- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
- JMeter 在响应断言中使用 span 标签的问题
- html - 在 :hover and :active? 上具有不同效果的 CSS 动画
- html - 相对于居中的 html 内容固定的 CSS 重复背景?
大约 1 个月前,我仍然可以运行 TeamCity 服务器,但到现在,它说找不到 1.8 版的 Java 可执行文件。
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.1
JRE_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_192
但它仍然说找不到 JAVA_HOME 或 JRE_HOME。
我附在下面的 TeamCity 服务器日志。
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,773] FileTaskSettings [Info] Parsing service settings
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program to execute: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program arguments: /c teamcity-server.bat run service
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program work dir: c:\TeamCity\bin
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program stop timeout: 900000
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] CreateServiceSettingsAction [Info] Service log file is set to: c:\TeamCity\logs\teamcity-winservice.log
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,774] CreateServiceSettingsAction [Info] Installing service unser LOCAL_SYSTEM account
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,776] CreateServiceCommand [Info] Service 'TeamCity' was created
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info]
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info] Use the folloging commands to start/stop the service:
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info] net.exe start TeamCity
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info] to start service
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info]
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info] net.exe stop TeamCity
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info] to stop service
[2018-11-27 10:50:45,778] CreateServiceAction [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings [Info] Parsing service settings
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program to execute: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program arguments: /c teamcity-server.bat run service
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program work dir: c:\TeamCity\bin
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,283] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program stop timeout: 900000
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,284] CreateServiceSettingsAction [Info] Service log file is set to: c:\TeamCity\logs\teamcity-winservice.log
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,284] CreateServiceSettingsAction [Info] Installing service unser LOCAL_SYSTEM account
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,286] CreateServiceCommand [Info] Service 'TeamCity' was created
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction [Info] Use the folloging commands to start/stop the service:
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction [Info] net.exe start TeamCity
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction [Info] to start service
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,287] CreateServiceAction [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,288] CreateServiceAction [Info] net.exe stop TeamCity
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,288] CreateServiceAction [Info] to stop service
[2018-11-27 11:20:16,288] CreateServiceAction [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,729] ThreadedServiceTask [Info] CallStartService
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,729] FileTaskSettings [Info] Parsing service settings
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program to execute: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program arguments: /c teamcity-server.bat run service
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program work dir: c:\TeamCity\bin
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,730] FileTaskSettings [Info] Program stop timeout: 900000
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,834] console [Info] Starting TeamCity server
[2018-11-27 11:20:28,835] console [Info] Looking for installed Java...
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,138] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,138] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,340] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,340] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,845] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:29,845] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,350] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,350] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,451] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,451] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] Java executable of version 1.8 is not found:
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] - Java executable is not found under the specified directories: "c:\TeamCity\jre"
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] - Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] - Path to JVM is not found in Windows registry
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] - Java executable is not found in the default locations
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] - Java executable is not found in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] Please make sure either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable is defined and is pointing to the root directory of the valid Java (JRE) installation
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] Environment variable FJ_DEBUG can be set to enable debug output
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,653] console [Info] Java not found. Cannot start TeamCity server. Please ensure JDK or JRE is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable points to it.
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,754] console [Info] Server exited unexpectedly with code 1 and will be restarted
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,754] console [Info] Starting TeamCity server
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,754] console [Info] Looking for installed Java...
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,956] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:30,956] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,158] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,158] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,360] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,360] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,764] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,764] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,966] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:31,966] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] Java executable of version 1.8 is not found:
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] - Java executable is not found under the specified directories: "c:\TeamCity\jre"
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] - Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] - Path to JVM is not found in Windows registry
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] - Java executable is not found in the default locations
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] - Java executable is not found in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] Please make sure either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable is defined and is pointing to the root directory of the valid Java (JRE) installation
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] Environment variable FJ_DEBUG can be set to enable debug output
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] Java not found. Cannot start TeamCity server. Please ensure JDK or JRE is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable points to it.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,067] console [Info] Server exited unexpectedly with code 1 and will be restarted
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,168] console [Info] Starting TeamCity server
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,168] console [Info] Looking for installed Java...
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,370] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,370] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,571] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,571] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,773] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:32,773] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,177] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,177] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,379] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,379] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] 'findstr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] operable program or batch file.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] Java executable of version 1.8 is not found:
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] - Java executable is not found under the specified directories: "c:\TeamCity\jre"
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] - Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] - Path to JVM is not found in Windows registry
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] - Java executable is not found in the default locations
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] - Java executable is not found in the directories listed in the PATH environment variable
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] Please make sure either JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable is defined and is pointing to the root directory of the valid Java (JRE) installation
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] Team
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] Environment variable FJ_DEBUG can be set to enable debug output
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info]
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] Java not found. Cannot start TeamCity server. Please ensure JDK or JRE is installed and JAVA_HOME environment variable points to it.
