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java - for循环跳过数组中的第一个字符串

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 10:00:12 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我目前在我的脚本中遇到一个问题,我使用 for 循环遍历元素数组并检查它们在 GUI 中是否存在。我的问题是 for 循环总是跳过数组的第一个条目。


public class GUIFunctionality {
static Properties config = Data.getProperties("config");
static int Pass = 0;
static Screen s = new Screen();

@Test(priority = 0)
public static void loginGUI() {
WebDriver driver = AutomationWebDriver.getWebDriver("firefox", config.getProperty("url"));

// Test all GUI elements on login screen.

String[] login_elements = { "loginbutton.png", "logintitle.png", "smalllogo.png", "remembermechecked.png",
"signupbutton.png", "signuptitle.png", "changelanguage.png" };
ArrayList<String> passed = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> failed = new ArrayList<String>();

for (String base : login_elements) {
String file = String.format("imagerepo/config/%s", base);
if (s.exists(file) != null) {
System.out.println(file + " has been successfully found.");
} else {
System.out.println(file + " has not been found.");

此脚本完全忽略了 "loginbutton.png",就好像它根本不存在于脚本中一样。我真的很困惑为什么。这是控制台输出:

imagerepo/config/logintitle.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/smalllogo.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/remembermechecked.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/signupbutton.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/signuptitle.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/changelanguage.png has been successfully found.
Found elements: [imagerepo/config/logintitle.png, imagerepo/config/smalllogo.png, imagerepo/config/remembermechecked.png, imagerepo/config/signupbutton.png, imagerepo/config/signuptitle.png, imagerepo/config/changelanguage.png]
Missing elements: []

我想知道我需要更改什么以便 String[] login_elements 的第一个条目包含在 for 循环中。同样有趣的是,向 String[] login_elements 添加一个条目将完全修复它。

做这个小改动:(nobutton.png 是存储库中存在的图像,但不在被测页面上)

String[] login_elements = { "nobutton.png", "loginbutton.png", "logintitle.png", "smalllogo.png",
"remembermechecked.png", "signupbutton.png", "signuptitle.png", "changelanguage.png" };


imagerepo/config/nobutton.png has not been found.
imagerepo/config/loginbutton.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/logintitle.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/smalllogo.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/remembermechecked.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/signupbutton.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/signuptitle.png has been successfully found.
imagerepo/config/changelanguage.png has been successfully found.
Found elements: [imagerepo/config/loginbutton.png, imagerepo/config/logintitle.png, imagerepo/config/smalllogo.png, imagerepo/config/remembermechecked.png, imagerepo/config/signupbutton.png, imagerepo/config/signuptitle.png, imagerepo/config/changelanguage.png]
Missing elements: [imagerepo/config/nobutton.png]



编辑:s.exists(String) 是使用exists 函数的Sikuli 屏幕实例检查页面上的元素是否存在。我真的不认为这与错误有任何关系。我也可能完全错了。我通过反复试验了解了大部分 Sikuli 库(发布日期前后的时间紧缩是一件可怕的事情),所以我对“为什么”的无知非常高,这就是我来这里的原因。


编辑:添加了s的实例。 WebDriver driver = AutomationWebDriver.getWebDriver("firefox", config.getProperty("url")); 行是我用来启动我必须使用的 WebDriver 实例的 Selenium WebDriver 实例与 Sikuli 并存,因为我们的 Web 应用程序是 fubar(6 年的遗留代码)。

另一个编辑:Region.exists() 方法和文档的源代码。

Source Code


这个问题已经得到解答。 @Berger 和@Andy Thomas 还对循环发生的情况提供了一些见解:

I think I have found the source code. exists uses a while loop based on a timeout value, among other things, so a subsequent call with the same parameter, could well return another result, see : - @Berger

I see from another Sikuli source file that the default autoWaitTimeout is 63 seconds, making the race condition easy to observe. Two important lessons from this question are: 1) A default case is frequently useful, especially if it's not expected to occur -- and 2) If you want a single return value, make a single call. - @Andy Thomas


您没有默认情况。您使用的是 if-elseif 而不是 if-else。

for (String base : login_elements) {
String file = String.format("imagerepo/config/%s", base);
if (s.exists(file) != null) {
} else if (s.exists(file) == null) {

您的第二个条件包括对 s.exists(file) 的第二次调用。 如果两个分支都没有输入,则返回的值必须在两次调用之间发生变化。


for (String base : login_elements) {
String file = String.format("imagerepo/config/%s", base);
if (s.exists(file) != null) {
} else {


关于java - for循环跳过数组中的第一个字符串,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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