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ios - 在获取核心数据之后但在显示 TableView 之前,如何更新依赖于当前时间的字段?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 05:54:14 25 4
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因此,当前在获取数据之后但视图控制器开始显示它之前,在初始应用程序加载时如何以及何时刷新section / nextAlert日期,目前我一直在苦苦挣扎。









case .move:
if let oldPath = indexPath, let newPath = newIndexPath {
os_log("RemindersViewController: Move was triggered, now updating row in table. Old path was %{public}@ and new path is %{public}@", log: OSLog.default, type: .info, oldPath as CVarArg, newPath as CVarArg)
RemindersCell, withReminder: anObject as! Reminders)
configureCell(tableView.cellForRow(at: oldPath) as! RemindersCell, withReminder: anObject as! Reminders)
os_log("RemindersViewController: updated moved cell.", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)

// Don't actually try to move it if the old and new path are the same
if (newPath != oldPath) {
os_log("RemindersViewController: Moving row in table.", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)
tableView.moveRow(at: oldPath, to: newPath)
os_log("RemindersViewController: row moved.", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)


    func configureCell(_ cell: RemindersCell, withReminder reminder: Reminders) {
cell.labelTitleField!.text = reminder.title ?? "New Reminder"
cell.labelAlertField!.text = reminder.nextAlert!.description


// Batch the updates to the table. Start with beginUpdates so all the action animations are queued up.
func controllerWillChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>) {

// Batch the updates to the table. End with endUpdates to trigger the actual animations.
func controllerDidChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>) {


2019-03-23 12:31:09.307801-0500 Scheduler[5711:2218287] RemindersViewContoller in viewDidLoad: Fetched records successfully.
Refreshing reminders!
2019-03-23 12:31:09.311755-0500 Scheduler[5711:2218287] Reminder 'Test Non-recurring Reminder' section updated to Inactive.
2019-03-23 12:31:09.313254-0500 Scheduler[5711:2218287] RemindersViewController: Move was triggered, now updating row in table. Old path was <NSIndexPath: 0x28078e480> {length = 2, path = 0 - 0} and new path is <NSIndexPath: 0x28078f140> {length = 2, path = 1 - 2}
Scheduler was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.






// Handle updating nextAlert and section based on current date and time
func refreshReminders () {

// Loop through the records and update the time-sensitive section and nextAlert fields
print("Refreshing reminders!")
for reminder in fetchedController.fetchedObjects! {
if (reminder.nextAlert! < Date()) {
if (reminder.recurrence != "Never") {
let nextAlert = nextAlertDate(alertDate: reminder.alert!, recurrencePattern: reminder.recurrence)
if (reminder.nextAlert != nextAlert) {
reminder.nextAlert = nextAlert
os_log("Reminder '%{public}@' nextAlert date updated to %{public}@.", reminder.title!, String(describing: reminder.nextAlert!))
let section = getSection(nextAlertDate: reminder.nextAlert!)
if (reminder.section != section) {
reminder.section = section
//print("Reminder section updated to", reminder.section!)
os_log("Reminder '%{public}@' section updated to %{public}@.", reminder.title!, reminder.section!)
} //endfor

// Save changes to core data if there are any
/*if context.hasChanges {
do {
print("RemindersViewController in refreshReminders: Changes to core data, so saving them now.")
} catch {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
let nserror = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)")
} //enddo
}*/ //endif

} //endfunc refreshReminders


2019-03-23 18:26:24.796406-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] AppDelegate: Initialized core data stack
2019-03-23 18:26:24.801211-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371734] AppDelegate: Notification authorization granted.
2019-03-23 18:26:24.806165-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371734] AppDelegate: Set our custom notification categories and actions.
2019-03-23 18:26:24.810726-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] RemindersViewContoller in viewDidLoad: Fetched records successfully.
Refreshing reminders!
2019-03-23 18:26:24.814331-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] Reminder 'Test Non-recurring Reminder' section updated to Inactive.
Number of sections: 2
2019-03-23 18:26:24.815463-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] RemindersViewController in viewWillAppear: We're here. Let's see how often we get triggered!
Number of sections: 2
Number of records in section 1 : 3
Number of records in section 0 : 7
Number of sections: 2
Number of records in section 1 : 3
Number of records in section 0 : 7
2019-03-23 18:26:24.893329-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] RemindersViewController: Move was triggered, now updating row in table. Old path was <NSIndexPath: 0x28047a900> {length = 2, path = 0 - 0} and new path is <NSIndexPath: 0x28047a920> {length = 2, path = 1 - 3}
2019-03-23 18:26:24.893498-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] RemindersViewController: updated moved cell.
2019-03-23 18:26:24.893511-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] RemindersViewController: Moving row in table.
2019-03-23 18:26:24.893524-0500 Scheduler[6383:2371662] RemindersViewController: row moved.
Number of sections: 2
Number of sections: 2
Number of records in section 0 : 6
Number of records in section 1 : 4


2019-03-23 18:35:22.210467-0500 Scheduler[6396:2375020] AppDelegate: Initialized core data stack
2019-03-23 18:35:22.215964-0500 Scheduler[6396:2375092] AppDelegate: Notification authorization granted.
2019-03-23 18:35:22.220937-0500 Scheduler[6396:2375092] AppDelegate: Set our custom notification categories and actions.
2019-03-23 18:35:22.227273-0500 Scheduler[6396:2375020] RemindersViewContoller in viewDidLoad: Fetched records successfully.
Refreshing reminders!
2019-03-23 18:35:22.230832-0500 Scheduler[6396:2375020] Reminder 'Test Non-recurring Reminder' section updated to Inactive.
2019-03-23 18:35:22.232326-0500 Scheduler[6396:2375020] RemindersViewController: Move was triggered, now updating row in table. Old path was <NSIndexPath: 0x282e6d360> {length = 2, path = 0 - 0} and new path is <NSIndexPath: 0x282e6df60> {length = 2, path = 1 - 3}
Scheduler was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available.

configureCell(tableView.cellForRow(at: oldPath) as! RemindersCell, withReminder: anObject as! Reminders)
Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x104048220)


事实证明,即使单元格本身为零,也可以发送移动行请求。 PaulW11指出,这很可能是因为该单元实际上尚未在屏幕上可见。因此,处理此问题的方法是,当且仅当它不是nil时才更新(配置)单元格,但是只要我们有一个有效的oldPath和newPath,就继续处理该行的移动。我更新的效果很好的代码是:

case .move:
// If we have an old and new path, proceed with moving and/or updating the cell
if let oldPath = indexPath, let newPath = newIndexPath {

if let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: oldPath) as? RemindersCell, let reminder = anObject as? Reminders {
os_log("RemindersViewController: Move was triggered, so updating cell in table. Reminder is: %{public}@", log: .default, type: .info, reminder)
configureCell(cell, withReminder: reminder)
os_log("RemindersViewController: Updated moving cell.", log: .default, type: .info)
} else {
os_log("RemindersViewController: Move triggered, but cell isn't yet visible so skipping updating the cell fields.")

// If we have an old and new path, then go ahead and move the cell
os_log("RemindersViewController: Moving row in table.", log: .default, type: .info)
tableView.moveRow(at: oldPath, to: newPath)
os_log("RemindersViewController: Row moved from %{public}@ to %{public}@.", log: .default, type: .info, oldPath as CVarArg, newPath as CVarArg)

// If old and new path invalid, then log that
} else {
os_log("RemindersViewController: Move triggered, but old and new path aren't filled, so ignoring it.", log: .default, type: .error)

关于ios - 在获取核心数据之后但在显示 TableView 之前,如何更新依赖于当前时间的字段?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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