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sql - 计算 postgres 查询中的值实例

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 12:34:34 25 4
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一些 SQL 新手问题..


host    fault                                             fatal groupnameHost A  Data smells iffy                                  n     researchHost B  Flanklecrumpet needs a cuddle                     y     productionHost A  RAM loves EWE                                     n     researchHost Z  One of the crossbeams gone askew on the treadle   y     research

.. and I want to get some stats, I can..

select count(distinct host) as hosts, count(host) as faults, group from tablename group by groupname

.. which gives me the number of faults and affected hosts per groupname.

hosts    faults    groupname
2 3 research
1 1 production



我会使用聚合,但在 Postgres 中会这样表述:

select groupname, count(distinct host) as hosts,
count(*) as num_faults,
count(*) filter (where fatal = 'Y') as num_fatal
from t
group by groupname;

关于sql - 计算 postgres 查询中的值实例,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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