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ios - 是否有一个 swift 库可以让您自定义 JSON 中键的顺序?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 05:09:19 35 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


struct RequestCommand: Codable {
var event: String
var uuid: String
var type: String
var data: [String]

var data = try! JSONEncoder().encode(RequestCommand(event: "click", uuid: "123456", type: "Button", data: ["A", "B", "C"]))

print(String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)!)


"data": [
"event": "click",
"type": "Button",
"uuid": "123456"

正如您所看到的,JSON 中的键顺序与 RequestCommand 中的字段顺序不同。我知道 JSONEncoder 不能保证顺序,而且使用 .sortedKeys 对我来说也不起作用,因为我必须保持 RequestCommand 中字段的确切顺序,并且无法重命名它们。我的问题是,swift 中是否有一个库可以让我选择与 JSON 中的 swift 对象保持完全相同的顺序?


for (key, value) in OrderedDictionary 将保持顺序。

struct OrderedDictionary<KeyType:Hashable, ValueType> {
private var _dictionary:Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>
private var _keys:Array<KeyType>

init() {
_dictionary = [:]
_keys = []

init(minimumCapacity:Int) {
_dictionary = Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>(minimumCapacity:minimumCapacity)
_keys = Array<KeyType>()

init(_ dictionary:Dictionary<KeyType, ValueType>) {
_dictionary = dictionary
_keys = map(dictionary.keys) { $0 }

subscript(key:KeyType) -> ValueType? {
get {
return _dictionary[key]
set {
if newValue == nil {
else {
self.updateValue(newValue!, forKey: key)

mutating func updateValue(value:ValueType, forKey key:KeyType) -> ValueType? {
let oldValue = _dictionary.updateValue(value, forKey: key)
if oldValue == nil {
return oldValue

mutating func removeValueForKey(key:KeyType) {
_keys = _keys.filter { $0 != key }

mutating func removeAll(keepCapacity:Int) {
_keys = []
_dictionary = Dictionary<KeyType,ValueType>(minimumCapacity: keepCapacity)

var count: Int { get { return _dictionary.count } }

// keys isn't lazy evaluated because it's just an array anyway
var keys:[KeyType] { get { return _keys } }

// values is lazy evaluated because of the dictionary lookup and creating a new array
var values:GeneratorOf<ValueType> {
get {
var index = 0
return GeneratorOf<ValueType> {
if index >= self._keys.count {
return nil
else {
let key = self._keys[index]
return self._dictionary[key]

extension OrderedDictionary : SequenceType {
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<(KeyType, ValueType)> {
var index = 0
return GeneratorOf<(KeyType, ValueType)> {
if index >= self._keys.count {
return nil
else {
let key = self._keys[index]
return (key, self._dictionary[key]!)

func ==<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>) -> Bool {
return lhs._keys == rhs._keys && lhs._dictionary == rhs._dictionary

func !=<Key: Equatable, Value: Equatable>(lhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>, rhs: OrderedDictionary<Key, Value>) -> Bool {
return lhs._keys != rhs._keys || lhs._dictionary != rhs._dictionary

关于ios - 是否有一个 swift 库可以让您自定义 JSON 中键的顺序?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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