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python - 墨卡托投影略有偏差

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 21:52:53 30 4
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import math
import os
import DLMaps
#Finds the distance covered in a Static Maps image pixel
def PixDist(zoom,scale=2):
earthCirc = 40075.0 #in Km's
base = 256 #size of google maps at zoom = 0
return earthCirc/(base*scale*(2**zoom))

#Finds the Km distance to the next google static maps image based on size of images,
# and distance per pixel
def DistNextImage(distpp, scale=2, size=640):
return distpp*scale*size

#returns a new Lat, Lon co-ordinate given a starting point, km distance change and
# a NESW direction, values 1-4 being used to represent corresponding direction.
def NewLatLon(lat,lon, dist, direction):
if direction==1:
dist = dist/110.54 #approximate change in latitude mercator projection
lat = lat + dist #heading north
elif direction == 2:
dist = dist/(110.32 * math.cos(math.pi*lat/180.0)) #approx change in lon
lon = lon + dist
elif direction==3:
dist = dist/110.54 #approximate change in latitude mercator projection
lat = lat - dist #heading south
elif direction ==4:
dist = dist/(110.32 * math.cos(math.pi*lat/180.0)) #approx change in lon
lon = lon - dist
return lat, lon


地球不是一个真正的椭球体,有很多坐标系,从一个系统到另一个系统远非易事。你可以看看pyproj众所周知的 proj.4 库的 Python 接口(interface),用于从 Lat-Lon(我假设 WGS84 ...)转换为几乎任何其他坐标,当然包括 Mercator。您可以尝试自己滚动,但有很多注意事项,例如不同的原点子午线、引用椭球的细微差异,您几乎没有希望获得正确和准确的结果。

但是您在 wikipedia 上有一些关于 WGS84 的引用资料|

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