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mysql - 根据另外两个表更新列值(MySQL)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 02:41:12 25 4
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我有三张 table ,目标是将在“Kyoto Room”举办的所有“Pilates”和“Hatha”类(class)的类(class)价格提高 10%。


RoomNum | RoomName | RoomCapacity | Branch | CostPerHour
001 | Surya Room | 20 | Sydney | 100.00
002 | Chandra Room | 10 | North Sydney | 50.00
003 | Ashtanga Room | 25 | North Sydney | 150.00
004 | Yin Room | 15 | Sydney | 70.00
005 | Kyoto Room | 30 | Sydney | 130.00


YogaId | StartTime | Day | RoomNum | Instructor | Duration
DRU | 10.30 | Wed | 001 | Mark | 60.00
DRU | 17.00 | Tue | 002 | Julie | 90.00
HAT | 18.30 | Mon | 004 | Cora | 60.00
HAT | 7.30 | Tue | 004 | Mark | 90.00
PIL | 17.00 | Thu | 004 | Julie | 60.00
PIL | 18.30 | Wed | 003 | Nicky | 120.00
SUN | 7.30 | Mon | 003 | Mark | 60.00
HAT | 18.30 | Mon | 005 | Cora | 60.00
HAT | 7.30 | Tue | 005 | Mark | 90.00
PIL | 17.00 | Thu | 005 | Julie | 60.00


YogaId | YogaName | ClassPrice
BHA | Bhakti | 17.00
DRU | Dru | 18.50
HAT | Hatha | 20.00
PIL | Pilates | 15.50
SUN | Sunrise | 15.00

我试过此代码并将其更改为不同的变体,但它不起作用。它更新了所有“普拉提”和“Hatha”类(class)的价格,但不是专门针对“Kyoto Room”。我需要帮助。

UPDATE YogaTypes
SET ClassPrice = ClassPrice * 1.1
WHERE YogaId IN (select T.YogaId
from YogaRooms R, YogaTimeTable T, YogaTypes YT
where R.RoomNum = T.RoomNum
and YT.YogaId = T.YogaId
and R.RoomNum = '005')



UPDATE YogaTypes yt JOIN
YogaTimeTable ytt
ON yt.YogaId = ytt.YogaId
SET yt.ClassPrice = yt.ClassPrice * 1.1
WHERE yt.YogaName in ('Pilates', 'Hatha') AND
ytt.RoomNum = '005';

关于mysql - 根据另外两个表更新列值(MySQL),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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