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,480] console [Info] Server exited unexpectedly with code 1 and restart limit (3) is reached
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,481] ProcessCommand [Info] Process exited with code: 0
[2018-11-27 11:20:33,581] ServiceExecuteProcessTask [Error] Service process exited without service stop request
阅读此答案后我找到了解决方案 What is the reason for '...' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file? .基本上 TeamCity 只获取 JRE_HOME
变量,而不是 Path
变量,因此它没有 ..\bin
它。我只是在设置 TeamCity 时编辑 JRE_HOME
关于java - TeamCity 服务器找不到 Java 可执行文件,即使我已经设置了它,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53493035/
使用 TeamCity,我在一个项目中设置了多个构建。大多数时候我想将每个构建作为独立运行。但是,有时我想使用相同的参数集执行多个构建。这些构建都使用相同的模板,因此理论上,它们的所有参数都可以由单个
我希望能够将最后一个固定的内部版本号传递给我的 TeamCity 构建步骤。我没有看到可以传入的系统参数,就像我对当前内部版本号所做的那样。 有没有我没有看到的参数?或者有没有办法从 URL 获取版本
我真的无法理解 teamcity (7.1) 中快照依赖的概念。 我们有一个构建项目,它根据构建参数(数据库名称和文件)相应地部署数据库,我有一个构建项目,用于构建和部署我们的 Web 应用程序。 我
我无法从远程计算机浏览到我的团队城市 (JetBrains)。我已按照安装说明进行操作,并且安装进行得很顺利。我可以在服务器上本地浏览 to 应用程序,完全没问题。我将配置文件中的默认服务器 url
我正在尝试重置密码。我正在关注 instructions here .我试过关闭两个服务(TeamCity Build Agent Service 和 TeamCity Web Server)或两者的
我的构建有 10 个步骤。 构建经常在第 10 步失败,尝试将 rpm 部署到神器。 下次构建再次从 1 开始,我可以将构建配置为仅在该步骤失败时从 10step 开始吗? 谢谢 最佳答案 没有内置方
我的构建有 10 个步骤。 构建经常在第 10 步失败,尝试将 rpm 部署到神器。 下次构建再次从 1 开始,我可以将构建配置为仅在该步骤失败时从 10step 开始吗? 谢谢 最佳答案 没有内置方
我正在 TeamCity 中构建 nuget,并且希望在 checkin 触发构建时将后缀“-pre”附加到版本号。当手动触发构建时,我希望能够提供一个复选框,以确定此构建应该是预览版本还是适合生产。
我们在 TeamCity 中的一些构建是灰色的,就像它们被禁用一样。 原因通常并不明显。当我检查有关构建的详细信息时,我没有发现任何值得注意的地方。 这个颜色到底代表什么? 另外:如果像上图一样,在变
在我的组装版本中,我想设置前 3 位数字,第四位数字应通过 Teamcity 设置。 例子: 我在我的 Assambly 中设置了。 那么我的 Teamcity 应该这样做: 2.0.
我正在为我们的团队城市构建服务器设置安全性。我希望所有用户都能够查看所有构建,其中一些构建会生成包含敏感数据(连接字符串等)的工件。是否可以阻止特定角色查看构建工件? 最佳答案 可能有点变通,但如果您
在 TeamCity 8.1 中,我刚刚下载了我的源代码,我要做的第一件事是从我刚刚检索的内容中删除一堆子文件夹。 我不能在“结帐规则”中使用排除项,所以我想我需要一个单独的步骤来在检索源代码后立即运
TeamCity 作业当前失败,因为磁盘空间不足。通过 Administration => Disk usage,我发现构建日志数量过多: 我曾尝试通过 TeamCity UI 清理构建历史,删除最近
我正在开发 Team-city 9.x。我在其中一个发布项目中遇到了一些构建失败。虽然我们已经禁用了构建并且我们不想运行构建。 我正在尝试将构建移动到另一个项目(禁用构建),但我无法移动构建。 因为我
我正在尝试用新构建中的新标签替换添加到构建中的标签。 我可以使用以下命令创建标签: curl -v -H "Content-Type:text/plain" -d "latest" https:///
我的 TeamCity 服务器中有很多项目,用于构建和测试多个站点。我们每晚都使用 Selenium RC 来测试站点,我想重用一个步骤或配置,而不是在每个项目中都有副本。 我已经研究过使用模板,但它
我正在设置合适的 CI 环境,目前正在评估 TeamCity。 (所以我的 TeamCity 经验是不存在的。)。 我已经在干净的 Windows XP(目前)VM 中执行了 TeamCity 5.0
我已经建立了顶级项目一个 在 TeamCity 中。 项目一个 有一个名为 的构建配置A1 . 项目乙 是的子项目一个 . 项目乙 有一个名为 的构建配置B1 . 在这个构建配置中,我定义了两个参数:
我们有一个编译并创建工件的构建。然后我们有另一个 Build,它使用最后一个 Compile 构建并将其部署到适当的环境。完成后,我必须在 TC 中标记已推送到环境中的构建。有没有一种方法可以标记使用
我正要第一次自己设置teamcity。在我不得不说的大多数方面都非常好和简单。但是,我有一个问题无法解决,也无法找到任何相关信息。 当我想发布我的工件时,我想排除某些文件类型。 例子: %system