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ios - 如何检查数组是否包含斐波那契数列?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 10:37:19 26 4
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我在下面的代码中生成了一个斐波那契数列,该数列根据 NSArray 数字中的最高数字停止。我正在尝试检查数字数组中的数字是否都是斐波那契数。我如何比较数字和 fibonacciArray,以便如果数字都是斐波那契数,我的函数将返回 yes,如果数字数组中的某些数字不是斐波那契数,我的函数将返回 no?


 [self onlyFibonacciValues:@[@21, @2, @8, @3]];
[self onlyFibonacciValues:@[@21, @6, @2]];

- (BOOL)onlyFibonacciValues:(NSArray *)numbers {

NSArray *newNumbers = [numbers sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"intValue" ascending:YES]]];
NSMutableArray *sortedArray = [newNumbers mutableCopy];

NSInteger firstFibonacci = 1;
NSInteger secondFibonacci = 2;

NSInteger lastObjectInArray = [sortedArray.lastObject integerValue];

NSMutableArray *fibonacciArray = [NSMutableArray new];
[fibonacciArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:firstFibonacci]];
[fibonacciArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:secondFibonacci]];

while (lastObjectInArray > secondFibonacci) {

secondFibonacci = secondFibonacci + firstFibonacci;
firstFibonacci = secondFibonacci - firstFibonacci;

[fibonacciArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:secondFibonacci]];


return YES;



int curr = 1, prev = 1;
for (NSNumber *n in newNumbers) { // You do not need a mutable copy of the sorted array
int v = [n intValue];
while (curr < v) {
curr += prev;
prev = curr-prev;
// At this point curr is the next Fibonacci number
// which is greater than or equal to the current value
// in the array. Holes and duplicates are allowed.
if (curr != v) return NO;
return YES;

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