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bash - 使用 awk 求列的平均值

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 08:40:51 25 4
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我正在尝试使用 awk 为某个类查找第二列数据的平均值。这是我当前的代码,使用我的讲师提供的框架:


### This script currently prints the total number of rows processed.
### You must edit this script to print the average of the 2nd column
### instead of the number of rows.

# This block of code is executed for each line in the file
read name
awk 'BEGIN{sum+=$2}'
# The script should NOT print out a value for each line
# The END block is processed after the last line is read
# NR is a variable equal to the number of rows in the file
print "Average: " sum/ NR
# Change this to print the Average instead of just the number of rows


awk: avg.awk:11:        awk 'BEGIN{sum+=$2}' $name
awk: avg.awk:11: ^ invalid char ''' in expression


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