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我正在尝试删除 Optional
我的文字 UILabel
当我运行应用程序时。但是,我已经尝试了很多方法并且 Optional
重要的是要说我从 JSON
中获得了这些值,所以我创建了一个 Struct
是唯一拥有 Optional
的写了,但如果我删除 ?
我在 JSONDecoder
Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [_JSONKey(stringValue: "Index 23", intValue: 23), CodingKeys(stringValue: "ibu", intValue: nil)], debugDescription: "Expected Double value but found null instead.", underlyingError: nil))
struct Cerveja:Decodable{
let name:String
let image_url:String
let description:String
let tagline:String
let abv:Double
let ibu:Double? //This one that I got the "Optional" written in the UILabel
//If I remove the "?" I got the error below
查看文件夹 - 详细信息屏幕:
var item:Cerveja?
override func viewDidLoad() {
labelName.text = item?.name
labelDescricao.text = item?.description
labelAmargor.text = "\(String(describing: item!.ibu))"
labelTeorAlc.text = "\(item!.abv)"
let resource = ImageResource(downloadURL: URL(string: "\(item?.image_url ?? "")")!, cacheKey: item?.image_url)
imageDetail.kf.setImage(with: resource)
func getApiData(completion: @escaping ([Cerveja]) -> ()){
guard let urlString = URL(string: "https://api.punkapi.com/v2/beers") else {
print("URL Error")
Alamofire.request(urlString).responseJSON { response in
if response.data == response.data{
let decoder = try JSONDecoder().decode([Cerveja].self, from: response.data!)
}else{print("API Response is Empty")}
"id": 1,
"name": "Buzz",
"tagline": "A Real Bitter Experience.",
"first_brewed": "09\/2007",
"description": "A light, crisp and bitter IPA brewed with English and American hops. A small batch brewed only once.",
"image_url": "https:\/\/images.punkapi.com\/v2\/keg.png",
"abv": 4.5,
"ibu": 60,
"target_fg": 1010,
"target_og": 1044,
"ebc": 20,
"srm": 10,
"ph": 4.4,
"attenuation_level": 75,
"volume": {
"value": 20,
"unit": "liters"
"boil_volume": {
"value": 25,
"unit": "liters"
"method": {
"mash_temp": [
"temp": {
"value": 64,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 75
"fermentation": {
"temp": {
"value": 19,
"unit": "celsius"
"twist": null
"ingredients": {
"malt": [
"name": "Maris Otter Extra Pale",
"amount": {
"value": 3.3,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Caramalt",
"amount": {
"value": 0.2,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Munich",
"amount": {
"value": 0.4,
"unit": "kilograms"
"hops": [
"name": "Fuggles",
"amount": {
"value": 25,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "start",
"attribute": "bitter"
"name": "First Gold",
"amount": {
"value": 25,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "start",
"attribute": "bitter"
"name": "Fuggles",
"amount": {
"value": 37.5,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "middle",
"attribute": "flavour"
"name": "First Gold",
"amount": {
"value": 37.5,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "middle",
"attribute": "flavour"
"name": "Cascade",
"amount": {
"value": 37.5,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "end",
"attribute": "flavour"
"yeast": "Wyeast 1056 - American Ale\u2122"
"food_pairing": [
"Spicy chicken tikka masala",
"Grilled chicken quesadilla",
"Caramel toffee cake"
"brewers_tips": "The earthy and floral aromas from the hops can be overpowering. Drop a little Cascade in at the end of the boil to lift the profile with a bit of citrus.",
"contributed_by": "Sam Mason <samjbmason>"
"id": 2,
"name": "Trashy Blonde",
"tagline": "You Know You Shouldn't",
"first_brewed": "04\/2008",
"description": "A titillating, neurotic, peroxide punk of a Pale Ale. Combining attitude, style, substance, and a little bit of low self esteem for good measure; what would your mother say? The seductive lure of the sassy passion fruit hop proves too much to resist. All that is even before we get onto the fact that there are no additives, preservatives, pasteurization or strings attached. All wrapped up with the customary BrewDog bite and imaginative twist.",
