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javascript - 文章的作者不会在 Apostrophe CMS 中显示给未登录的用户

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 20:58:43 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我使用 Apostrophe CMS 创建了一个项目并不断开发新的页面和文章。我们发布的内容(文章和页面)将对公众(非登录用户)和登录用户(管理员)可用。

我已经了解 Apostrophe CMS 中架构的基础知识,并且一直在尝试调试以下行为,这个问题的主题:文章的作者不会向未登录的用户显示



  1. 这是为登录用户显示文章缩略图的方式:

< logged-in article thumb >

  1. 这是为登录的用户显示的方式:

< non-logged-in article thumb >

请注意,如果我未登录,则不会显示作者。这是呈现作者拇指的 HTML 部分:

<div class="wrap-content">

{% if piece._author.thumbnail.items.length %}
<img src="{{apos.attachments.url(apos.images.first(piece._author.thumbnail))}}" class="image-user" alt="">
{% endif %}

<h2 class="title">{{piece.title}}</h2>
<p class="description">{{ piece.description }} </p>
  1. 我发现 req.user 设置在 passport 包中,如下图所示:


< passport-set-req-user >

  1. 我归结为一个检查用户是否登录的“if”条件。在下图中,我没有登录,所以 req.user 是未定义的。


< apostrophe-cms-logged-off >

  1. 登录后,用户设置为:


< apostrophe-cms-logged-in >

  1. 登录后,apostrophe-schemas 执行joinByOne 和其他类型的连接。我要加入的是:


addFields: [
name: '_author',
label: 'Author',
type: 'joinByOne',
withType: 'apostrophe-user',
idField: 'userId',

其中userId是创建文章时登录的用户id。它作为 _author 加入。

  1. 在我上面显示的 html 文件中,如果有“piece._author”,它会显示作者,否则不会。不是因为我们从不加入,所以从来没有作者,因此如果我没有登录就不会显示作者。




因此,在@boutell 的帮助下并研究文档后,我解决了这个问题。



  1. 创建了一个新的profiles piece type - 每个用户 1 个个人资料。
  2. 每个个人资料都有一个描述字段(如“关于作者”部分)
  3. 每个 apostrophe-blog 实体都有 1 个 _author(个人资料 ID)
  4. 在插入 user 后设置一个 Hook 以创建和关联其 profile
  5. 在插入 apostrophe-blog 之前设置一个 Hook ,以关联登录用户的 profile
  6. 创建一个迁移,为每个已经存在的用户生成配置文件
  7. 创建 migration 以交换 apostrophe-blog 中的字段和值:
    • 当发现这个问题时,我已经在 apostrophe-blog 中有一个 userId 字段,所以 migration userIduserProfileId,其值不言自明。 如果您没有此字段或还没有任何 apostrophe-blog,则不需要此迁移。


"apostrophe": "^2.37.2",
"apostrophe-blog": "^2.1.1",


  1. 创建了一个新的profiles 片段类型。


    modules: {
'apostrophe-blog': {},
'apostrophe-tags': {},
'profiles': {}, // <-- add this
  1. 创建以下文件夹和文件:


* Module for adding "profile" entity. Every user has its profile. Before article (apostrophe-blog)
* entities are inserted, they have the logged in user's profile id userprofile._id attached to
* the article, as userProfileId field. This way, author of articles are always shown, even to
* non-logged in users. In this file two migrations are included - add profile to existing
* users and change from old "userId" that were in articles to new "userProfileId".
* Run migration with node app.js apostrophe-migrations:migrate.
* @author Alexandre Duarte (

const async = require('async');

module.exports = {

* Default stuff required by ApostropheCMS.
extend: 'apostrophe-pieces',
name: 'profile',
label: 'Profile',
pluralLabel: 'Profiles',
searchable: false,

afterConstruct: function(self, callback) {

* Ensure collection is set and add migrations to DB.
return async.series([
], callback);

beforeConstruct: function(self, options) {

options.addFields = [
* User of profile.
name: '_user',
label: 'User',
type: 'joinByOne',
withType: 'apostrophe-user',
idField: 'userId',

