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javascript - jQuery/ Canvas : check if rectangle crosses another rectangle

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 09:53:00 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个网格,用户可以在上面绘制矩形(实际上是房子里的房间)。由于房间不能相互交叉,因此我尝试在绘制第二个房间之前检查是否存在冲突。到目前为止,我设法检查第二个矩形的“目标点”是否在第一个矩形内部(=>返回 false)。但是当房间的边界穿过另一个房间时,代码也必须“return: false”。

I have set up an example page here





在每个语句调用的匿名函数中返回 false :-) checkConflict 函数始终返回 true !看:

function checkConflict(fromx, fromy, tox, toy) {
$.each(rooms, function() {
var left1 = fromx;
var left2 = $(this)[0];
var right1 = tox;
var right2 = $(this)[2];
var top1 = fromy;
var top2 = $(this)[1];
var bottom1 = toy;
var bottom2 = $(this)[3];

if (bottom1 < top2) { return false; }
if (top1 > bottom2) { return false; }
if (right1 < left2) { return false; }
if (left1 > right2) { return false; }
return true;

这很容易修复,但我给你更新的代码,因为你的测试也不正确(你想测试你是否在盒子里,你以前的代码总是返回 false )所以这可能是这样的(您必须改进此代码,因为它也不能完美工作):

  function checkConflict(fromx, fromy, tox, toy) {
var returnValue = true;
$.each(rooms, function() {
if (tox > this[0] &&
tox < this[2] &&
toy > this[1] &&
toy < this[3])
{ returnValue = false; return false; }

if (fromx > this[0] &&
fromx < this[2] &&
fromy > this[1] &&
fromy < this[3])
{ returnValue = false; return false; }

return returnValue;

编辑:我写了正确的代码。我认为这会更容易,但是, promise 就是 promise ...可能有多种方法可以重构代码,但现在已经足够头痛了:-D

我制作了一个 JSFiddle,以便您可以看到结果:

function checkConflict(fromx, fromy, tox, toy) {
var returnValue = true;
$.each(rooms, function() {

var squareLeft = Math.min( parseInt(this[0]) ,parseInt(this[2])) ,
squareRight = Math.max(parseInt(this[0]) ,parseInt(this[2])) ,
squareTop = Math.min(parseInt(this[1]) ,parseInt(this[3])) ,
squareBot = Math.max(parseInt(this[1]) ,parseInt(this[3])) ;

//drawing inside a shape
if ((fromx > squareLeft && fromx < squareRight && fromy > squareTop && fromy < squareBot)
&& (tox > squareRight || tox < squareLeft || toy > squareBot || toy < squareTop)) {
returnValue = false;
return false;

// meet the bottom of the current square ?
if (fromy >= squareBot && // we are below this square
(toy < squareBot) && // and our destination is above the bottom of this square
fromx < squareRight && // we are drawing on the inner left side of this square
(tox > squareLeft || fromx > squareLeft) // and our destination is on the left of this square, or we started to draw on the right part of this square
fromx > squareLeft && // we are drawing on the inner right side of this square
(tox < squareRight || fromx < squareRight) // and our destination is on
returnValue = false;
return false;

// meet the top of a square ?
if (fromy <= squareTop &&
(toy > squareTop) &&
fromx < squareRight &&
(tox > squareLeft || fromx > squareLeft)
fromx > squareLeft &&
(tox < squareRight || fromx < squareRight)
returnValue = false;
return false;

// meet the left of a square ?
if (fromx <= squareLeft &&
(tox > squareLeft) &&
fromy < squareBot &&
(toy > squareTop || fromy > squareTop)
fromy > squareTop &&
(toy < squareBot || fromy < squareBot)
returnValue = false;
return false;

// meet the right of a square ?
if (fromx >= squareRight &&
(tox < squareRight) &&
fromy < squareBot &&
(toy > squareTop || fromy > squareTop)
fromy > squareTop &&
(toy < squareBot || fromy < squareBot)
returnValue = false;
return false;

return returnValue;

关于javascript - jQuery/ Canvas : check if rectangle crosses another rectangle,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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