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java - Libgdx - 从 Rectangle.overlap(Rectangle) 获取相交矩形

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 09:38:00 29 4
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有没有办法知道 libgdx 中两个 Rectangle 之间的交集 Rectangle 面积,就像 C# 中的 Rectangle

我需要获取两个矩形之间的交集矩形区域,但是 libgdx 中的重叠方法只返回 boolean 值,无论两个矩形是否相交。我已经阅读了 Intersector 类,但它没有提供任何相关内容。


事实上,LibGDX 并没有内置这个功能,所以我会这样做:

/** Determines whether the supplied rectangles intersect and, if they do,
* sets the supplied {@code intersection} rectangle to the area of overlap.
* @return whether the rectangles intersect
static public boolean intersect(Rectangle rectangle1, Rectangle rectangle2, Rectangle intersection) {
if (rectangle1.overlaps(rectangle2)) {
intersection.x = Math.max(rectangle1.x, rectangle2.x);
intersection.width = Math.min(rectangle1.x + rectangle1.width, rectangle2.x + rectangle2.width) - intersection.x;
intersection.y = Math.max(rectangle1.y, rectangle2.y);
intersection.height = Math.min(rectangle1.y + rectangle1.height, rectangle2.y + rectangle2.height) - intersection.y;
return true;
return false;

关于java - Libgdx - 从 Rectangle.overlap(Rectangle) 获取相交矩形,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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