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python - 使用 Autobahn WebSocket 试用单元测试

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 17:48:12 27 4
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我正在尝试为使用 Autobahn 的应用程序编写单元测试。

我想测试我的 Controller ,它从协议(protocol)中获取接收到的数据,解析它并对其使用react。


exceptions.AttributeError: 'MyProtocol' object has no attribute 'state'.

我尝试使用 proto_helpers.StringTransport makeConnection 但是我也有错误

exceptions.AttributeError: StringTransport instance has no attribute 'setTcpNoDelay'`

我正在使用 trial 并且我不想仅出于测试目的运行虚拟服务器/客户端,因为不推荐这样做。



如果不查看 MyProtocol 类,很难准确地说出发生了什么。这个问题听起来很像是因为你直接在低级函数上乱搞,因此也是 WebSocket 类的 state 属性,也就是,表示 WebSocket 连接的内部状态。

根据 the autobahn reference doc ,您可以直接使用和覆盖的 WebSicketProtocol API 是:

  • 打开
  • onMessage
  • 关闭
  • 发送消息
  • 发送关闭

您使用 StringTransport 测试协议(protocol)的方法并不理想。问题在于 MyProtocol 是 autobahn 提供的 WebSocketProtocol 框架之上的一个小层,无论好坏,它都隐藏了有关管理连接的细节,传输和内部协议(protocol)状态。

如果你考虑一下,你想测试你的东西,而不是 WebSocketProtocol,因此如果你不想嵌入虚拟服务器或客户端,最好的办法是直接测试那些方法MyProtocol 覆盖。


class MyPublisher(object):

def publish(self, msg):
if self.cbk:

class MyProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):

def __init__(self, publisher):
#Defining callback for publisher
publisher.cbk = self.sendMessage

def onMessage(self, msg, binary)
#Stupid echo

class NotificationTest(unittest.TestCase):

class MyProtocolFactory(WebSocketServerFactory):
def __init__(self, publisher):
WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, "ws://")
self.publisher = publisher
self.openHandshakeTimeout = None

def buildProtocol(self, addr):
protocol = MyProtocol(self.listener)
protocol.factory = self
protocol.websocket_version = 13 #Hybi version 13 is supported by pretty much everyone (apart from IE <8 and android browsers)
return protocol

def setUp(self):
publisher = task.LoopingCall(self.send_stuff, "Hi there")
factory = NotificationTest.MyProtocolFactory(listener)
protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
def play_dumb(*args): pass
setattr(transport, "setTcpNoDelay", play_dumb)
self.protocol, self.transport, self.publisher, self.fingerprint_handler = protocol, transport, publisher, fingerprint_handler

def test_onMessage(self):
#Following 2 lines are the problematic part. Here you are manipulating explicitly a hidden state which your implementation should not be concerned with!
self.protocol.state = WebSocketProtocol.STATE_OPEN
self.protocol.websocket_version = 13
self.assertEqual(self.transport.value()[2:], 'Whatever')

def test_push(self):
#Following 2 lines are the problematic part. Here you are manipulating explicitly a hidden state which your implementation should not be concerned with!
self.protocol.state = WebSocketProtocol.STATE_OPEN
self.protocol.websocket_version = 13
self.publisher.publish("Hi there")
self.assertEqual(self.transport.value()[2:], 'Hi There')

您可能已经注意到,在这里使用 StringTransport 非常麻烦。您必须了解 underline 框架并绕过它的状态管理,这是您不想做的事情。不幸的是,autobahn 不提供允许简单状态操作的现成可用测试对象,因此我使用虚拟服务器和客户端的建议仍然有效




from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase as TrialTest
from autobahn.websocket import WebSocketServerProtocol, WebSocketServerFactory, WebSocketClientProtocol, WebSocketClientFactory, connectWS, listenWS
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from twisted.internet import task


class TestServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):

def __init__(self):
#The publisher task simulates an event that triggers a message push
self.publisher = task.LoopingCall(self.send_stuff, "Hi there")

def send_stuff(self, msg):
#this method sends a message to the client

def _on_start(self):
#here we trigger the task to execute every second

def onMessage(self, message, binary):
#According to this stupid protocol, the server starts sending stuff when the client sends a "START" message
#You can plug other commands in here
START : self._on_start
#Put other keys here

def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
#After closing the connection, we tell the task to stop sending messages


下一类是客户端协议(protocol)。它基本上告诉服务器开始推送消息。它调用它们的 close_condition 来查看是否到了关闭连接的时间,并且作为最后一件事,它调用了它收到的消息的 assertion 函数来查看是否测试成功与否

class TestClientProtocol(WebSocketClientProtocol):
def __init__(self, assertion, close_condition, timeout, *args, **kwargs):
self.assertion = assertion
self.close_condition = close_condition
self._received_msgs = []
from twisted.internet import reactor
#This is a way to set a timeout for your test
#in case you never meet the conditions dictated by close_condition
self.damocle_sword = reactor.callLater(timeout, self.sendClose)

def onOpen(self):
#After the connection has been established,
#you can tell the server to send its stuff

def onMessage(self, msg, binary):
#Here you get the messages pushed from the server
#If it is time to close the connection
if self.close_condition(msg):

def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
#Now it is the right time to check our test assertions

class TestClientProtocolFactory(WebSocketClientFactory):
def __init__(self, assertion, close_condition, timeout, **kwargs):
WebSocketClientFactory.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.assertion = assertion
self.close_condition = close_condition
self.timeout = timeout
#This parameter needs to be forced to None to not leave the reactor dirty
self.openHandshakeTimeout = None

def buildProtocol(self, addr):
protocol = TestClientProtocol(self.assertion, self.close_condition, self.timeout)
protocol.factory = self
return protocol


class WebSocketTest(TrialTest):

def setUp(self):
port = 8088
factory = WebSocketServerFactory("ws://localhost:{}".format(port))
factory.protocol = TestServerProtocol
self.listening_port = listenWS(factory)
self.factory, self.port = factory, port

def tearDown(self):
#cleaning up stuff otherwise the reactor complains

def test_message_reception(self):
#This is the test assertion, we are testing that the messages received were 3
def assertion(msgs):
self.assertEquals(len(msgs), 3)

#This class says when the connection with the server should be finalized.
#In this case the condition to close the connectionis for the client to get 3 messages
class CommunicationHandler(object):
msg_count = 0

def close_condition(self, msg):
self.msg_count += 1
return self.msg_count == 3

d = Deferred()
#Here we create the client...
client_factory = TestClientProtocolFactory(d, CommunicationHandler().close_condition, 5, url="ws://localhost:{}".format(self.port))
#...and we connect it to the server
#returning the assertion as a deferred purely for demonstration
return d

这显然只是一个示例,但如您所见,我不必乱搞 makeConnection 或任何显式的 transport

关于python - 使用 Autobahn WebSocket 试用单元测试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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