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ios - 如何在执行函数之前等待 Swift 中的变量?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 12:51:11 39 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 Alamofire 连接一个 API,取回一个 JSON 对象,将其分配给一个变量,然后尝试显示它。问题是该变量显示为空,因为它试图在从服务器取回值之前显示。

这是我的 Networking.swift 文件:

class Networking {

class func postPurchase() {

let parameters = [
"login_user": "",
"login_password": "p0q3t4",
"item_id": 5,
"machine_token": "/HyZyq2FgU4RONnDlzPXWA==",
"amount": 1

Alamofire.request(.POST, "", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON)
.responseData { response in

class func confirmPurchase() -> String {
var token:String = " "

Alamofire.request(.POST, "", parameters: ["login_user": "", "login_password": "p0q3t4"])
.responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .Success(let data):
let json = JSON(data)
let dispenseToken:String = json["token"].stringValue
token = dispenseToken
case .Failure(let error):
print("Request failed with error: \(error)")
return token

下面是试图获取变量并显示它的函数(使用 PopUpViewControllerSwift):

    @IBAction func showPopUp(sender: AnyObject) {

var purchase_token:String = " "

purchase_token = Networking.confirmPurchase()

let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: PopUpViewControllerSwift.self)
if (UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .Pad)
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController_iPad", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)
} else
if UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width > 320 {
if UIScreen.mainScreen().scale == 3 {
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController_iPhone6Plus", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)
} else {
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController_iPhone6", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)
} else {
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)



postPurchase & confirmPurchase is acsync function, don't use return. Try:

    class func postPurchase(handleComplete:((isOK:Bool)->())) {

let parameters = [
"login_user": "",
"login_password": "p0q3t4",
"item_id": 5,
"machine_token": "/HyZyq2FgU4RONnDlzPXWA==",
"amount": 1

Alamofire.request(.POST, "", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON)
.responseData { response in
// check request success or failse
// if success
handleComplete(isOK: true)
// else
// handleComplete(isOK: false)

class func confirmPurchase(handleComplete:((token:String?)->())){
var token:String = " "

Alamofire.request(.POST, "", parameters: ["login_user": "", "login_password": "p0q3t4"])
.responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .Success(let data):
let json = JSON(data)
let dispenseToken:String = json["token"].stringValue
token = dispenseToken
handleComplete(token: token)
case .Failure(let error):
print("Request failed with error: \(error)")
handleComplete(token: nil)


 @IBAction func showPopUp(sender: AnyObject) {

var purchase_token:String = " "

Networking.postPurchase { (isOK) in
if isOK{
Networking.confirmPurchase({ (token) in
if let tok = token{
purchase_token = tok

let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: PopUpViewControllerSwift.self)
if (UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .Pad)
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController_iPad", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)
} else
if UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width > 320 {
if UIScreen.mainScreen().scale == 3 {
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController_iPhone6Plus", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)
} else {
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController_iPhone6", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)
} else {
self.popViewController = PopUpViewControllerSwift(nibName: "PopUpViewController", bundle: bundle)
self.popViewController.title = "Purchase Complete"
self.popViewController.showInView(self.view, withImage: nil, withMessage: "Your purchase token is " + purchase_token, animated: true)

// false --> do st
} else{
// do st


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