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css - 如何强制 ShiftNav 在菜单打开时锁定标题( Logo )

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 14:51:11 30 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试制作 ShiftNav应用 Lock Scroll 的菜单插件 - 在源代码中也称为 lock_body - 在一个新的主题上,这应该使 -shifted-to-the-right-by-the-opened-菜单内容锁定在 y 滚动条上 - 显然,(在以前的主题上测试过)。如果启用 Shift Body,此选项将起作用,我就是这样做的。

enter image description here enter image description here

在这些情况下,Lock Scroll 不起作用。我尝试使用 position: fixed !important; 修复 header 和其他元素的位置,但是一旦左侧菜单打开,header logo 等,将在滚动时上升。

主题和插件有大量的jscss、代码;我真的无法将其重现为 fiddle ,我不知道该怎么做,很抱歉离开 MCVE,但我可以提供一个实时链接,以及应该在菜单打开时产生锁定滚动的序列。

settings.config.php 中它看起来像这样(底部)

function shiftnav_get_settings_fields(){


$main_assigned = '';
$main_assigned = 'No Menu Assigned';
$menus = get_nav_menu_locations();
$menu_title = wp_get_nav_menu_object($menus['shiftnav'])->name;
$main_assigned = $menu_title;

$main_assigned = '<span class="shiftnav-main-assigned">'.$main_assigned.'</span> <p class="shiftnav-desc-understated">The menu assigned to the <strong>ShiftNav [Main]</strong> theme location will be displayed. <a href="'.admin_url( 'nav-menus.php?action=locations' ).'">Assign a menu</a></p>';

$fields = array(

$prefix.'shiftnav-main' => array(

'name' => 'menu_assignment',
'label' => __( 'Assigned Menu' , 'shiftnav' ),
'desc' => $main_assigned,
'type' => 'html',



$fields = apply_filters( 'shiftnav_settings_panel_fields' , $fields );

$fields[$prefix.'general'] = array(

'name' => 'lock_body',
'label' => __( 'Lock Scroll', 'shiftnav' ),
'desc' => __( 'Lock both vertical and horizontal scrolling on site content when menu is active. No effect if <strong>Shift Body</strong> is disabled.', 'shiftnav' ),
'type' => 'checkbox',
'default' => 'on'

return $fields;

shiftnav.js 文件中,我们有:

        /* Initalizers */

initializeShiftNav: function(){

var $body = $('body'),
plugin = this;

//Only enable the site once
if( !$body.hasClass( 'shiftnav-enabled' ) ){

$body.addClass( 'shiftnav-enabled' );
if( shiftnav_data.lock_body == 'on' ) $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-lock' );
if( shiftnav_data.lock_body_x == 'on' ) $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-lock-x' );

if( shiftnav_data.shift_body != 'off' ){
if( shiftnav_data.shift_body_wrapper != '' ){
$( shiftnav_data.shift_body_wrapper ).addClass( 'shiftnav-wrap' );
$body.wrapInner( '<div class="shiftnav-wrap"></div>' ); //unique
$( 'video[autoplay]' ).each( function(){
else $body.addClass( 'shiftnav-disable-shift-body' );

//Move elements outside of shifter
$( '#shiftnav-toggle-main, #wpadminbar, .shiftnav-fixed-left, .shiftnav-fixed-right' ).appendTo( 'body' );

var $wrap = $( '.shiftnav-wrap' );

//Pad top
var toggleHeight = $( '#shiftnav-toggle-main' ).outerHeight();
$wrap.css( 'padding-top' , toggleHeight );
if( shiftnav_data.shift_body == 'off' ) $body.css( 'padding-top' , toggleHeight );

//Setup non-transform
//Some browsers provide false positives for feature detection, so we have to do browser detection as well, sadly
var fpos = false; //falsePositive -
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

//Many mobile Android browsers are dumb
if( /android/.test( ua ) ){
fpos = true; //we're going to whitelist mobile Android browsers, so assume false positive on Android

//always ignore old androids
if( /android [1-3]/.test( ua ) ) fpos = true;
//Chrome on 4+ is good
else if( /chrome/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;
//Firefox on 4+ is good
else if( /firefox/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;

//always allow Chrome
//else if( /chrome/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;
//Android 4.4+ is okay
//else if( /android 4.[4-9]/.test( ua ) ) fpos = false;
//else fpos = true;

if( !shift_supports( 'transform' ) || fpos || plugin.settings.disable_transforms ){
$body.addClass( 'shiftnav-no-transforms' );

//Setup swipe open on MAIN SHIFTNAV only
if( shiftnav_data.swipe_open == 'on' ){
var wrap_start_y = 0,
wrap_start_x = 0,
wrap_cur_y = 0,
wrap_cur_x = 0,
viewport_width = $( window ).width();

if( shiftnav_data.shift_body == 'off' ) $wrap = $( 'body' );

