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java - 加速多个 JDBC SQL 查询?

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gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 mysql 数据库研究 java 中的最短路径 a* 算法。我在程序中执行了大约 300 次以下 SQL 查询,以从包含 10,000 个公交连接的数据库中查找路线连接。执行查询 300 次大约需要 6-7 秒。关于如何加快速度的任何建议或关于我可以使用的不同方法的任何想法?谢谢

private HashMap<Coordinate,Node> closedNodes;
private PriorityQueue<Node> openNodes;

private List<Coordinate> calculatePath()
//While there are nodes in the open list
while (!openNodes.isEmpty())
//Get the node with the lowest gVal+hVal
Node node = openNodes.poll();
//Add it to the closed list
//If it is not the goal node
if (!node.equals(goal))
//Get all the neighbours and Create neighbour node
List<Node> neighbours = helper.getNeighbours(node, goal);
//For each neighbour
for (Node neighbourNode : neighbours)
//Check if the neighbour is in the list of open nodes
boolean isInOpen = checkOpenNodes(neighbourNode);
//If it is not in the open nodes and not in the closed nodes
if ((!closedNodes.containsKey(neighbourNode))&& (!isInOpen))
//Add it to the list of open nodes
// We found the path
path = backTrackPath(node);
return path;

* Gets the list of valid Nodes that are possible to travel to from <b>Node</b>
* @param stopNode Node to find neighbours for
* @param goal End Node
* @return list of neighbour Nodes
public ArrayList<Node> getNeighbours(Node stopNode, Node goal)
ArrayList<Node> neighbours = new ArrayList<Node>();
Node neighbourNode;
//get neighbours connected to stop
try {
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select To_Station_id, To_Station_routeID, To_Station_stopID," +
"To_Station_lat, To_Station_lng, Time from connections where Connections.From_Station_stopID ="
+stopNode.getCoord().getStopID()+" ORDER BY Connections.Time");

rs = stmt.getResultSet();
while ( {
int id = rs.getInt("To_Station_id");
String routeID = rs.getString("To_Station_routeID");
String stopID = rs.getString("To_Station_stopID");
String stopName = rs.getString("To_Station_stopName");
Double lat = rs.getDouble("To_Station_lat");
Double lng = rs.getDouble("To_Station_lng");
int time = rs.getInt("Time");
neighbourNode = new Node(id, routeID, stopID, stopName, lat, lng);
neighbourNode.prev = stopNode;
neighbourNode.gVal = stopNode.gVal + time;
neighbourNode.hVal = heuristic.calculateHeuristic(neighbourNode, goal);
catch (SQLException e) {
return neighbours;


  1. 确保您在 connections.From_Station_stopID 上有索引
  2. 而不是 SELECT *,只选择您需要的列
  3. 如果只有 From_Station_stopIDWHERE 子句中的常量每次都更改,请使用参数化的、准备好的查询,这样数据库就不必解析查询和每次构建执行路径,或使用 WHERE From_Station_stopID IN (value1, value2, ...)
  4. 将查询合并为一个查询
  5. 如果您经常重复相同的查询,请确保 MySQL 使用查询缓存

如果您向我们展示了其余代码,其中循环调用查询 300 次,我们可能能够提供进一步的帮助。


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