gpt4 book ai didi

mysql - 如何将每个sql结果存储在循环生成的数据帧中?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 15:44:20 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试测量每个 SQL 查询的查询处理时间。我需要多次运行一些 SQL 查询,但使用随机生成的日期范围。所以我需要保存查询循环中生成的所有结果,但在不同的数据框中。

我尝试过使用 globals(),但问题是我无法生成保存在这些列表中的结果的形状。

导入MySQLdb随机导入从随机导入 randint导入日期时间从日期时间导入时间增量


将 numpy 导入为 np

将 pandas 导入为 pd

db_connection = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="050194.Piku", db = "lineitem")


对于范围 (2) 内的 x: date_range1 =, 1995), randint(1, 12), randint(1, 30)) date_range2 =, 1998), randint(1, 12), randint(1, 30)) mdate1 = str(date_range1.year) + "-"+ str(date_range1.month) + "-"+ str( mdate2 = str(date_range2.year) + "-"+ str(date_range2.month) + "-"+ str(

orderkey = str(randint(1, 6000000))

lineitem_extended_price_range1 = round(random.uniform(900, 90000), 5)
lineitem_extended_price_range2 = round(random.uniform(90001, 110000), 5)
lineitem_ext_price1 = str(lineitem_extended_price_range1)
lineitem_ext_price2 = str(lineitem_extended_price_range2)

order_total_price_range1 = round(random.uniform(850, 85000), 5)
order_total_price_range2 = round(random.uniform(85001, 560000), 5)
order_total_price1 = str(order_total_price_range1)
order_total_price2 = str(order_total_price_range2)

sql_query_lineitem1 = "SELECT * FROM lineitem_table WHERE L_SHIPDATE BETWEEN '" + mdate1 + "' AND '" + mdate2 + "' LIMIT 10;"
# sql_query_lineitem2 = "SELECT * FROM lineitem_table WHERE L_EXTENDEDPRICE BETWEEN '" + lineitem_ext_price1 + "' AND '" + lineitem_ext_price2 + "';"
# sql_query_lineitem3 = "SELECT * FROM lineitem_table WHERE L_ORDERKEY = '" + orderkey + "';"
# sql_query_order4 = "SELECT * FROM order_table WHERE O_ORDERKEY = '" + orderkey + "';"
# sql_query_order5 = "SELECT * FROM order_table WHERE O_ORDERDATE BETWEEN '" + mdate1 + "' AND '" + mdate2 + "';"
# sql_query_order6 = "SELECT * FROM order_table WHERE O_TOTALPRICE BETWEEN '" + order_total_price1 + "' AND '" + order_total_price2 + "';"
# sql_query_join = "SELECT * FROM lineitem_table INNER JOIN order_table ON lineitem_table.L_ORDERKEY = order_table.O_ORDERKEY;"

globals()["mdate1" + str(x)] = mdate1
globals()["mdate2" + str(x)] = mdate2
globals()["ext_price1" + str(x)] = lineitem_ext_price1
globals()["ext_price2" + str(x)] = lineitem_ext_price2
globals()["orderkey" + str(x)] = orderkey
globals()["total_price1" + str(x)] = order_total_price1
globals()["total_price2" + str(x)] = order_total_price2

#average_execution_sum = 0

#initial_time1 = time.time()
d = pd.DataFrame.from_records(cursor.fetchall(), columns=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description])

#time_taken1 = time.time() - initial_time

# cursor.execute(sql_query_lineitem2)
# globals()["df_02" + str(x)] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(cursor.fetchall(), columns=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description])
# cursor.execute(sql_query_lineitem3)
# globals()["df_03" + str(x)] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(cursor.fetchall(), columns=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description])
# cursor.execute(sql_query_order4)
# globals()["df_04" + str(x)] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(cursor.fetchall(), columns=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description])
# cursor.execute(sql_query_order5)
# globals()["df_05" + str(x)] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(cursor.fetchall(), columns=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description])
# cursor.execute(sql_query_order6)
# globals()["df_06" + str(x)] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(cursor.fetchall(), columns=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description])
# cursor.execute(sql_query_join)
# globals()["df_03" + str(x)] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(cursor.fetchall(), columns=[desc[0] for desc in cursor.description])






df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name", db_connection)

将 SQL 查询中选定的表存储到 pandas 数据框 df。

关于mysql - 如何将每个sql结果存储在循环生成的数据帧中?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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