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java - JNA native 函数调用和具有 Double**-Pointer/Array 内存分配的结构

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 03:01:51 25 4
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我在带有 JNA 框架的 Java 应用程序中使用 native c++ dll。我在调用函数时遇到问题。也许我没有正确分配内存?我没有意见,接下来要尝试什么。我没有获得任何更多信息来帮助我摆脱文档和论坛主题。我希望你能给我一个提示,那就太好了。

我想调用 native 函数(例如 FooInterface)。此函数采用结构 TNativeFoo 作为输入和输出参数。结构 TNativeFoo 包含一个 Double**/Double[][] 数据。该字段可以看作是一个多维数组,但第一维的长度仅为 1。因此它更像是一个指向大小为 Items 的 double 组的指针。


 public interface Foodll extends StdCallLibrary {

Foodll INSTANCE = (Foodll) Native.loadLibrary("foodll.dll", Foodll.class);

public static class TNativeFoo extends com.sun.jna.Structure {

public TNativeFoo (){
public TNativeFoo(com.sun.jna.Pointer pointer,int offset) {
public TNativeFoo(TNativeFoo struct) {

public static class ByReference extends TNativeFoo implements com.sun.jna.Structure.ByReference {
ByReference() {}
ByReference(TNativeFoo struct){super(struct.getPointer(),0);}
public static class ByValue extends TNativeFoo implements com.sun.jna.Structure.ByValue {
ByValue() {}
ByValue(TNativeFoo struct){super(struct.getPointer(),0);}

public PointerByReference Data;
public NativeLong Items;
public PointerByReference IrrelevantStringArray;
public NativeLong StringsCounts = new NativeLong(0);

NativeLong FooInterface(TNativeFoo input, TNativeFoo output);

对于函数的调用,我尝试在 native 堆上分配内存并将数据写入其中。在像示例中那样将数据写入 native 堆后,我可以像在示例中使用备选方案 2 那样读取它(我在不调用 native 函数的情况下直接从 inputFoo 尝试了此操作)。像下面的示例一样调用 native 函数会引发致命异常。


public class FooInvocationClass
public static FooInvocationMethod(double[] fooData)

Foodll foodllJnaLib = Foodll.INSTANCE;

Foodll.TNativeFoo outputFoo = new Foodll.TNativeFoo();
Foodll.TNativeFoo inputFoo = new Foodll.TNativeFoo();

//Writing input data to the native heap
Memory dataPointer = new Memory (fooData.length * Double.SIZE);
dataPointer.write(0, fooData, 0, fooData.length);

inputFoo.Data = new PointerByReference();

outputProfile.Data = new PointerByReference();
inputFoo.Items = outputFoo.Items = new NativeLong(fooData.length);

//Setting some irrelevant StringArray Parameters
inputFoo.IrrelevantStringArray = outputFoo.IrrelevantStringArray = new PointerByReference();
inputFoo.StringsCounts = outputFoo.StringsCounts = new NativeLong(0);

foodllJnaLib.FooInterface(inputFoo, outputFoo);

//Reading Output
Pointer outputFooDataPointer = outputFoo.Data.getValue();

//Reading Output alternative 1
Double[] outDataAlt1 = outputFooDataPointer.getDoubleArray(0, outputFoo.items);

//Reading Output alternative 2
Double[] outDataAlt2 = new Double[outputFoo.items];
for (int x = 0; x < outputFoo.items; x += 1)
outDataAlt2[x] = outputFooDataPointer.getDouble(x * 8);


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# Internal Error (0x0), pid=5904, tid=220
# JRE version: 7.0_04-b22
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.0-b21 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [KERNELBASE.dll+0xb9bc] RaiseException+0x58
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# E:\Programme\apache-tomcat-7.0.27\bin\hs_err_pid5904.log

我也可以想象在 64 位系统上运行的 32 位 JVM 和 native 代码存在问题。我在我的 64 位系统上安装了一个 32 位 JVM,因为我遇到了 JNA“找不到 native dll”的问题。


我发现我犯了一个错误,我查看了错误的 Structure 定义,它看起来一样,但不是。所以我必须改变我的问题。


但异常保持不变。也许我在代码中有不止一个错误。所以我的问题又来了,希望现在是正确的,并且比以前有更多的信息。必须 Foo 一些东西(关于公司),但语义保持不变。

我真的没有 h 文件或源代码。我很晚才进入这个项目,而且我只是兼职工作。其他人正在使用 C++/CLI 编写 native 调用程序,并且成功了。所以我附上了下面的代码。 c++/CLI 代码下方是更改后的 Java 代码。


typedef void (__stdcall *TFooInterface) (
void *input,
void *output,
double value,
HANDLE AAppHandle,
HANDLE AProgessBar,
char *AText,
char **ReturnText

//-APrgID is a ID, which tells the Method, what type of processing it should do.
//-The void Pointers both take a TNativeFOO Structure. One is for the input, the other one is for the output.
//-The double-value is a Parameter for the algorithm.
//-The Handle Parameters are for a programm, the dll was created for. They give status about the processing or something like that. We now use the dll in an other context, so they aren't needed anymore.
//-char *AText amd. char **ReturnText are, also not needed anymore. They are for exception handling as far as I know. We handle the Exception in the new Context more general.

