gpt4 book ai didi

c++ - 使用 boost program_options 处理帮助消息,删除默认值或重新格式化帮助消息

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 03:38:26 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
options_description desc("useage: filterfq", options_description::m_default_line_length * 2, options_description::m_default_line_length);

options_description generic("Gerneric options", options_description::m_default_line_length * 2, options_description::m_default_line_length);
("help,h", "produce help message")

options_description param("Parameters", options_description::m_default_line_length * 2, options_description::m_default_line_length);
("checkQualitySystem,c", bool_switch(), "only check quality system of the fastq file")
("baseNrate,N", value<float>() -> default_value(0.05), "maximum rate of \'N\' base allowed along a read")
("averageQuality,Q", value<float>() -> default_value(0), "minimum average quality allowed along a read")
("perBaseQuality,q", value<int>() -> default_value(5), "minimum quality per base allowed along a read")
("lowQualityRate,r", value<float>() -> default_value(0.5), "maximum low quality rate along a read")
("rawQualitySystem,s", value<int>(), "specify quality system of raw fastq\n0: Sanger\n1: Solexa\n2: Illumina 1.3+\n3: Illumina 1.5+\n4: Illumina 1.8+")
("preferSpecifiedRawQualitySystem,p", bool_switch(), "indicate that user prefers the given quality system to process")

options_description input("Input", options_description::m_default_line_length * 2, options_description::m_default_line_length);
("rawFastq,f", value< vector<path> >() -> required() -> multitoken(), "raw fastq file(s) that need cleaned, required")

options_description output("Output", options_description::m_default_line_length * 2, options_description::m_default_line_length);
("cleanQualitySystem,S", value<int>() -> default_value(4), "specify quality system of cleaned fastq, the same as rawQualitySystem")
("outDir,O", value<path>() -> default_value(current_path()), "specify output directory, not used if cleanFastq is specified")
("outBasename,o", value<string>(), "specify the basename for output file(s), required if outDir is specified")
("cleanFastq,F", value< vector<path> >() -> multitoken(), "cleaned fastq file name(s), not used if outDir or outBasename is specified")
("droppedFastq,D", value< vector<path> >() -> multitoken(), "fastq file(s) containing reads that are filtered out")


variables_map vm;
store(command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).run(), vm);
if (vm.count("help")) {
cout << desc << "\n";
return 0;

这里没有给出#include using 命名空间部分。当我键入命令以查看帮助消息时,它向我显示了以下内容

useage: filterfq:

Gerneric options:
-h [ --help ] produce help message

-c [ --checkQualitySystem ] only check quality system of the fastq file
-N [ --baseNrate ] arg (=0.0500000007) maximum rate of 'N' base allowed along a read
-Q [ --averageQuality ] arg (=0) minimum average quality allowed along a read
-q [ --perBaseQuality ] arg (=5) minimum quality per base allowed along a read
-r [ --lowQualityRate ] arg (=0.5) maximum low quality rate along a read
-s [ --rawQualitySystem ] arg specify quality system of raw fastq
0: Sanger
1: Solexa
2: Illumina 1.3+
3: Illumina 1.5+
4: Illumina 1.8+
-p [ --preferSpecifiedRawQualitySystem ] indicate that user prefers the given quality system to process

-f [ --rawFastq ] arg raw fastq file(s) that need cleaned, required

-S [ --cleanQualitySystem ] arg (=4) specify quality system of cleaned fastq, the same as rawQualitySystem
-O [ --outDir ] arg (="/home/tanbowen/filterfq") specify output directory, not used if cleanFastq is specified
-o [ --outBasename ] arg specify the basename for output file(s), required if outDir is specified
-F [ --cleanFastq ] arg cleaned fastq file name(s), not used if outDir or outBasename is specified
-D [ --droppedFastq ] arg fastq file(s) containing reads that are filtered out


  1. 有什么方法可以重新格式化帮助信息吗?
  2. 如果 1 不可能,如何去掉“arg”部分和默认值?
  3. 有什么方法可以对齐右侧的描述吗?


filter -f <some file> -f <some file>




  1. 是的,见下文(展示了收集和显示格式化选项的一般形式)

  2. 查看options_description 的构造函数。它允许您指定列宽。

这是自定义选项值的(真实)示例。在我的例子中,我想收集一个以字节为单位的缓冲区大小,但也希望能够解析 4K 或 1M 之类的东西。

struct bytesize_option
bytesize_option(std::size_t val = 0) : _size(val) {}

std::size_t value() const { return _size; }
void set(std::size_t val) { _size = val; }

std::size_t _size;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, bytesize_option const& hs);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, bytesize_option& hs);

namespace {
static constexpr auto G = std::size_t(1024 * 1024 * 1024);
static constexpr auto M = std::size_t(1024 * 1024);
static constexpr auto K = std::size_t(1024);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, bytesize_option const& hs)
auto v = hs.value();
if (v % G == 0) { return os << (v / G) << 'G'; }
if (v % M == 0) { return os << (v / M) << 'M'; }
if (v % K == 0) { return os << (v / K) << 'K'; }
return os << v;

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, bytesize_option& hs)
std::string s;
is >> s;
static const std::regex re(R"regex((\d+)([GMKgmk]){0,1})regex");
std::smatch match;
auto matched = std::regex_match(s, match, re);
if(!matched) {
throw po::validation_error(po::validation_error::invalid_option_value);
if (match[2].matched)
switch (match[2].str().at(0))
case 'G':
case 'g':
hs.set(std::stoul(match[1].str()) * G);
case 'M':
case 'm':
hs.set(std::stoul(match[1].str()) * M);
case 'K':
case 'k':
hs.set(std::stoul(match[1].str()) * K);
else {
return is;


    return boost::shared_ptr<po::option_description> {
new po::option_description("server.max-header-size,x",
"The maximum size (in bytes) of a HTTP header "
"that the server will accept")

在这种情况下,定义了 _max_hdr_size:

bytesize_option _max_hdr_size;

关于c++ - 使用 boost program_options 处理帮助消息,删除默认值或重新格式化帮助消息,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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