gpt4 book ai didi

ios - OS X 上 OpenCL 的 CMakeListx.txt 文件

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 11:43:32 26 4
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我想在 OS X 上使用 OpenCL 尽可能自动地编译和链接我的代码项目,我知道如何为 C++ 做这件事,但我遇到了 OpenCL 的问题。这是我用作 example 的代码:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef __APPLE__ //Mac OSX has a different name for the header file
#include <OpenCL/opencl.h>
#include <CL/cl.h>

#define MEM_SIZE (128)//suppose we have a vector with 128 elements
#define MAX_SOURCE_SIZE (0x100000)

int main()
//In general Intel CPU and NV/AMD's GPU are in different platforms
//But in Mac OSX, all the OpenCL devices are in the platform "Apple"
cl_platform_id platform_id = NULL;
cl_device_id device_id = NULL;
cl_context context = NULL;
cl_command_queue command_queue = NULL; //"stream" in CUDA
cl_mem memobj = NULL;//device memory
cl_program program = NULL; //cl_prgram is a program executable created from the source or binary
cl_kernel kernel = NULL; //kernel function
cl_uint ret_num_devices;
cl_uint ret_num_platforms;
cl_int ret; //accepts return values for APIs

float mem[MEM_SIZE]; //alloc memory on host(CPU) ram

//OpenCL source can be placed in the source code as text strings or read from another file.
FILE *fp;
const char fileName[] = "./";
size_t source_size;
char *source_str;
cl_int i;

// read the kernel file into ram
fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load kernel.\n");
source_str = (char *)malloc(MAX_SOURCE_SIZE);
source_size = fread( source_str, 1, MAX_SOURCE_SIZE, fp );
fclose( fp );

//initialize the mem with 1,2,3...,n
for( i = 0; i < MEM_SIZE; i++ ) {
mem[i] = i;

//get the device info
ret = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform_id, &ret_num_platforms);
ret = clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT, 1, &device_id, &ret_num_devices);

//create context on the specified device
context = clCreateContext( NULL, 1, &device_id, NULL, NULL, &ret);

//create the command_queue (stream)
command_queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, 0, &ret);

//alloc mem on the device with the read/write flag
memobj = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, MEM_SIZE * sizeof(float), NULL, &ret);

//copy the memory from host to device, CL_TRUE means blocking write/read
ret = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(command_queue, memobj, CL_TRUE, 0, MEM_SIZE * sizeof(float), mem, 0, NULL, NULL);

//create a program object for a context
//load the source code specified by the text strings into the program object
program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char **)&source_str, (const size_t *)&source_size, &ret);

//build (compiles and links) a program executable from the program source or binary
ret = clBuildProgram(program, 1, &device_id, NULL, NULL, NULL);

//create a kernel object with specified name
kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "vecAdd", &ret);

//set the argument value for a specific argument of a kernel
ret = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&memobj);

//define the global size and local size (grid size and block size in CUDA)
size_t global_work_size[3] = {MEM_SIZE, 0, 0};
size_t local_work_size[3] = {MEM_SIZE, 0, 0};

//Enqueue a command to execute a kernel on a device ("1" indicates 1-dim work)
ret = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(command_queue, kernel, 1, NULL, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, NULL, NULL);

//copy memory from device to host
ret = clEnqueueReadBuffer(command_queue, memobj, CL_TRUE, 0, MEM_SIZE * sizeof(float), mem, 0, NULL, NULL);

//print out the result
for(i=0; i<MEM_SIZE; i++) {
printf("mem[%d] : %.2f\n", i, mem[i]);

//clFlush only guarantees that all queued commands to command_queue get issued to the appropriate device
//There is no guarantee that they will be complete after clFlush returns
ret = clFlush(command_queue);
//clFinish blocks until all previously queued OpenCL commands in command_queue are issued to the associated device and have completed.
ret = clFinish(command_queue);
ret = clReleaseKernel(kernel);
ret = clReleaseProgram(program);
ret = clReleaseMemObject(memobj);//free memory on device
ret = clReleaseCommandQueue(command_queue);
ret = clReleaseContext(context);

free(source_str);//free memory on host

return 0;


__kernel void vecAdd(__global float* a)
int gid = get_global_id(0);// in CUDA = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x

a[gid] += a[gid];

这是我的 CMakelists.txt到目前为止:

#Minimal OpenCL CMakeLists.txt by StreamHPC
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.1)
# Handle OpenCL
find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)
add_executable (main main.cpp)
target_include_directories (main PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_link_libraries (main ${OpenCL_LIBRARY})


Failed to load kernel.

我按照这个 answer 手动成功编译了代码, 但我的项目愿意有各种内核和各种 C++ 文件和头文件,因此我想使用 CMake 来自动化项目的编译。

我应该如何修改我的 CMakeLists.txt 脚本?


我猜文件 没有被编译,我不知道什么是保证 CMakeLists.txt 总是编译项目目录中所有 *.cl 文件的正确方法*.cpp。如果可以再次链接到 MKL 会更好。


对于 mac opencl 用作框架,您需要执行以下操作以从框架链接库。

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (montecarlo_cl)
find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)
include_directories( ${OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIR})
set (montecarlo_cl_src montecarlo_ocl.c)
add_executable (montecarlo_cl ${montecarlo_cl_src})
target_link_libraries(montecarlo_cl "-framework OpenCL" )

关于ios - OS X 上 OpenCL 的 CMakeListx.txt 文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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