typedef struct {
double *Data;
long Items;
unsigned char *String;
long StringCounts;
double Value1, Value2;
char *FileName;
char *DataObject;
char *Comment;
bool Valid;
} TNativeFoo;

//-*Data is a double Array holding the data to process in TFooInterface
//-Items is the lenght of Data
//-*String and StringCounts are not needed anymore, because the dll is used in another way. I can't tell what it is for.
//-Value1, Value2 are Parameters used in the algorithm
//-FileName is for storing the result. Isn't used.
//-DataObject, Comment is also never used. I can't tell what it is for.
//-Valid is a success-flag of the algorithm.

void FooClass::FooIt(double[] FooData, HMODULE hFooLib)

TNativeFoo Input, Output; //Declaration of the Structures
double value;

double[] OutputData = new double[FooData.length];
ID =-35547318716283305;

//setting up the Structures

memset(&Input, 0, sizeof(TNativeFoo));
memset(&Output, 0, sizeof(TNativeFoo));

Output.Data = new double[FooData.length];
Input.Data = &(FooData[0]);
Input.Items = Output.Items = FooData.length;
Input.Value1 = Output.Value1 = 1.3;
Input.Value2 = Output.Value2 = 2.3;
Input.Valid = Output.Valid = true;

FooInterface = (TFooInterface) GetProcAddress(hFooLib, "FooInterface");
FooInterface(&ID, &Input, &Output, value, 0, 0, "", NULL);

for (long i=0; i<Output.Items; i++)
OutputData[i]= Output.Data[i];



Java 定义:

public interface Foodll extends StdCallLibrary {

Foodll INSTANCE = (Foodll) Native.loadLibrary("foodll.dll", Foodll.class);

public static class TNativeFoo extends com.sun.jna.Structure {

public TNativeFoo(){
public TNativeFoo(com.sun.jna.Pointer pointer, int offset) {
setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); //Tested all align-types. I was told this is the one used by the dlls
public TNativeFoo(TNativeProfile struct) {
setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); //Tested all align-types. I was told this is the one used by the dlls
public static class ByReference extends TNativeFoo implements com.sun.jna.Structure.ByReference {
ByReference() {}
ByReferenceTNativeFoo struct){super(struct.getPointer(),0);}
public static class ByValue extends TNativeFoo implements com.sun.jna.Structure.ByValue {
ByValue() {}
ByValueTNativeFoo struct){super(struct.getPointer(),0);}
public Pointer Data;
public double[] getData() {
if (this.Data == null) return null;
return this.Data.getDoubleArray(0, Items.intValue());
public void setData(double[] data) {
if (this.Data == null) {
this.Data = new Memory(data.length * 8);
this.Data.write(0, data, 0, data.length);
public NativeLong Items;
public String String;
public NativeLong StringCounts = new NativeLong(0);
public double Value1;
public double Value2;
public String FileName;
public String DataObject;
public String Comment;
public boolean Valid;

NativeLong FooInterface(DoubleByReference prgid, TNativeFoo input, TNativeFoo output, double value, Pointer aAppHandle, Pointer aProgessBar, String AText, String[] ReturnText);

Java 调用:

public class FooInvocationClass
public static FooInvocationMethod(double[] fooData, ID)
Foodll foodllJnaLib = Foodll.INSTANCE;

Foodll.TNativeFoo outputFoo = new Foodll.TNativeFoo();
Foodll.TNativeFoo inputFoo = new Foodll.TNativeFoo();

outputFoo.setData(new double[fooData.length]);
inputFoo.Items = outputFoo.Items = new NativeLong(fooData.length);

inputFoo.String = outputFoo.String = "";
inputFoo.StringCounts = outputFoo.StringCounts = new NativeLong(0);
inputFoo.Value1 = outputFoo.Value1 = 0.1;
inputFoo.Value2 = outputFoo.Value2 = 0.3;

Double ID =-35547318716283305;
double value = 0.025;
impDriveFiltJnaLib.ProfileFilterInterface(new DoubleByReference(ID), input, output, value, null, null, null, null);

Double[] outDataAlt1 = outputFoo.getDate();


在我解决了 dll 中的文件错误问题后,异常发生了变化。必须再次复制 dll。这解决了无法加载 dll 的问题。

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x027047b8, pid=800, tid=7584
# JRE version: 7.0_04-b22
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.0-b21 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [FooDll.dll+0x47b8] FooInterface+0x2288
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# E:\Programme\apache-tomcat-7.0.27\bin\hs_err_pid800.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.



  1. 您应该尝试使用 jnaerator 为给定的 c/c++ header 生成 java 代码。 (这将是一个很好的起点)。

  2. 根据环境,您的 native double / float 大小将不同于 Java double / float 。即 native double 可能等于 Java float 。所以你也需要检查一下。



关于java - JNA native 函数调用和具有 Double**-Pointer/Array 内存分配的结构,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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