"image_url": "https:\/\/images.punkapi.com\/v2\/2.png",
"abv": 4.1,
"ibu": 41.5,
"target_fg": 1010,
"target_og": 1041.7,
"ebc": 15,
"srm": 15,
"ph": 4.4,
"attenuation_level": 76,
"volume": {
"value": 20,
"unit": "liters"
"boil_volume": {
"value": 25,
"unit": "liters"
"method": {
"mash_temp": [
"temp": {
"value": 69,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": null
"fermentation": {
"temp": {
"value": 18,
"unit": "celsius"
"twist": null
"ingredients": {
"malt": [
"name": "Maris Otter Extra Pale",
"amount": {
"value": 3.25,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Caramalt",
"amount": {
"value": 0.2,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Munich",
"amount": {
"value": 0.4,
"unit": "kilograms"
"hops": [
"name": "Amarillo",
"amount": {
"value": 13.8,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "start",
"attribute": "bitter"
"name": "Simcoe",
"amount": {
"value": 13.8,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "start",
"attribute": "bitter"
"name": "Amarillo",
"amount": {
"value": 26.3,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "end",
"attribute": "flavour"
"name": "Motueka",
"amount": {
"value": 18.8,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "end",
"attribute": "flavour"
"yeast": "Wyeast 1056 - American Ale\u2122"
"food_pairing": [
"Fresh crab with lemon",
"Garlic butter dipping sauce",
"Goats cheese salad",
"Creamy lemon bar doused in powdered sugar"
"brewers_tips": "Be careful not to collect too much wort from the mash. Once the sugars are all washed out there are some very unpleasant grainy tasting compounds that can be extracted into the wort.",
"contributed_by": "Sam Mason <samjbmason>"
"id": 3,
"name": "Berliner Weisse With Yuzu - B-Sides",
"tagline": "Japanese Citrus Berliner Weisse.",
"first_brewed": "11\/2015",
"description": "Japanese citrus fruit intensifies the sour nature of this German classic.",
"image_url": "https:\/\/images.punkapi.com\/v2\/keg.png",
"abv": 4.2,
"ibu": 8,
"target_fg": 1007,
"target_og": 1040,
"ebc": 8,
"srm": 4,
"ph": 3.2,
"attenuation_level": 83,
"volume": {
"value": 20,
"unit": "liters"
"boil_volume": {
"value": 25,
"unit": "liters"
"method": {
"mash_temp": [
"temp": {
"value": 60,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 10
"temp": {
"value": 65,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 30
"temp": {
"value": 72,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 10
"temp": {
"value": 78,
"unit": "celsius"
"duration": 5
"fermentation": {
"temp": {
"value": 21,
"unit": "celsius"
"twist": "Soured naturally using the kettle souring technique, Yuzu fruit: 50g at middle, Yuzu juice: 200ml at FV"
"ingredients": {
"malt": [
"name": "Propino Pale Malt",
"amount": {
"value": 1.63,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Wheat Malt",
"amount": {
"value": 1.63,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Propino Pale Malt for kettle 0.03kg souring",
"amount": {
"value": 0.03,
"unit": "kilograms"
"name": "Acidulated Malt for kettle souring",
"amount": {
"value": 0.03,
"unit": "kilograms"
"hops": [
"name": "Bramling Cross",
"amount": {
"value": 10,
"unit": "grams"
"add": "middle",
"attribute": "bitter"
"yeast": "Wyeast 1056 - American Ale\u2122"
使用optional binding为了避免这个问题
if let ibu = item?.ibu {
labelAmargor.text = "\(String(describing: ibu))"
labelAmargor.text = "\(String(describing: item!.ibu))"
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我创建了一个简单的 iOS 程序,可以顺利编译并在 iPad 模拟器上运行良好。当我告诉 XCode 4 使用我连接的 iPad 设备时,无法编译相同的程序。问题似乎是当我尝试使用附加的 iPad 时