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html - 具有 4 个链接的 CSS 图像 Sprite

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 11:36:53 25 4
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Can someone check if this portion of the CSS is correct?


#nav-list {
list-style-type: none;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

#nav-list li, #nav-footer a {
height: 40px;
display: block;

#nav-list li {
float: left;
list-style: none;
display: inline;
text-indent: -9999em;

#nav-list-why-repair-01 { width: 98px; }
#nav-list-savings-02 { width: 131px; }
#nav-list-enviromental-03 { width: 123px; }
#nav-advantage-04 { width: 138px; }

#nav-list-why-repair-01 a:hover { background:url(./_img/Footersprite.png) 0px -40px no-repeat; }
#nav-list-savings-02 a:hover { background:url(./_img/Footersprite.png) -98px -40px no-repeat; }
#nav-list-enviromental-03 a:hover { background:url(./_img/Footersprite.png) -229px -40px no-repeat; }
#nav-list-advantage-04 a:hover { background:url(./_img/Footersprite.png) -352px -40px no-repeat; }


<ul id="nav-footer"
<a class="whyroofrepair" href="/why-roof-repair.html">Why Roof Repair?</a>
<a class="Savings" href="/savings.html">Savings</a>
<a class="EnvironmentalBenefits" href="/environmental-benefits.html">Environmental Benefits</a>
<a class="RoofRxAdvantage" href="/roof-rx-advantage.html">Roof Rx Advantage</a>

I need help with the HTML. can anyone advise on how to rewrite this correctly with out having to change the CSS provided it correct?


我不确定您希望链接看起来像什么,但是要将 HTML 与您提供的 CSS 相匹配,您可以制作 HTML 像这样:

<ul id="nav-list">
<li><a class="whyroofrepair" href="/why-roof-repair.html">Why Roof Repair?</a></li>
<li><a class="Savings" href="/savings.html">Savings</a></li>
<li><a class="EnvironmentalBenefits" href="/environmental-benefits.html">Environmental Benefits</a></li>
<li><a class="RoofRxAdvantage" href="/roof-rx-advantage.html">Roof Rx Advantage</a></li>

但即便如此,如果您希望链接中的文本可见,您可能希望从 CSS 中删除 text-indent: -9999em;

关于html - 具有 4 个链接的 CSS 图像 Sprite ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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