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ios - 如何在推送通知中正确使用 UDID?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 17:32:38 26 4
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我想了解如何正确使用 UDID 将通知推送到 iOS 中!

最近 Apple 拒绝了几个使用 UDID 跟踪人员的应用程序。当我阅读Apple的通知指南时,它似乎至少一年没有修改过。那么苹果如何知道我们是否使用好的或坏的 UDID 推送通知......没有 UDID 可以通知 iphone 吗?


为什么推送通知需要 UDID?您可以从 - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken 方法获取推送通知的设备 token 。


In APNs, assurance of accurate message routing—or token trust—is made possible through the device token. A device token is an opaque identifier of a device that APNs gives to the device when it first connects with it. The device shares the device token with its provider. Thereafter, this token accompanies each notification from the provider. It is the basis for establishing trust that the routing of a particular notification is legitimate.

Note: A device token is not the same thing as the device UDID returned by the identifierForVendor or uniqueIdentifier property of UIDevice or any other similar properties such as the advertisingIdentifier property of ASIdentifierManager.The following sections discuss the requisite components for connection trust and token trust as well as the four procedures for establishing trust.

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