gpt4 book ai didi

c++ - 内存管理的正确方式

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 02:27:49 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

class Word
std::string w;
Word(std::string w) : w(w) {}

class Sentence
std::list<Word *> words;

Sentence(std::list<Word *> words) : words(words) {}

~Sentence() {
for (auto word : words)
delete word;

int main() {
Word *word1 = new Word("abc");
Word *word2 = new Word("def");
Sentence sentence1( std::list<Word *>({word1, word2}) );
Sentence sentence2 = sentence1;
return 0;

(实际类更大;我确实需要使用指向 Word 的指针,在其他函数中分配)对象 word1word2 将被删除两次。我有这些解决问题的选择:

  1. 添加方法 Word * Word::clone(const Word *word)Sentence * Sentence::clone(const Sentence *s) 并在 中调用它们>Sence::operator=。但是在这种情况下,我的程序使用了过多的内存(句子中的单词是相同的,但在内存中分配了两次)。
  2. 使用智能指针。然后我的程序变得有点低效(并且代码变得更复杂)。
  3. bool isCopy 添加到Sentence 并仅在isCopy == false 时删除单词。我认为这看起来很愚蠢。



永远不要使用指向任何东西的指针集合。如果您必须有 word 的堆分配实现,请将其包装在具有类似值行为的句柄类中。



struct word_impl {};   // big thing

auto clone(const word_impl& impl) -> std::unique_ptr<word_impl> {
// clone could if you wished, defer to a virtual clone method
// on word_impl
return std::make_unique<word_impl>(impl);

struct word
// construct from letters
word(const char* letters) : impl_ { std::make_unique<word_impl>(letters) } { }

// let's make it copyable
word(const word& r) : impl_ { clone(r.impl_) } {}

word& operator=(const word& r) {
if (this != std::addressof(r)) {
impl_ = clone(r.impl_);
return *this;

// and moveable
word(word&& r) = default;
word& operator=(word&& r) = default;


std::unique_ptr<word_impl> impl_;





#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/operators.hpp>

// define some protocols that a handle class can inherit from. These
// translate methods on the handle onto methods on the implementation
template<class Handle>
struct implement_ostream_protocol {
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const implement_ostream_protocol &proto) {
auto &ref = static_cast<const Handle &>(proto).get_reference();
return os << ref;

template<class Handle, class Comp = std::less<>>
struct implement_less_than_protocol {
friend bool operator<(const implement_less_than_protocol &l, const implement_less_than_protocol &r) {
auto &lr = static_cast<const Handle &>(l).get_reference();
auto &rr = static_cast<const Handle &>(r).get_reference();
auto comp = Comp();
return comp(lr, rr);

template<class Handle>
struct implement_setValue_protocol {
template<class T>
decltype(auto) setValue(T&& value)
auto &lr = static_cast<Handle &>(*this).get_reference();
return lr.setValue(std::forward<T>(value));

// this is the implementation of a word
struct word_impl {
word_impl(const char *letters) : word_(letters) {
std::cout << "constructed word: " << word_ << std::endl;

word_impl(const word_impl &r) : word_(r.word_) {
std::cout << "copied word: " << word_ << std::endl;

word_impl(word_impl &&r) noexcept : word_(std::move(r.word_)) {
std::cout << "moved word: " << word_ << std::endl;

word_impl &operator=(const word_impl &r) {
if (this != std::addressof(r)) {
word_ = r.word_;
std::cout << "assigned word: " << word_ << std::endl;
return *this;

word_impl &operator=(word_impl &&r) noexcept {
if (this != std::addressof(r)) {
word_ = std::move(r.word_);
std::cout << "move-assigned word: " << word_ << std::endl;
return *this;

// some wordy operations
bool comes_before(const word_impl &r) const {
return word_ < r.word_;

void setValue(const char* p)
std::cout << "value changed from " << word_ << " to " << p << "\n";
word_ = p;

// write myself
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const word_impl &r) {
return os << std::quoted(r.word_);

struct comes_before_op {
bool operator()(const word_impl &l, const word_impl &r) const {
return l.word_ < r.word_;

std::string word_;
}; // big thing

// these are the protocols I want all types of word handles to support
template<class Handle>
struct word_impl_protocols
: implement_ostream_protocol<Handle>,
implement_less_than_protocol<Handle, word_impl::comes_before_op> ,


auto clone(const word_impl &impl) -> std::unique_ptr<word_impl> {
// clone could if you wished, defer to a virtual clone method
// on word_impl
return std::make_unique<word_impl>(impl);

// lets make a copyable word that clones its implementation
struct unique_word
: word_impl_protocols<unique_word> {
// construct from letters
unique_word(const char *letters) : impl_{std::make_unique<word_impl>(letters)} {}

// let's make it copyable
unique_word(const unique_word &r) : impl_{clone(*r.impl_)} {}

unique_word &operator=(const unique_word &r) {
if (this != std::addressof(r)) {
impl_ = clone(*r.impl_);
return *this;

// and moveable
unique_word(unique_word &&r) noexcept = default;

unique_word &operator=(unique_word &&r) noexcept = default;

word_impl const &get_reference() const {
return *impl_;

word_impl &get_reference() {
return *impl_;

// warning - destructive - provides a means to create a
// shared word from a unique_word
auto share() {
return std::shared_ptr<word_impl> {std::move(impl_)};


std::unique_ptr<word_impl> impl_;

// and a word type that shares its implementation
struct shared_word
: word_impl_protocols<shared_word> {
shared_word(const char *letters) : impl_{std::make_shared<word_impl>(letters)} {}

shared_word(unique_word &&source) : impl_{source.share()} {}

const word_impl &get_reference() const { return *impl_; }
word_impl &get_reference() { return *impl_; }

std::shared_ptr<word_impl> impl_;

int main() {

std::cout << "creating first sentence:\n";
std::vector<unique_word> sentence1 = [] {
std::vector<unique_word> result;
return result;

std::cout << "copying first sentence:\n";
std::vector<unique_word> sentence2 = sentence1;
std::sort(sentence2.begin(), sentence2.end(), std::greater<>());

std::copy(sentence1.begin(), sentence1.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unique_word>(std::cout, ", "));
std::cout << std::endl;

std::copy(sentence2.begin(), sentence2.end(), std::ostream_iterator<unique_word>(std::cout, ", "));
std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << "converting first sentence to shared words:\n";
std::vector<shared_word> sentence3;
for (auto& unique : sentence1)
std::copy(sentence3.begin(), sentence3.end(), std::ostream_iterator<shared_word>(std::cout, ", "));
std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << "copying sentence of shared words:\n";
auto sentence4 = sentence3;

std::cout << "changing the first word of a shared word sentence:\n";"xyz");
std::copy(sentence3.begin(), sentence3.end(), std::ostream_iterator<shared_word>(std::cout, ", "));
std::cout << std::endl;
std::copy(sentence4.begin(), sentence4.end(), std::ostream_iterator<shared_word>(std::cout, ", "));
std::cout << std::endl;


creating first sentence:
constructed word: abc
constructed word: def
constructed word: ghi
copying first sentence:
copied word: abc
copied word: def
copied word: ghi
"abc", "def", "ghi",
"ghi", "def", "abc",
converting first sentence to shared words:
"abc", "def", "ghi",
copying sentence of shared words:
changing the first word of a shared word sentence:
value changed from abc to xyz
"xyz", "def", "ghi",
"xyz", "def", "ghi",

关于c++ - 内存管理的正确方式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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