$wrap.on( 'touchstart' , function( e ){
if( plugin.settings.breakpoint && $( window ).width() > plugin.settings.breakpoint ) return;
wrap_start_y = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
wrap_start_x = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
//console.log( "START: " + wrap_start_x );

//Left edge activate on swipe from left
if( $( '#shiftnav-main' ).hasClass( 'shiftnav-left-edge' ) ){
$wrap.on( 'touchmove' , function( e ){
wrap_cur_x = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
//console.log( wrap_cur_x );

//if close to left edge
if( wrap_start_x < plugin.settings.swipe_edge_proximity ){

//if swipe more than 150
if( wrap_cur_x - wrap_start_x > plugin.settings.swipe_tolerance_x ){
wrap_cur_y = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
if( Math.abs( wrap_cur_y - wrap_start_y ) < plugin.settings.swipe_tolerance_y ){
plugin.openShiftNav( 'swipe right' );
//Right edge activate on swipe from right
$wrap.on( 'touchmove' , function( e ){
wrap_cur_x = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;

//if we start from the edge, tell android we've got this covered
if( wrap_start_x > ( viewport_width - plugin.settings.swipe_edge_proximity ) ){

//if swipe more than 150, open panel
if( ( wrap_start_x - wrap_cur_x > plugin.settings.swipe_tolerance_x ) ){
wrap_cur_y = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
if( Math.abs( wrap_cur_y - wrap_start_y ) < plugin.settings.swipe_tolerance_y ){
plugin.openShiftNav( 'swipe left' );


//Handle searchbar toggle
$( '.shiftnav-searchbar-toggle' ).on( this.toggleevent , function( e ){

var $drop = $( this ).next( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' );

if( $drop.hasClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' ) ){
$drop.removeClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
$( 'body' ).off( 'click.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' );
$drop.addClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
$drop.find( '.shiftnav-search-input' ).focus();

//Close on click-off - can't do this immediately because IE is so damn dumb
setTimeout( function(){
$( 'body' ).on( 'click.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' , function( e ){
$( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
$( 'body' ).off( 'click.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' );
}, 100);
$( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' ).on( this.toggleevent , function( e ){
$( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop .shiftnav-search-input').on( 'blur' , function( e ){
if( $( this ).val() == '' && !toggle_clicked ){
$( this ).parents( '.shiftnav-searchbar-drop' ).removeClass( 'shiftnav-searchbar-drop-open' );
var toggle_clicked;
$( '.shiftnav-searchbar-toggle' ).on( 'mousedown' , function( e ){
toggle_clicked = true;
$( '.shiftnav-searchbar-toggle' ).on( 'mouseup' , function( e ){
toggle_clicked = false;


this.$shiftnav.appendTo( 'body' );

if( this.$shiftnav.hasClass( 'shiftnav-right-edge' ) ){
this.edge = 'right';
else this.edge = 'left';

this.openclass = 'shiftnav-open shiftnav-open-' + this.edge;

//Set retractor heights
this.$shiftnav.find( '.shiftnav-submenu-activation' ).each( function(){
var length = $( this ).outerHeight();
$( this ).css( { 'height' : length , 'width' : length } );

//$( this ).css( 'height' , $( this ).parent( '.menu-item' ).height() );

//Current open
if( plugin.settings.open_current ){
$( '.shiftnav .shiftnav-sub-accordion.current-menu-item, .shiftnav .shiftnav-sub-accordion.current-menu-ancestor' ).addClass( 'shiftnav-active' );


在页面 index.html 中我们也有 "lock_body":"on" 在这里:

    /* <![CDATA[ */
var shiftnav_data = {"shift_body":"on","shift_body_wrapper":".edge-wrapper","lock_body":"on","lock_body_x":"off","swipe_close":"off","swipe_open":"off","swipe_tolerance_x":"150","swipe_tolerance_y":"60","swipe_edge_proximity":"80","open_current":"off","collapse_accordions":"off","scroll_panel":"off","breakpoint":"","touch_off_close":"off","scroll_offset":"100","disable_transforms":"off"};
/* ]]> */

Chrome 控制台如下所示:

enter image description here

此时我很想知道是否有可能强制 ShiftNav 在这个新主题上应用 Lock Scroll;换句话说,将它仅应用于标题及其元素( Logo 等)会很棒,

当菜单向右展开时,将标题固定在 scrollTop 处的汉堡按钮会很棒。

Website testpage

enter image description here


这是由于您的 -webkit-transform 和包含
的转换样式声明 <div class="edge-wrapper shiftnav-wrap"> . transform 创建一个新的局部坐标系,因此 Logo 固定到该坐标系而不是主体。查看这些帖子:1 2 3

关于css - 如何强制 ShiftNav 在菜单打开时锁定标题( Logo ),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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