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使用慢日志查询的 PHP Mysql 优化

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-29 00:58:20 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

你好,我目前仍在研究 mysql 性能,我开始检查 mysql 服务器上的 -log-slow-query 命令。


/usr/sbin/mysqld,版本:5.0.81-community-log(MySQL 社区版 (GPL))。开始于:

Tcp port: 0  Unix socket: (null)
Time Id Command Argument
110211 0:28:16 1 Connect promls_sysdba@localhost on
1 Query SET NAMES utf8
1 Init DB promls_box
1 Query select id , fullname from users where company_id = 7
1 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
1 Query select id , name from groups where company_id = 7 and context = "agency"
1 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:28:26 1 Query SET NAMES utf8
1 Init DB promls_box
1 Query SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS property_id, property_type,property_name, bathrooms, bedrooms, for_sale, for_rent, for_vacational, units,
city,estate,country, rent_price, sale_price, min_price,mid_price, hig_price, max_sale,min_sale, min_rent, max_rent, min_vrental,max_vrental,
category_es category, image, dev_logo, inventory,company_id,broker_id FROM property_listing where property_status in('active','active-rented','active-sold') group by parent order by min_price asc, mid_price asc, hig_price asc, rent_price asc, sale_price asc limit 10, 10
1 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
1 Query SET NAMES utf8
1 Init DB promls_box
1 Query select estate_id,st.description estate from active_locations group by estate_id
1 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
1 Query select city_id , city from active_locations where estate_id =272 group by city_id
1 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
1 Query SET NAMES utf8
1 Init DB promls_box
1 Query select, f.name_es as name from families f inner join category_types ct on ct.category = where type='category' group by
1 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
1 Query select, t.name_es as name from property_types t inner join category_types ct on ct.property_type = where ct.category =12
1 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:28:56 2 Connect root@localhost on
2 Query select id_area , description from areas where parent_area = 2
2 Quit
110211 0:28:58 1 Quit
110211 0:29:01 3 Connect promls_sysdba@localhost on
3 Query SET NAMES utf8
3 Init DB promls_box
3 Query select id , fullname from users where company_id = 7
3 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
3 Query select id , name from groups where company_id = 7 and context = "agency"
3 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:29:43 4 Connect viva_webjun@localhost on
4 Init DB viva_blogen
4 Query SET NAMES utf8
4 Query select name, val from txp_prefs where prefs_id=1 AND user_name=''
4 Query select name, data from txp_lang where lang='en-gb' AND ( event='public' OR event='common')
4 Query select name, code, version from txp_plugin where status = 1 AND type IN (0,1) order by load_order
4 Query select page, css from txp_section where name = 'default' limit 1
4 Query select unix_timestamp(val) from txp_prefs where `name` = 'lastmod' limit 1
4 Query select name from txp_section where in_rss != '1'
4 Query select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, ID as thisid from textpattern where Status = 4 and Section != 'about' and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted desc limit 5
4 Query select RealName from txp_users where `name` = 'webjunkie01' limit 1
4 Query select unix_timestamp(Posted) from textpattern where Posted <= now() and Status >= 4 order by Posted desc limit 1
4 Quit
110211 0:29:44 5 Connect viva_webjun@localhost on
5 Init DB viva_blogen
5 Query SET NAMES utf8
5 Query select name, val from txp_prefs where prefs_id=1 AND user_name=''
5 Query select name, data from txp_lang where lang='en-gb' AND ( event='public' OR event='common')
5 Query select name, code, version from txp_plugin where status = 1 AND type IN (0,1) order by load_order
5 Query select page, css from txp_section where name = 'default' limit 1
5 Query select unix_timestamp(val) from txp_prefs where `name` = 'lastmod' limit 1
5 Query select name from txp_section where in_rss != '1'
5 Query select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, ID as thisid from textpattern where Status = 4 and Section != 'about' and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted desc limit 5
5 Query select RealName from txp_users where `name` = 'webjunkie01' limit 1
5 Query select unix_timestamp(Posted) from textpattern where Posted <= now() and Status >= 4 order by Posted desc limit 1
5 Quit
110211 0:30:02 6 Connect root@localhost on
6 Query show processlist
6 Quit
110211 0:32:28 3 Quit
7 Connect promls_sysdba@localhost on
7 Query SET NAMES utf8
7 Init DB promls_box
7 Query select id , fullname from users where company_id = 7
7 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
7 Query select id , name from groups where company_id = 7 and context = "agency"
7 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:33:02 7 Query SET NAMES utf8
7 Init DB promls_box
7 Query SET NAMES utf8
7 Init DB promls_box
7 Query SET NAMES utf8
7 Init DB promls_box
7 Query select * from message_listing where (company_id = 7 or agency_id =7 ) and ( broker_id =2 ) and readed !=1 limit 0,5
7 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
7 Query SET NAMES utf8
7 Init DB promls_box
7 Query select * from message_listing where message_type = 'networking' and (category_message ='all' or (category_message='city' and area_id = 588 ) or (category_message='estate' and area_id = 272 ) or (category_message='agency' and company_id = 7 )) limit 0,5
7 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
7 Query SET NAMES utf8
7 Init DB promls_box
7 Query select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS id , name, contact, email_contact, phone_contact, address, phone,
fax, email, website, creation_date, last_modification, area_id, area, status , logo, type, owner_id, users,
creator, creator_id
from companies_listing where status = 'active' and type in( 'sponsor' )
7 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:34:20 7 Quit
110211 0:34:44 8 Connect promls_sysdba@localhost on
8 Query SET NAMES utf8
8 Init DB promls_box
8 Query select id , fullname from users where company_id = 7
8 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
8 Query select id , name from groups where company_id = 7 and context = "agency"
8 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:35:01 9 Connect root@localhost on
9 Query show processlist
9 Quit
110211 0:35:16 8 Query SET NAMES utf8
8 Init DB promls_box
8 Query SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS property_id, property_type,property_name, bathrooms, bedrooms, for_sale, for_rent, for_vacational, units,
city,estate,country, rent_price, sale_price, min_price,mid_price, hig_price, max_sale,min_sale, min_rent, max_rent, min_vrental,max_vrental,
category_es category, image, dev_logo, inventory,company_id,broker_id FROM property_listing where property_status in('active','active-rented','active-sold') group by parent order by min_price asc, mid_price asc, hig_price asc, rent_price asc, sale_price asc limit 0, 10
110211 0:35:17 8 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
8 Query SET NAMES utf8
8 Init DB promls_box
8 Query select estate_id,st.description estate from active_locations group by estate_id
8 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
8 Query select city_id , city from active_locations where estate_id =272 group by city_id
8 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
8 Query SET NAMES utf8
8 Init DB promls_box
8 Query select, f.name_es as name from families f inner join category_types ct on ct.category = where type='category' group by
8 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
8 Query select, t.name_es as name from property_types t inner join category_types ct on ct.property_type = where ct.category =12
8 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:35:43 10 Connect promls_sysdba@localhost on
10 Query SET NAMES utf8
10 Init DB promls_box
10 Query select id , fullname from users where company_id = 7
10 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
10 Query select id , name from groups where company_id = 7 and context = "agency"
10 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
8 Quit
110211 0:36:08 10 Query SET NAMES utf8
10 Init DB promls_box
10 Query SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS property_id, property_type,property_name, bathrooms, bedrooms, for_sale, for_rent, for_vacational, units,
city,estate,country, rent_price, sale_price, min_price,mid_price, hig_price, max_sale,min_sale, min_rent, max_rent, min_vrental,max_vrental,
category_es category, image, dev_logo, inventory,company_id,broker_id FROM property_listing where property_status in('active','active-rented','active-sold') group by parent order by min_price asc, mid_price asc, hig_price asc, rent_price asc, sale_price asc limit 0, 10
10 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
10 Query SET NAMES utf8
10 Init DB promls_box
10 Query select estate_id,st.description estate from active_locations group by estate_id
10 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
10 Query select city_id , city from active_locations where estate_id =272 group by city_id
10 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
10 Query SET NAMES utf8
10 Init DB promls_box
10 Query select, f.name_es as name from families f inner join category_types ct on ct.category = where type='category' group by
10 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
10 Query select, t.name_es as name from property_types t inner join category_types ct on ct.property_type = where ct.category =12
10 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
110211 0:36:21 10 Quit
110211 0:36:22 11 Connect promls_sysdba@localhost on
11 Query SET NAMES utf8
11 Init DB promls_box
11 Query select id , fullname from users where company_id = 7
11 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results
11 Query select id , name from groups where company_id = 7 and context = "agency"
11 Query SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS total_results

