gpt4 book ai didi

python - Tensorflow:简单的 3D Convnet 不学习

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 19:02:23 32 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试创建一个用于图像分割的简单 3D U-net,只是为了学习如何使用图层。因此,我进行步幅为 2 的 3D 卷积,然后进行转置反卷积以获得相同的图像大小。我也过度拟合了一个小集(测试集)只是为了看看我的网络是否在学习。

我在 Keras 中创建了相同的网络,它工作得很好。现在我想在 tensorflow 中创建,但我一直遇到问题。



def forward_propagation(X):

if ( mode == 'train'): print(" --------- Net --------- ")

# Convolutional Layer 1
with tf.variable_scope('CONV1'):
Z1 = tf.layers.conv3d(X, filters = 16, kernel =[3,3,3], strides = [ 2, 2, 2], padding='SAME', name = 'S2/conv3d')
A1 = tf.nn.relu(Z1, name = 'S2/ReLU')
if ( mode == 'train'): print("Convolutional Layer 1 S2 " + str(A1.get_shape()))

# DEConvolutional Layer 1
with tf.variable_scope('DeCONV1'):
output_deconv1 = tf.stack([X.get_shape()[0] , X.get_shape()[1], X.get_shape()[2], X.get_shape()[3], 1])
dZ1 = tf.nn.conv3d_transpose(A1, filters = 1, kernel =[3,3,3], strides = [2, 2, 2], padding='SAME', name = 'S2/conv3d_transpose')
dA1 = tf.nn.relu(dZ1, name = 'S2/ReLU')

if ( mode == 'train'): print("Deconvolutional Layer 1 S1 " + str(dA1.get_shape()))

return dA1

def compute_cost(output, target, method = 'dice_hard_coe'):

with tf.variable_scope('COST'):

if (method == 'sigmoid_cross_entropy') :
# Make them vectors
output = tf.reshape( output, [-1, output.get_shape().as_list()[0]] )
target = tf.reshape( target, [-1, target.get_shape().as_list()[0]] )
loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = output, labels = target)
cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss)

return cost


def model(X_h5, Y_h5, learning_rate = 0.009,
num_epochs = 100, minibatch_size = 64, print_cost = True):

ops.reset_default_graph() # to be able to rerun the model without overwriting tf variables
#tf.set_random_seed(1) # to keep results consistent (tensorflow seed)
#seed = 3 # to keep results consistent (numpy seed)
(m, n_D, n_H, n_W, num_channels) = X_h5["test_data"].shape #TTT
num_labels = Y_h5["test_mask"].shape[4] #TTT
img_size = Y_h5["test_mask"].shape[1] #TTT
costs = [] # To keep track of the cost
accuracies = [] # To keep track of the accuracy

# Create Placeholders of the correct shape
X, Y = create_placeholders(n_H, n_W, n_D, minibatch_size)

# Forward propagation: Build the forward propagation in the tensorflow graph
nn_output = forward_propagation(X)
prediction = tf.nn.sigmoid(nn_output)

# Cost function: Add cost function to tensorflow graph
cost_method = 'sigmoid_cross_entropy'
cost = compute_cost(nn_output, Y, cost_method)

# Backpropagation: Define the tensorflow optimizer. Use an AdamOptimizer that minimizes the cost.
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate).minimize(cost)

# Initialize all the variables globally
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# Start the session to compute the tensorflow graph
with tf.Session() as sess:

print('------ Training ------')

# Run the initialization

# Do the training loop
for i in range(num_epochs*m):
# ----- TRAIN -------
current_epoch = i//m

patient_start = i-(current_epoch * m)
patient_end = patient_start + minibatch_size

current_X_train = np.zeros((minibatch_size, n_D, n_H, n_W,num_channels))
current_X_train[:,:,:,:,:] = np.array(X_h5["test_data"][patient_start:patient_end,:,:,:,:]) #TTT
current_X_train = np.nan_to_num(current_X_train) # make nan zero

current_Y_train = np.zeros((minibatch_size, n_D, n_H, n_W, num_labels))
current_Y_train[:,:,:,:,:] = np.array(Y_h5["test_mask"][patient_start:patient_end,:,:,:,:]) #TTT
current_Y_train = np.nan_to_num(current_Y_train) # make nan zero

feed_dict = {X: current_X_train, Y: current_Y_train}
_ , temp_cost =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict=feed_dict)

# ----- TEST -------
# Print the cost every 1/5 epoch
if ((i % (num_epochs*m/5) )== 0):

# Calculate the predictions
test_predictions = np.zeros(Y_h5["test_mask"].shape)

for j in range(0, X_h5["test_data"].shape[0], minibatch_size):

patient_start = j
patient_end = patient_start + minibatch_size

current_X_test = np.zeros((minibatch_size, n_D, n_H, n_W, num_channels))
current_X_test[:,:,:,:,:] = np.array(X_h5["test_data"][patient_start:patient_end,:,:,:,:])
current_X_test = np.nan_to_num(current_X_test) # make nan zero

current_Y_test = np.zeros((minibatch_size, n_D, n_H, n_W, num_labels))
current_Y_test[:,:,:,:,:] = np.array(Y_h5["test_mask"][patient_start:patient_end,:,:,:,:])
current_Y_test = np.nan_to_num(current_Y_test) # make nan zero

feed_dict = {X: current_X_test, Y: current_Y_test}
_, current_prediction =[cost, prediction], feed_dict=feed_dict)
test_predictions[j:j + minibatch_size,:,:,:,:] = current_prediction

print ("[" + str(current_epoch) + "|" + str(num_epochs) + "] " + "Cost : " + str(costs[-1]))
display_progress(X_h5["test_data"], Y_h5["test_mask"], test_predictions, 5, n_H, n_W)

# plot the cost



model(hdf5_data_file, hdf5_mask_file, num_epochs = 500, minibatch_size = 1, learning_rate = 1e-3)

这些是我目前得到的结果: enter image description here enter image description here

编辑:我试过降低学习率,但没有用。我还尝试使用 tensorboard debug,但权重没有更新:

我不确定为什么会这样。我在 keras 中创建了相同的简单模型并且工作正常。我不确定我在 tensorflow 中做错了什么。


不确定您是否仍在寻求帮助,因为我在您发布日期半年后回答这个问题。 :) 我在下面列出了我的观察结果以及一些供您尝试的建议。如果我的主要观察是正确的...那么您可能只需要喝杯咖啡/睡个好觉。


  • tf.reshape( output, [-1, output.get_shape().as_list()[0]] ) 似乎是错误的。如果您更喜欢展平矢量,它应该类似于 tf.reshape(output,[-1,])


  • 对于如此浅的网络,我怀疑该网络是否具有足够的空间分辨率来区分肿瘤体素和非肿瘤体素。你能展示 keras 实现和与纯 tf 实现相比的性能吗?我可能会选择 2+ 层,让我们。假设有 3 层,每层步幅为 2,输入图像宽度为 256,那么最深的编码器层的宽度将为 32。 (如果您的 GPU 内存有限,请对输入图像进行下采样。)
  • 如果更改损失计算不起作用,如@bremen_matt 所述,将 LR 减少到 1e-5。
  • 在基本架构调整后,您“感觉”网络正在学习而不是卡住,尝试增加训练数据,在训练期间添加 dropout、batch norm,然后可能通过添加鉴别器来计算损失。

关于python - Tensorflow:简单的 3D Convnet 不学习,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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