- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
(function() {
$('form > input').keyup(function() {
var empty = false;
$('form > input').each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
empty = true;
if (empty) {
$('.save-form').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
}) ()
- content_for :javascript_includes do
= javascript_include_tag "dropdown.js", "business.js", "bootstrap-toggle.min.js"
= nested_form_for(@customer_detail) do |f|
- all_views_side_error_messages!(@customer_detail)
= f.label :customer_name,"Organisation/Customer Name", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :customer_name, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :residential_type,"Residential Type", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.check_box :residential_type, autofocus: true, "data-width" => "200", class: "toggle-two-resident select-resident col-sm-3"
= f.label :customer_id,"Customer ID", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :customer_id, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :attention_to,"Attention To", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :attention_to, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :address,"Address", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_area :address, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :city,"City", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :city, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :pin_code,"Pin Code", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :pin_code, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
%div{id: 'state_field'}
= f.label :state,"State", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.select(:state, options_for_select(State.collect_state),{},{class: "selectpicker col-sm-3 column-width-change", prompt: "Select State", "data-live-search": "true"})
%div.hide{id: 'country_field'}
= f.label :country,"Country", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.select(:country, CountryList.collect_country_list,{}, {class: "selectpicker add_class_country dropdown_country col-sm-3 column-width-change", title: "select country", "data-live-search": "true"})
= f.label :email,"Email", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.email_field :email, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :contact_no,"Contact No", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :contact_no, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :website,"Website", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :website, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
%div.hide{id: 'currency_field'}
= f.label :currency_type,"Currency Type", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.select(:currency_type, CurrencyType.collect_currency_type,{},{class: "selectpicker dropdown_business column-width-change", prompt: 'Select', "data-live-search": "true"})
%div{id: 'change_resident'}
= f.label :business_type,"Business Type", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.select(:business_type, BusinessType.collect_business_type,{},{class: "selectpicker dropdown_business column-width-change", prompt: 'Select', "data-live-search": "true"})
= f.label :service_tax_reg_no,"Service tax Registration No", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :service_tax_reg_no, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :pan_no,"PAN No", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :pan_no, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :local_sales_tax_reg_no,"Local Sales Tax Registration No", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :local_sales_tax_reg_no, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :central_sales_tax_no,"Central Sales Tax Registration No", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :central_sales_tax_no, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= render partial: 'customer_details/goods_address', locals: {customer_detail: @customer_detail}
= f.label :opening_bal,"Opening Balance if any?", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right"
= f.text_field :opening_bal, autofocus: true, class: "col-sm-3"
= f.label :business_center,"From which business center invoice is being raised?", class: "col-sm-3 control-label text-right business_center-alignment"
= f.select(:business_center, BusinessType.collect_business_type,{},{class: "selectpicker dropdown_business column-width-change", prompt: 'Select', "data-live-search": "true"})
- can_download = params[:action] == 'edit' ? false : true
= f.submit "Save", class: "btn btn-primary save-form"
= f.submit "cancel", type: :reset, class: "btn btn-primary"
%div{id: 'download_form'}
- if @customer_detail.save
= link_to "Download", download_csv_customer_detail_path(@customer_detail.id, format: "csv"), class: "btn btn-primary", disabled: can_download
= link_to("Print", "javascript:print()", class: "btn btn-primary")
你必须使用 prop
而不是 attr
if (empty) {
$('.save-form').prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$('.save-form').prop('disabled', false);
$('.save-form').prop('disabled', empty);
关于javascript - 在填写字段之前如何禁用提交按钮?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38714541/
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在写关于 SO 的不同问题的答案时,我制作了这个片段: @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Shadows+Into+Light'
试图弄清楚我应该如何在 my_div_class 之前放置一个 span 而不是替换所有它。现在它取代了 div,但我不想这样做。我假设它类似于 :before 但不知道如何使用它。 { va
我正在使用选择库 http://github.hubspot.com/select/和 noUiSlider https://refreshless.com/nouislider/ .我面临的问题如下
我是开发新手,独自工作。我正在使用 Xcode 和 git 版本控制。可能我没有适本地组织和做错事,但我通常决定做 promise 只是为了在我破坏一切之前做出安全点。在那一刻,我发现很难恰本地描述我
我想确保在同一个桶和键上读取和写入时,应该更新获取的值,也就是说,应该在对其进行写入操作之后获取它。我怎样才能做到这一点? 我想要的是,如果我更新一个键的值,如果我同时使用不同线程获取值,则更新同一个
我的问题与this有关问题,已经有了答案: yes, there is a happens-before relationship imposed between actionsof the thre
The before and after hook documentation on Relish仅显示 before(:suite) 在 before(:all) 之前调用。 我什么时候应该使用其中
我有 CSV 行,我想在其中检测所有内部双引号,没有文本限定符。这几乎可以正常工作,但我的正则表达式还可以检测双引号后的字符。 CSV 部分: "7580";"Lorem ipsum";"";"Lor
是否可以通过Youtube数据API检查广告是否可以与特定视频一起显示? 我了解contentDetails.licensedContent仅显示视频是否已上传至同一伙伴然后由其声明版权。由于第三者权
考虑一下用漂亮的彩色图表描述的“像素管道” https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/rendering/ 我有一个元素(比
在 MVC3 中,我可以轻松地将 jQuery 脚本标签移动到页面底部“_Layout.vbhtml” 但是,在 ASP.NET MVC3 中,当您使用编辑器模板创建 Controller 时,脚手
悬停时内容被替换,但是当鼠标离开元素时我希望它变回来。我该怎么做? $('.img-wrap').hover(function(){ $(this).find('h4').text('Go
已关闭。这个问题是 not reproducible or was caused by typos 。目前不接受答案。 这个问题是由拼写错误或无法再重现的问题引起的。虽然类似的问题可能是 on-top
已关闭。这个问题是 not reproducible or was caused by typos 。目前不接受答案。 这个问题是由拼写错误或无法再重现的问题引起的。虽然类似的问题可能是 on-top
已关闭。此问题不符合Stack Overflow guidelines 。目前不接受答案。 已关闭 9 年前。 有关您编写的代码问题的问题必须在问题本身中描述具体问题 - 并包含有效代码以重现该问题。
版本:qwt 6.0.1我尝试开发频谱的对数缩放。我使用简单的线条来启用缩放plotspectrum->setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, new QwtLog10S
我有两个相同的表,I_Subject 和 I_Temp_Subject,我想将 Temp_Subject 表复制到 Subject 表。 I_Temp_Subject 由简单用户使用,I_Subjec
我的印象是第一次绘制发生在触发 DOMContentLoaded 事件之后。特别是,因为我认为为了让第一次绘制发生,需要渲染树,它依赖于 DOM 构造。另外,我知道 DOM 构造完成时会触发 DOMC