* Optional profile description.
type: 'string',
textarea: true,
name: 'description',
label: 'Description',

* Whether profile is published.
* Does not affect whether author is shown.
type: 'boolean',
name: 'published',
label: 'Published',
def: true,

* Profile thumbnail.
name: 'thumbnail',
type: 'singleton',
widgetType: 'apostrophe-images',
label: 'Picture',
options: {
limit: 1,
aspectRatio: [100,100]
].concat(options.addFields || []);

construct: function(self, options) {

* Ensure collection variable is set.
* @param {Function} callback
self.ensureCollection = function(callback) {
return self.apos.db.collection('aposDocs', function(err, collection) {
self.db = collection;
return callback(err);

* Hook after inserting user. Actually watches on any doc insert,
* so we need the 'if' statement below.
* @param {any} req Request.
* @param {any} doc Doc being inserted.
* @param {any} options Options from hook.
* @param {any} callback
self.docAfterInsert = function(req, doc, options, callback) {

* No doc id, no change.
if (!doc._id) {
return setImmediate(callback);

* If it is an user, we add the profile.
if (doc.type === 'apostrophe-user') {
return self.addUserProfile(req, doc, options, callback);
return setImmediate(callback);

* Hook before inserting article.
* @param {any} req Request.
* @param {any} doc Doc being inserted.
* @param {any} options Options from hook.
* @param {any} callback
self.docBeforeInsert = function(req, doc, options, callback) {

* No doc id, no change.
if (!doc._id) {
return setImmediate(callback);

* If it is a apostrophe-blog, we associate the profile
if (doc.type === 'apostrophe-blog') {
return self.addProfileToArticle(req, doc, options, callback);
return setImmediate(callback);

* Method for creating user profile.
* @param {any} req Request.
* @param {any} user User having profile added.
* @param {any} options Options from hook.
* @param {any} callback
self.addUserProfile = function(req, user, options, callback) {

* Our profile entity.
const profile = {
description: '',
published: true,
userId: user._id,
title: user.title,
slug: user.slug.replace(/^(user\-)?/, 'profile-'),
thumbnail: user.thumbnail

* Insert async.
return async.series({
save: function(callback) {
return self.insert(req, profile, {}, callback);

* Method to add userProfileId to article.
* @param {any} req Request.
* @param {any} article Article having profile associated.
* @param {any} options Options from hook.
* @param {any} callback
self.addProfileToArticle = async function(req, article, options, callback) {

* Currently logged in user.
const user = req.user;

* Extra check.
if (!user) {
return setImmediate(callback);

* This promise should resolve to the
* currently logged in user's profile id.
const profileId = await new Promise(resolve => {

// Get profile of logged in user.
self.db.find({ type:, userId: user._id }, async function(err, cursor) {
if (err) {

const profile = await;

resolve(profile ? profile._id : undefined);

* No profile, no association.
if (!profileId) {
return setImmediate(callback);

* Attach the userProfileId and callback (ApostropheCMS will save the entity).
article.userProfileId = profileId;

return setImmediate(callback);

* Method to add migration that adds profile to already existing users.
* @param {Function} callback
self.addUserProfileMigration = function(callback) {

* Add migration to DB. The callback function will be called
* when running ApostropheCMS's CLI 'migration' command.
self.apos.migrations.add( + '.addUserProfile', function(callback) {

* The users that need migrating.
let usersToMigrate = [];

* Run 'docs' and 'migrate' functions async.
return async.series([ docs, migrate ], callback);

* Get the users that need migrating.
function docs(callback) {

* Get all profiles.
return self.db.find({ type: }, async function(err, profiles) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);

let userIds = [], profile;

* Fill array of userIds from already existing profiles.
while (profile = await {

* Get all users not in userIds (users that have no profile).
* These are the usersToMigrate.
self.db.find({ type: 'apostrophe-user', _id: { $nin: userIds } }, async function(err, users) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);

while (user = await {

return callback(null);