看起来从 php 到 mysql 的连接需要很多时间,我该如何解决?


我发现您的日志比帮助更令人困惑;这些查询看起来都不是特别复杂,但话又说回来,我不知道你的表结构是什么样的,你有多少服务器负载,或者你的表中有多少记录。如果查询本身实际上运行得非常慢,您可能需要检查您的表是否已正确索引。如果你用 google 搜索 mysql 索引,你可以找到大量信息,如果你真的想深入了解它,请查看这本电子书:

我还注意到有一些查询同时使用了 ORDER BY 和 LIMIT 语句。在这种情况下,您应该查看这两个命令之间的关系,以及如何优化这些类型的查询。查看此站点以获取更多信息:

但是,如果不是查询问题,也许就像您所说的那样,MySQL 很难创建与数据库的连接。如果你有很多用户,可能是你的可用连接数太少,你需要增加 MySQL 并发允许的连接数。看看这里如何做到这一点:

另一方面,如果需要很长时间才能连接到数据库,则可能需要考虑在 PHP 应用程序中使用持久连接。

这些可以减少 PHP 连接数据库的时间。或者,如果您已经在使用持久连接,则可能是您的 PHP 代码在创建连接、启动事务但随后保持连接并占用连接时出现错误,没有留下可用连接其他用户。当您的 PHP 应用程序与数据库交互时,请确保您使用了正确的错误处理。


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