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java - 如何更改我的代码以允许我的 retrace 命令多次工作?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 01:41:29 25 4
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  • L指令表示机器人左转。
  • F指令表示机器人向前移动。
  • T命令表示机器人从用户输入到程序中的内容。例如,如果用户已经输入命令“L COMMAND,R COMMAND”,则用户输入“T 2”,这将需要使机器人右转然后左转,以便向后读取命令数组。 “T 2”表示回溯前两个命令。


如果用户让我的机器人向左转,则用户输入“T 1”以回溯之前输入的命令,然后在用户让机器人前进后输入“T 2”以回溯之前的两个命令停止工作。该程序应该让机器人前进然后左转,因为这是最后输入的两个命令。 “T 1”命令需要被忽略,因为它不被计算在内。如何让我的程序多次成功地回溯命令?


L COMMAND (Turn left)
"T 1" (Retrace the left command - this work)
B COMMAND (Move backwards)
"T 2" (THIS IS WHERE THE PROGRAM STOPS WORKING - the program needs to skip "T 1" and retrace the F command / B command - Here is the issue) you understand?

上面的问题与我的程序中的 T 命令有关。

突出问题的控制台示例 - 这不起作用。机器人应该向后移动并向右移动。应忽略 T 1 命令。

>Move robot right 
>T 1 to retrace last step which works
>Backwards command
>T 2 retrace last two commands.


认为我明白问题所在。您的 commandList 集合应始终保存用户提供的每个命令,除非提供的命令无效。这样您就可以随时回顾已经完成的操作。只需以相反的顺序阅读该列表并忽略回溯(或后退)命令即可。看看下面的代码是否对您有帮助。评论很好:

Scanner input = new Scanner(;
List<String> commandList = new ArrayList<>();
String command = "";

while (!command.equals("Q")) {
System.out.println("Enter Robot Command: ");
command = input.nextLine().trim().toUpperCase();

// Is 'Q'uit desired?
if (command.equals("Q")) {
break; // Break out of WHILE loop
// Validate Command Input!
if (!command.matches("(?i)[LRBF]{1}\\s+\\d{1}\\s+\\d+|(?i)[T]\\s{0,}\\d+")) {
System.out.println("INVALID INPUT!. Try Again...");
continue; // Prompt again...

// Add command to list

// Is a Back-Step command issued?
if (command.startsWith("T")) {
// Yes...get the step number from the command
int step = Integer.parseInt(command.replaceAll("\\s+", "").split("")[1]);
// Is the Back-Step Valid?
if (step > (commandList.size() - 1)) {
// NO it's not
System.out.println("INVALID BACKSTEP INPUT!. Robot hasn't moved "
+ "that many steps! Try Again...");
// Remove failed Back-Step command from list.
commandList.remove(commandList.size() - 1);
continue; // Prompt again...
List<String> backStep = new ArrayList<>(); // Used to hold all back-steps.

// Last index value of commandList (NOT includinmg the Back-step command).
int cmdLastIndex = commandList.size() - 2;

// Acquire the Back-Steps from the commandList in
// reverse order from end to start.
int stepCount = 0; // Keep track of steps gong back
for (int i = cmdLastIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
// If you DON'T want to ignore 'T' commands in
// back-step then comment the following IF block:
if (commandList.get(i).startsWith("T")) {
backStep.add(commandList.get(i)); // Add to backStep List
moveBot(commandList.get(i)); // Move the Bot this particular step location.
stepCount++; // Back-Step oount increment (by 1).
if (stepCount == step) { break; } // If step count = step, exit FOR loop.

// For console display purpose...
System.out.println(backStep); // Display to console.
// Do whatever you want with the backStep List.

continue; // Prompt again for Bot movement input...

// Not a Back-Step so....
moveBot(command); // Move the Bot this particular step location.

关于java - 如何更改我的代码以允许我的 retrace 命令多次工作?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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