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android - 继续在构造函数上出现 NullPointerException 错误

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 03:00:39 26 4
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我目前正在将 Java 程序转换为 Android 程序,但一直出现此错误。我在过去几天尝试转换它,但我被困在这里


03-24 01:18:21.289: E/AndroidRuntime(2329): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-24 01:18:21.289: E/AndroidRuntime(2329): Process: com.example.ocrtry, PID: 2329
03-24 01:18:21.289: E/AndroidRuntime(2329): java.lang.NullPointerException
03-24 01:18:21.289: E/AndroidRuntime(2329): at com.example.ocrtry.Entry2.downSample(
03-24 01:18:21.289: E/AndroidRuntime(2329): at com.example.ocrtry.MainActivity$1.onClick(

第 231 行:data = sample.getData();

这是 Entry2.downSample 的代码 fragment :

protected Sample sample;
public void downSample()
int w = bmInput.getWidth();
int h = bmInput.getHeight();
int[] pixels = new int[bmInput.getWidth() * bmInput.getHeight()];
bmInput.getPixels(pixels, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h);
pixelMap = (int[])pixels;
findBounds(w, h);
SampleData data;
data = sample.getData();

ratioX = (double) (downSampleRight - downSampleLeft) / (double) data.getWidth();
ratioY = (double) (downSampleBottom - downSampleTop) / (double) data.getHeight();

for (int y = 0; y < data.getHeight(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < data.getWidth(); x++)
if (downSampleQuadrant(x, y))
data.setData(x, y, true);
data.setData(x, y, false);


public class Sample

//The image data.
SampleData data;
* The constructor.
* @param width
* The width of the downsampled image
* @param height
* The height of the downsampled image
Sample(int width, int height)
data = new SampleData(' ', width, height);

* The image data object.
* @return The image data object.
SampleData getData()
return data;

* Assign a new image data object.
* @param data
* The image data object.
void setData(SampleData data)
{ = data;

SampleData 的代码:

public class SampleData

//The downsampled data as a grid of booleans.
protected boolean grid[][];

protected char letter;

* The constructor
* @param letter
* What letter this is
* @param width
* The width
* @param height
* The height
public SampleData(char letter, int width, int height)
grid = new boolean[width][height];
this.letter = letter;

* Set one pixel of sample data.
* @param x
* The x coordinate
* @param y
* The y coordinate
* @param v
* The value to set
public void setData(int x, int y, boolean v)
grid[x][y] = v;

* Get a pixel from the sample.
* @param x
* The x coordinate
* @param y
* The y coordinate
* @return The requested pixel
public boolean getData(int x, int y)
return grid[x][y];

public void clear()
for (int x = 0; x < grid.length; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < grid[0].length; y++)
grid[x][y] = false;
public int getHeight()
return grid[0].length;
public int getWidth()
return grid.length;
public char getLetter()
return letter;
public void setLetter(char letter)
this.letter = letter;
public int compareTo(Object o)
SampleData obj = (SampleData) o;
if (this.getLetter() == obj.getLetter())
return 0;
else if (this.getLetter() > obj.getLetter())
return 1;
return -1;

public boolean equals(Object o)
return (compareTo(o) == 0);
public String toString()
return "" + letter;
public Object clone()

SampleData obj = new SampleData(letter, getWidth(), getHeight());
for (int y = 0; y < getHeight(); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < getWidth(); x++)
obj.setData(x, y, getData(x, y));
return obj;



  SampleData data;
data = sample.getData();

您首先需要一个 SampleData 实例。

 SampleData getData()
return data;



     SampleData data;
data = sample.getData(w,h);

然后在 SampleData 类中:

 SampleData getData(int width, int height)
data = new SampleData(width, height);
return data;

关于android - 继续在构造函数上出现 NullPointerException 错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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