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在下面的代码中,我试图将“buttonClicked”变量与“triviaAnswer”变量进行比较,该变量从页面上单击的按钮获取 this.innerText 值,该变量从数组“arrayOfTrivias”接收其值[j].answer”,它从 triviaArray 中的当前索引对象中提取其值。
即使我可以 console.log 这两个值并且它们都显示为相同的值,但每当它们命中我的 if 语句时,所有按钮都会向“triviaAnswer”返回错误匹配(甚至是匹配的按钮)或与“triviaAnswer”的真正匹配(甚至不匹配的按钮),具体取决于正在运行的比较属性。
所有代码都是我的(除了明显的 CDN 链接)。
非常感谢任何和所有的帮助!如果您碰巧解决了这个问题,请解释一下您是如何找到解决方案的,因为我想从这次经验中学习! :-)
$( document ).ready(function() {
//This is the array we will use to store our trivia objects.
var triviaArray = [];
* Set the start of the array. We will also use this to keep track of our
* place is the array.
* Set it to minus so we can go to the first objext (0) in the array when we
* begin.
var j = -1;
//Countdown timer variables
var countdownNumber = 60;
var intervalId;
//button trackers
var buttonClicked;
//comparison variables
var triviaAnswer;
//score variables
var correctAnswers = 0;
var incorrectAnswers = 0;
var noAnswers = 0;
var triviaObj1 = {
question: "What is the highest grossing anime film worldwide?",
options: ["Spirited Away", "Howl's Moving Castle", "Your Name", "Pokemon The Movie"],
answer: "Your Name"
var triviaObj2 = {
question: "What is an Otaku?",
options: ["A type of sushi", "A type of anime fan", "A type of bullet train", "A type of bonsai"],
answer: "A type of anime fan"
var triviaObj3 = {
question: "What is historically the most popular professional sport in Japan?",
options: ["Baseball", "Basketball", "Sumo Wrestling", "Marital Arts"],
answer: "Baseball"
triviaArray = [triviaObj1, triviaObj2, triviaObj3];
$("#startButton").on("click", function() {
// pass the array of triviaObjects to the triviaGenerator
//Start the countdown/timer
//Hide start button afterward pressed, we won't need it anymore
// handles the user button clicks
$("body").on("click", ".optionButton", function () {
buttonClicked = this.innerText;
//if user clicks on an option button, run the following
if ($(this).parent().attr('id') === "optionsContainer") {
console.log("buttonClicked:", buttonClicked);
console.log("triviaAnswer:", triviaAnswer);
//Run the comparison, check the buttons text and the "answer" from the
object. StackOverflow "Problem If Statement Here"
if (buttonClicked == triviaAnswer) {
} else {
function countdownTimer() { // this will be our countdown timer.
intervalId = setInterval(decrement, 1000);
function decrement() { // The decrement function.
$("#countdown").html("<h2>" + countdownNumber + "</h2>");
if (countdownNumber === 0) {
timesUp(); //run the gameOver function.
function timesUp() {
countdownNumber = 60; //reset and restart the countdown.
triviaGenerator(triviaArray); //move to the next trivia object.
function triviaGenerator (arr) { // We will use this function to generate our array.
var arrayOfTrivias = arr;
j = j + 1; //Go up one in the array (go to the next object in the array)
j = j % arrayOfTrivias.length; // end of the array ? -> go back to the beginning
triviaAnswer = arrayOfTrivias[j].answer; //assign the trivia's answer to a global variable so we can do a comparison against the users answer
//Print the trivia's question to the page
//Make sure the div is clear for the insertion of the trivia's question
//Insert the question for the trivia we are on
var triviaQuestion = arrayOfTrivias[j].question;
$("#questionContainer").append( "<h2>" + triviaQuestion + "</h2>");
var optionsArray = arrayOfTrivias[j].options;
// Loop through the options array for this trivia and print//append them as buttons to the screen.
for (var i = 0; i < optionsArray.length; i++) {
$("#optionsContainer").append("<button class='optionButton btn btn-default'>" + "<h2>" + optionsArray[i] + "</h2> </button>");
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<p id="welcomeBanner"> Welcome to the Trivia Page</p>
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<button id="startButton" class="btn btn-danger center">
<div id="countdown"></div>
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buttonClicked 变量中似乎有一个额外的空格。
您可以使用 trim 并且您的条件有效:
buttonClicked = this.innerText.trim();
if (buttonClicked == triviaAnswer) {
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