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ios - 为什么整个单词的 sizeWithFont 不同于其字母大小的总和?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 19:03:40 27 4
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为什么整个单词的 sizeWithFont 会产生与其字母大小之和不同的结果?


CGFloat fontSize = 36;
UIFont *font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontSize];

NSArray *wordsToTest = @[@"IIIIIIIII", @"VAVAVAVAV"];

for (NSString *testWord in wordsToTest) {
CGFloat widthOfTextWithFont = [testWord sizeWithFont:font].width;

CGFloat widthOfTextUsingIteration = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < [testWord length]; i++) {
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(i, 1);
NSString *nextLetter = [testWord substringWithRange:range];

widthOfTextUsingIteration += [nextLetter sizeWithFont:font].width;

NSDictionary *attributesKerningDisabled = @{NSFontAttributeName : font,
NSKernAttributeName : @0.0F};
NSAttributedString *attributedStringWithDisabledKerning = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:testWord attributes:attributesKerningDisabled];

NSDictionary *attributesKerningEnabled = @{NSFontAttributeName : font,
NSKernAttributeName : @1.0F};
NSAttributedString *attributedStringWithEnabledKerning = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:testWord attributes:attributesKerningEnabled];

NSLog(@"Test for string: %@", testWord);
NSLog(@"Length of the whole word: %f", widthOfTextWithFont);
NSLog(@"Length of word, using iteration: %f", widthOfTextUsingIteration);
NSLog(@"Length of attributed string with enabled kerning: %f", [attributedStringWithEnabledKerning size].width);
NSLog(@"Length of attributed string with disabled kerning: %f", [attributedStringWithDisabledKerning size].width);


Test for string: IIIIIIIII
Length of the whole word: 84.000000
Length of word, using iteration: 90.000000
Length of attributed string with enabled kerning: 93.000000
Length of attributed string with disabled kerning: 84.000000

Test for string: VAVAVAVAV
Length of the whole word: 204.000000
Length of word, using iteration: 206.000000
Length of attributed string with enabled kerning: 200.000000
Length of attributed string with disabled kerning: 204.000000

这是 Apple 文档的一部分:

NSKernAttributeName The value of this attribute is an NSNumber object containing a floating-point value. This value specifies the number of points by which to adjust kern-pair characters. Kerning prevents unwanted space from occurring between specific characters and depends on the font. The value 0 means kerning is disabled. The default value for this attribute is 0.




( Kerning on wikipedia )

我不相信您对 NSKernAttributeName 的使用会关闭字距调整。我认为在这种情况下使用术语“紧排”是不准确的,它实际上仅指字符之间的额外间距,而不是为字体定义的紧排。

关于ios - 为什么整个单词的 sizeWithFont 不同于其字母大小的总和?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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