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C++ Segfault No 编译错误找不到原因

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-30 01:20:51 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


问题:您找到了一份为期五周的令人兴奋的暑期工作。例如,每小时支付 15.50 美元。假设你为暑期工作收入支付的总税额为 14%。缴纳税款后,您将净收入的 10% 用于购买下一学年的新衣服和其他配饰,另外 1% 用于购买学习用品。买了衣服和学习用品后,你用剩下的钱的 25% 购买储蓄国债。你每花 1 美元购买储蓄债券,你的 parent 就会花费 0.50 美元为你购买额外的储蓄债券。编写一个程序,提示用户输入一小时的工资率和每周工作的小时数。然后程序输出如下: A。您暑期工作的税前和税后收入。 b.你花在衣服和其他配饰上的钱。 C。你花在学习用品上的钱。 d.您用来购买储蓄债券的钱。 e.您 parent 为您购买额外储蓄债券所花的钱。


// Libraries defined 
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//Main function
int main ()


//Input variables
double hourlyrate;
double hweek1;
double hweek2;
double hweek3;
double hweek4;
double hweek5;

//Output variables
double beforetax;
double netincome;
double clothmoney;
double suppliesmoney;
double moneyonbonds;
double additionalbonds;
double remain;

//This statement takes care of the decimal places
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

//Input from user
cout << "Enter your hourly rate: " << hourlyrate;
cin >> hourlyrate;
cout << "Week 1: " << hweek1;
cin >> hweek1;
cout << "Week 2: " << hweek2;
cin >> hweek2;
cout << "Week 3: " << hweek3;
cin >> hweek3;
cout << "Week 4: " << hweek4;
cin >> hweek4;
cout << "Week 5: " << hweek5;
cin >> hweek5;

beforetax = hourlyrate * (hweek1 + hweek2 + hweek3 + hweek4+
hweek5) ;
netincome = beforetax - beforetax * 0.14;
clothmoney = netincome * 0.1;
suppliesmoney = netincome * 0.01;
remain = netincome - clothmoney - suppliesmoney;
moneyonbonds = remain * 0.25;
additionalbonds = static_cast<double>(moneyonbonds) * .50;

//Output to user
cout << endl << "Income before tax = $" << beforetax << endl
<< "Net income = $" << netincome << endl << "Money for clothes/accesories = $"
<< clothmoney << endl << "Money for supplies = $"<< suppliesmoney << endl
<< "Money for saving bonds = $" << moneyonbonds << endl
<< "Additional saving bonds money = $" << additionalbonds;

return 0;


我收到这个错误 enter image description here

cout << "Enter your hourly rate: " << hourlyrate;



cin >> hourlyrate


关于C++ Segfault No 编译错误找不到原因,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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