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MySQL 加入重复问题?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 08:48:39 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

考虑以下 MySQL 表:

死亡率(包含哪些饲养者有死亡仔 pig )

raiserID  |  issuedDate  |  rotationNo |  numberDead
0052 2012-08-03 1 3

PIGLET_PO(包含饲养者购买仔 pig 的交易)


raiserID  |  deliveredDate  |  rotationNo  |  noOfDeliveredPigs  |  sellerID
0052 2012-07-20 1 10 1
0052 2012-07-21 1 15 1


sellerID |  sellerName  
1 Solar Farm


sellerName  |  population  |  deceased
Solar Farm 25 3

  • 饲养员是指照顾/饲养 pig 的人
  • rotationNo 是一个唯一标识符,指的是融资者已经进行或正在进行的融资周期

到目前为止,我有以下查询,它给出了与预期类似的结果,唯一的问题是对于已故列,我得到的值为 6,而不是 3。我不确定,但我的猜测是它与有两条记录/行的 piglet_po 有关。我在这里缺少什么?

SELECT s.sellerName AS sellerName, SUM(p.noOfDeliveredPigs) AS population, SUM(numberDead) AS heads
FROM mortality m

JOIN piglet_po p
ON m.raiserid = p.raiserid
AND m.rotationNo = p.rotationNo

JOIN seller_list s
ON p.sellerID = s.sellerID

// This WHERE condition and the given string value that follow came from and is based on<br/>a select drop-down box and shouldnt be modified since this is how I display them in html
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(m.issuedDate, '%M %Y') = 'August 2012'
GROUP BY sellerName
HAVING SUM(numberDead) != 0


这是因为表 piglet_po(p.rotationNo) 的连接中使用的列有重复值。相反,请尝试此操作,或者您也可以在 SELECT 语句中使用 DISTINCT 子句。

SELECT s.sellerName AS sellerName, SUM(p.noOfDeliveredPigs) AS population, 
SUM(numberDead) AS heads
FROM mortality m
JOIN (SELECT rotationNo, raiserid, sellerID, SUM(noOfDeliveredPigs) AS noOfDeliveredPigs
FROM piglet_po
GROUP BY rotationNo, raiserid, sellerID
) p
ON m.raiserid = p.raiserid
AND m.rotationNo = p.rotationNo
JOIN seller_list s
ON p.sellerID = s.sellerID
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(m.issuedDate, '%M %Y') = 'August 2012'
GROUP BY sellerName
HAVING SUM(numberDead) != 0;

关于MySQL 加入重复问题?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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