gpt4 book ai didi

bash - 杀死所有早于 x 的进程,匹配正则表达式

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 09:29:33 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我试图通过早于 x 的正则表达式终止所有进程 - 但没有找到任何进程!

dep@srv-05:~$ ps aux | grep sidekiq

dep 6154 65.5 4.8 4652148 3170540 ? Ssl 10:00 32:35 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [1 of 8 busy] stopping
dep 6172 80.8 4.3 4462376 2897480 ? Ssl 10:20 23:52 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [8 of 8 busy]
dep 9099 89.9 1.7 2216372 1167664 ? Ssl 10:48 1:23 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [8 of 8 busy]
dep 9548 86.8 1.6 2624832 1097428 ? Ssl 10:48 1:16 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [8 of 8 busy]
dep 14196 0.0 0.0 13224 2076 pts/17 S+ 10:50 0:00 grep --color=auto sidekiq
dep 21933 84.8 4.2 4342940 2792592 ? Ssl 10:41 7:34 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [8 of 8 busy]
dep 26466 29.5 5.8 5116960 3822876 ? Ssl 09:07 30:18 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [1 of 8 busy] stopping
dep 27790 64.3 4.8 5074216 3210584 ? Ssl 09:58 33:34 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [3 of 8 busy] stopping
dep 29695 87.4 3.1 3405204 2094332 ? Ssl 10:44 4:53 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [7 of 8 busy]
dep 29850 0.2 5.0 4663268 3296372 ? Ssl mar02 12:42 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [1 of 8 busy] stopping
dep 29919 87.5 2.7 3207616 1805844 ? Ssl 10:45 4:35 sidekiq 4.2.6 au [8 of 8 busy]

dep@srv-05:~$ killall -o 24h -r sidekiq.*au.*stopping
sidekiq.*au.*stopping: no process found



删除 -o 24h 没有帮助:

dep@srv-05:~$ killall -r sidekiq.*au.*stopping
sidekiq.*au.*stopping: no process found





-o, --older-than Match only processes that are older (started before) the time specified. The time is specified as a float then a unit. The units are s,m,h,d,w,M,y for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, Months and years respectively.

-r, --regexp Interpret process name pattern as an extended regular expression.



pkill -f "sidekiq.*au.*stopping"


-f Match the pattern anywhere in the full argument string of the process instead of just the executable name.



让我们回到老 friend 身边 ps .

来自 ma​​n 页面:

-e Select all processes.

-o format user-defined format.

AIX 格式描述符

This ps supports AIX format descriptors, which work somewhat like the formatting codes of printf(1) and printf(3). For example, the normal default output can be produced with this: ps -eo "%p %y %x %c"

%C pcpu %CPU
%G group GROUP
%P ppid PPID
%U user USER
%a args COMMAND
%c comm COMMAND
%g rgroup RGROUP
%n nice NI
%p pid PID
%r pgid PGID
%t etime ELAPSED
%u ruser RUSER
%x time TIME
%y tty TTY
%z vsz VSZ

首先,要杀死一个进程,我们需要它的PID ,然后获取它运行了多长时间,最后获取命令名称及其参数。


ps -eo "%p>~<%t>~<%a"

注意:选择一个复杂字符串作为字段之间的分隔符很重要 >~< ,我们不希望在命令名称或 args 中找到相同的名称来混淆我们的数据。

为了处理这个输出,让我们组成一个 awk一步一步。

如何让进程运行超过 24 小时?


etime ELAPSED elapsed time since the process was started, in the form [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss

因此,第二个字段中的破折号 表示该程序已运行至少 24 小时。


$ ps -eo "%p>~<%t>~<%a" | awk -v '$2 ~ /-/' FS='>~<'
528>~<49-04:37:37>~</sbin/udevd -d
746>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log800 86400
747>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log445 86400
748>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log1447 86400
749>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log450 86400
2170>~<49-04:37:14>~</sbin/rsyslogd -i /var/run/ -c 5
2204>~<49-04:37:14>~<irqbalance --pid=/var/run/
2270>~<49-04:37:14>~</usr/sbin/mcelog --daemon
6892>~<49-04:37:01>~</usr/sbin/snmpd -LS0-6d -Lf /dev/null -p /var/run/
6920>~<49-04:37:01>~<xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/

注意:FS设置为 ps 中使用的字符串格式:>~<


最后一步,检查是否 command + args ( %a ) 包含我们的 regexp ,对于此示例,rotatelogs 字符串。

$ ps -eo "%p>~<%t>~<%a" | awk -v r="rotate.*access.*" '$2 ~ /-/ && $3 ~ r' FS='>~<'
746>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log800 86400
747>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log445 86400
748>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log1447 86400
749>~<21-08:21:52>~</dummys/apache/bin/rotatelogs -f /logs/access_log450 86400

让我们只打印 pids。

$ ps -eo "%p>~<%t>~<%a" |\
awk -v r="rotate.*access.*" '$2 ~ /-/ && $3 ~ r{printf "%d ",$1}' FS='>~<'
746 747 748 749

Bash command substituion 将做出最后一招。

$ kill $(ps -eo "%p>~<%t>~<%a" |\
awk -v r="rotate.*access.*" '$2 ~ /-/ && $3 ~ r{printf "%d ",$1}' FS='>~<')


kill $(ps -eo "%p>~<%t>~<%c %a"|\
gawk -v r="sidekiq.*au.*stopping" '$2~/-/ && $3 ~ r{print $1}' FS='>~<')


kill $(ps -eo "%p>~<%t>~<%c>~<%a"|\
gawk -v app="sidekiq" -v args="au.*stopping" '$2~/-/ && $3 ~ app && $4 ~ args{printf "%d ",$1}' FS='>~<')

关于bash - 杀死所有早于 x 的进程,匹配正则表达式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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