEnd) {
int offset = u - codeStart;
// visits the label and line number for this offset, if any
Label l = labels[offset];
if (l != null) {
if ((context.flags & SKIP_DEBUG) == 0 && l.line > 0) {
mv.visitLineNumber(l.line, l);
// visits the frame for this offset, if any
while (FRAMES && frame != null
&& (frame.offset == offset || frame.offset == -1)) {
// if there is a frame for this offset, makes the visitor visit
// it, and reads the next frame if there is one.
if (frame.offset != -1) {
if (!zip || unzip) {
mv.visitFrame(Opcodes.F_NEW, frame.localCount,
frame.local, frame.stackCount, frame.stack);
} else {
mv.visitFrame(frame.mode, frame.localDiff, frame.local,
frame.stackCount, frame.stack);
if (frameCount > 0) {
stackMap = readFrame(stackMap, zip, unzip, frame);
} else {
frame = null;
// visits the instruction at this offset
int opcode = b[u] & 0xFF;
switch (ClassWriter.TYPE[opcode]) {
case ClassWriter.NOARG_INSN:
u += 1;
case ClassWriter.IMPLVAR_INSN:
if (opcode > Opcodes.ISTORE) {
opcode -= 59; // ISTORE_0
mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE + (opcode >> 2),
opcode & 0x3);
} else {
opcode -= 26; // ILOAD_0
mv.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD + (opcode >> 2), opcode & 0x3);
u += 1;
case ClassWriter.LABEL_INSN:
mv.visitJumpInsn(opcode, labels[offset + readShort(u + 1)]);
u += 3;
case ClassWriter.LABELW_INSN:
mv.visitJumpInsn(opcode - 33, labels[offset + readInt(u + 1)]);
u += 5;
case ClassWriter.WIDE_INSN:
opcode = b[u + 1] & 0xFF;
if (opcode == Opcodes.IINC) {
mv.visitIincInsn(readUnsignedShort(u + 2), readShort(u + 4));
u += 6;
} else {
mv.visitVarInsn(opcode, readUnsignedShort(u + 2));
u += 4;
case ClassWriter.TABL_INSN: {
// skips 0 to 3 padding bytes
u = u + 4 - (offset & 3);
// reads instruction
int label = offset + readInt(u);
int min = readInt(u + 4);
int max = readInt(u + 8);
Label[] table = new Label[max - min + 1];
u += 12;
for (int i = 0; i < table.length; ++i) {
table[i] = labels[offset + readInt(u)];
u += 4;
mv.visitTableSwitchInsn(min, max, labels[label], table);
case ClassWriter.LOOK_INSN: {
// skips 0 to 3 padding bytes
u = u + 4 - (offset & 3);
// reads instruction
int label = offset + readInt(u);
int len = readInt(u + 4);
int[] keys = new int[len];
Label[] values = new Label[len];
u += 8;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
keys[i] = readInt(u);
values[i] = labels[offset + readInt(u + 4)];
u += 8;
mv.visitLookupSwitchInsn(labels[label], keys, values);
case ClassWriter.VAR_INSN:
mv.visitVarInsn(opcode, b[u + 1] & 0xFF);
u += 2;
case ClassWriter.SBYTE_INSN:
mv.visitIntInsn(opcode, b[u + 1]);
u += 2;
case ClassWriter.SHORT_INSN:
mv.visitIntInsn(opcode, readShort(u + 1));
u += 3;
case ClassWriter.LDC_INSN:
mv.visitLdcInsn(readConst(b[u + 1] & 0xFF, c));
u += 2;
case ClassWriter.LDCW_INSN:
mv.visitLdcInsn(readConst(readUnsignedShort(u + 1), c));
u += 3;
case ClassWriter.FIELDORMETH_INSN:
case ClassWriter.ITFMETH_INSN: {
int cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(u + 1)];
boolean itf = b[cpIndex - 1] == ClassWriter.IMETH;
String iowner = readClass(cpIndex, c);
cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(cpIndex + 2)];
String iname = readUTF8(cpIndex, c);
String idesc = readUTF8(cpIndex + 2, c);
if (opcode < Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
mv.visitFieldInsn(opcode, iowner, iname, idesc);
} else {
mv.visitMethodInsn(opcode, iowner, iname, idesc, itf);
if (opcode == Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE) {
u += 5;
} else {
u += 3;
case ClassWriter.INDYMETH_INSN: {
int cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(u + 1)];
int bsmIndex = context.bootstrapMethods[readUnsignedShort(cpIndex)];
Handle bsm = (Handle) readConst(readUnsignedShort(bsmIndex), c);
int bsmArgCount = readUnsignedShort(bsmIndex + 2);
Object[] bsmArgs = new Object[bsmArgCount];
bsmIndex += 4;
for (int i = 0; i < bsmArgCount; i++) {
bsmArgs[i] = readConst(readUnsignedShort(bsmIndex), c);
bsmIndex += 2;
cpIndex = items[readUnsignedShort(cpIndex + 2)];
String iname = readUTF8(cpIndex, c);
String idesc = readUTF8(cpIndex + 2, c);
mv.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(iname, idesc, bsm, bsmArgs);
u += 5;
case ClassWriter.TYPE_INSN:
mv.visitTypeInsn(opcode, readClass(u + 1, c));
u += 3;
case ClassWriter.IINC_INSN:
mv.visitIincInsn(b[u + 1] & 0xFF, b[u + 2]);
u += 3;
// case MANA_INSN:
mv.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(readClass(u + 1, c), b[u + 3] & 0xFF);
u += 4;
// visit the instruction annotations, if any
while (tanns != null && tann < tanns.length && ntoff <= offset) {
if (ntoff == offset) {
int v = readAnnotationTarget(context, tanns[tann]);
readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), true));
ntoff = ++tann >= tanns.length || readByte(tanns[tann]) < 0x43 ? -1
: readUnsignedShort(tanns[tann] + 1);
while (itanns != null && itann < itanns.length && nitoff <= offset) {
if (nitoff == offset) {
int v = readAnnotationTarget(context, itanns[itann]);
readAnnotationValues(v + 2, c, true,
context.typePath, readUTF8(v, c), false));
nitoff = ++itann >= itanns.length
|| readByte(itanns[itann]) < 0x43 ? -1
: readUnsignedShort(itanns[itann] + 1);
关于java - 是否有任何库可以解析 JVM 字节码并为您提供每条指令的偏移量?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20693940/
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很难说出这里要问什么。这个问题模棱两可、含糊不清、不完整、过于宽泛或夸夸其谈,无法以目前的形式得到合理的回答。如需帮助澄清此问题以便重新打开,visit the help center . 关闭 1
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