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我已经在 https://bintray.com 上上传了我的 android 库并将其与 Jcenter 存储库链接 http://jcenter.bintray.com/ .现在我想从 JCenter 存储库中删除这个库。我该怎么做?
Unlink a package from JCenter 仅适用于付费客户,OSS用户无法unlink a package from JCenter。
如果你想从 Jcenter 中删除你的包,你只需要取消链接你的包。
输入您的包,单击“取消链接”按钮,然后选择 Jcenter。
但是,您需要了解有关删除内容的重要信息(取自 Bintray User Manual)
An important note about deleting any material:: Any package, version or file you have published, may now be an integral part of someone else’s project and deleting them may damage their work (deleting unpublished files is not a problem since they are not visible to anyone else)
Note: if your package has been linked to someone else’s repository and then you delete the package, Bintray will automatically create a copy of this package. This means that even though the data was deleted, the data still exists in another version somewhere.
我在 JFrog , 背后的公司bintray和
artifactory .
关于android - 如何从 Maven JCenter 中删除我的库?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44434644/