* Run migration.
* @param {Function} callback
async function migrate(callback) {

* Iterate on usersToMigrate and create a profile for each user.
for (let i = 0; i < usersToMigrate.length; i++) {
const user = usersToMigrate[i];

* Our profile entity.
const profile = {
_id: self.apos.utils.generateId(),
description: '',
published: true,
userId: user._id,
title: user.title,
createdAt: user.updatedAt,
slug: user.slug.replace(/^(user\-)?/, 'profile-'),
docPermissions: [],
thumbnail: user.thumbnail,

await new Promise(resolve => self.db.insert(profile, resolve));

return setImmediate(callback);
}, {
safe: true

return setImmediate(callback);


* Migration to swap from userId to userProfileId to
* already existing apostrophe-blog entities.
self.addBlogPageAuthorMigration = function(callback) {

* Add migration to DB. The callback function will be called
* when running ApostropheCMS's CLI 'migration' command.
self.apos.migrations.add( + '.addBlogPageAuthor', function(callback) {

* Mapping of profile id by user id.
const profileMapByUserId = new Map();

* Posts (apostrophe-blog entities) that need migrating.
const postsToMigrate = [];

* Run 'posts', 'profiles' and 'migrate' functions async.
return async.series([ posts, profiles, migrate ], callback);

* Get the posts that need migrating.
* @param {Function} callback
function posts(callback) {

* Get all posts having an userId set (not yet migrated ones).
return self.db.find({ type: 'apostrophe-blog', userId: { $exists: true }}, async function(err, blogPosts) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);

let post;

* Add found posts to postsToMigrate.
while (post = await {

return callback(null);

* Create the profiles mapping by user id.
* @param {Function} callback
function profiles(callback) {

* As this function is running async, we need to set immediate
* callback to not migrate if there are no posts to migrate.
if (!postsToMigrate.length) {

* Get all profiles.
return self.db.find({ type: }, async function(err, profiles) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);

let profile;

* Build mapping.
while (profile = await {
profileMapByUserId.set(profile.userId, profile);

return callback(null);

* Run migration.
* @param {Function} callback
async function migrate(callback) {

let userId, profile, post;

for (let i = 0; i < postsToMigrate.length; i++) {

* Get userId of post.
post = postsToMigrate[i];
userId = post.userId;

if (!userId) {

* Get profile of user.
profile = profileMapByUserId.get(userId);

if (!profile) {

* Swap from userId to userProfileId.
delete post.userId;
post.userProfileId = profile._id;

* Replace the post to the new one having userProfileId.
await new Promise(resolve => self.db.replaceOne({ _id: post._id }, post, resolve));

return callback(null);
}, {
safe: true

return setImmediate(callback);


注意:上面的文件包含一个迁移,假设您在 apostrophe-blog 实体中已经有 userId 字段。同样,如果您没有此字段或还没有任何 apostrophe-blogs,则不需要此迁移。此外,它假定您有用户的缩略图。


  1. 将 _author 字段添加到 apostrophe-blog,删除 userId 字段(如果有)(在迁移前删除是安全的)。


    module.exports = {

addFields: [
{ // <-- add this
name: '_author', // <-- add this
label: 'Author', // <-- add this
type: 'joinByOne', // <-- add this
withType: 'profile', // <-- add this
idField: 'userProfileId' // <-- add this
} // <-- add this
// ...
beforeConstruct: function(self, options) {
// ...
  1. 启动/重启 ApostropheCMS 进程以添加迁移。
  2. 在 CLI 中运行迁移(不记得是否需要运行 ApostropheCMS 才能执行此操作)。


Node app.js apostrophe-migrations:migrate

  1. 对您的 html 文件进行必要的更改以显示作者姓名和缩略图(如果适用)。


注意:本教程不会就您是否需要让您的应用程序 100% 的时间运行进行任何说明。您最终需要将其关闭/重新启动以添加迁移。首先在开发环境中运行测试。

关于javascript - 文章的作者不会在 Apostrophe CMS 中显示给未登录的用户,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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