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swift - 在 NSObject 中接收到 NSNotification 时调用方法

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 14:57:11 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我正在编写一个自定义的 NSObject,它会异步初始化自己,然后在它完成时发送一个 NSNotification,这样我就可以将它附加到我的数据源中UITableView。这是类(class):

class Friend: NSObject {
var userID: String!
var schedule: Schedule!

init(friendUserID: String) {
print("Initializing Friend.")
self.userID = friendUserID
let notificationIdentifier = friendUserID + "hasFinishedDownloading"
print("Adding observer for:", notificationIdentifier)
nc.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(haveFinishedDownload), name: Notification.Name(notificationIdentifier), object: nil)
let friendSchedule = Schedule(userID: friendUserID)
self.schedule = friendSchedule

@objc func haveFinishedDownload(notification: Notification) {
print("Download Finished.")



class Schedule: NSObject {

//The Key is what day it meets period 4
//The value is an SSAClass object
var ssaClassesDictionary:Dictionary<Int, SSAClass> = [:]

func addClassToDicitonary(classObject: SSAClass!) {
self.ssaClassesDictionary[!] = classObject

func fillClasses(userID: String!) {
print("Filling Classses")
var userOrTeacher: String!

switch isUserTeacher(user: userID) {
case true:
userOrTeacher = "Teachers"
case false:
userOrTeacher = "Users"
print("Ref about to run")
ref.child(userOrTeacher).child(userID!).child("c").observe(.value, with: {(snapshot) in
print("Ref has started downloading")

if (snapshot.value != nil) {
let snapshotValue: [String] = snapshot.value as! [String]
print("snapshot.value != nil")
var numberDownloaded = 0

for i in snapshotValue {
print("running for loop iteration:", i)
ref.child("Classes").child(i).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in

let value = snapshot.value as! Dictionary<String, Any>

//"year", "1", "2", or "3"
var customTerm: String!

//"year", 1, 2, or 3
let term = value["term"]
switch term {
case is String.Type:
customTerm = "year"
case is Int.Type:
customTerm = "\(term!)"
default: customTerm = "year"

let ssaClass = SSAClass(classID: i, AB: value["AB"] as! Bool, Sci: value["Sci"] as! Bool, name: value["n"] as! String, room: value["room"] as! String, term: customTerm, day: value["d"] as! Int)
if ssaClass.term == "year" || ssaClass.term == "3" {
self.addClassToDicitonary(classObject: ssaClass)

numberDownloaded = numberDownloaded + 1
} .background).async {
//This is run on the background queue
print("Running asynchronous Code")
while numberDownloaded < snapshotValue.count {

DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("Finished While Loop, going back to main thread")
//This is run on the main queue, after the previous code in outer block
//Post notification
let notificationIdentifier = userID + "hasFinishedDownloading"
print("Posting Notification for:", notificationIdentifier) Notification.Name(notificationIdentifier), object: nil)



init(userID: String!) {
fillClasses(userID: userID)


Initializing Friend.
Adding observer for: 19wangdhasFinishedDownloading
Filling Classses
Ref about to run
Ref has started downloading
snapshot.value != nil
running for loop iteration: CH402 - 1
running for loop iteration: CH404 - 1
running for loop iteration: CH406 - 2
running for loop iteration: CS400 - 11
running for loop iteration: CS411 - 11
running for loop iteration: EN301 - 3
running for loop iteration: EN302 - 1
running for loop iteration: EN4014 - 2
running for loop iteration: FR360 - 1
running for loop iteration: HI300 - 8
running for loop iteration: MA405 - 2
running for loop iteration: MA406 - 1
running for loop iteration: MA501 - 2
running for loop iteration: MA506 - 1
Running asynchronous Code
Finished While Loop, going back to main thread
Posting Notification for: 19wangdhasFinishedDownloading



编辑:接受的答案指出了问题。我只是在测试我的代码,而没有在任何地方实际实现初始化的类。结果,ARC对我的 Friend 对象进行处理以保留内存。出于测试目的,我通过将它附加到全局数组并在按下我的应用程序中的随机按钮时打印数组的内容来修复它,让 ARC 认为我以某种方式使用它。


您的 Friend 实例可能已被 ARC 自动释放。你有强烈的引用吗?

将这些行添加到您的 Friend 类中以检查它:

deinit {
print("\(userID) deallocated")

关于swift - 在 NSObject 中接收到 NSNotification 时调用方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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