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我对如何使用堆栈以及为什么我什至会在我编写的代码中使用堆栈有点困惑。该评估说要编写一个程序来检查用户输入是否格式正确。这是一个简单的程序,具有三种不同的选项供用户选择。 1. 基本括号 () 2. 标准括号 ()[]{} 和 3. 用户自定义括号。主程序唯一要做的就是检查用户输入的格式是否正确,并只在屏幕上显示该消息。
我有一个 StackLS.cpp 和一个 Stack.h 文件,我正在使用我的 main.cpp。我将在下面粘贴每个示例代码。
typedef int elemType; // flexible data type
class StackLS
// inner class node
class Node
elemType data; // data portion
Node *next; // link to the seccessor
}; // end Node
// data members
Node *topItem; // pointer to the top element of this stack
// utilities
// constructors
StackLS(void); // default constructor
StackLS(const StackLS& aStack); // copy constructor
// observers
bool isEmpty(void) const;
// returns true if this stack is empty
// false otherwise
bool isFull(void) const;
// returns true if this stack is full
// false otherwise
elemType top(void) const;
// precondition: this stack is not empty
// returns top element in this stack
// transformers
void push(const elemType& item);
// precondition: this stack is not full
// adds item to this stack
void pop(void);
// removes top element from this stack if exist
// remains empty otherwise
void makeEmpty(void);
// makes this stack empty
// destructor
}; // end StackLS
// constructors
// default constructor
topItem = 0;
} // end default constructor
StackLS::StackLS(const StackLS& aStack)
// copy constructor
} // end copy constructor
// observers
bool StackLS::isEmpty(void) const
// returns true if this stack is empty
// false otherwise
return topItem == 0;
} // end isEmpty
bool StackLS::isFull(void) const
// returns true if this stack is full
// false otherwise
return false;
} // end isFull
elemType StackLS::top(void) const
// precondition: this stack is not empty
// returns top element in this stack
// return (*topItem).data;
return topItem->data;
} // end top
// transformers
void StackLS::push(const elemType& item)
// precondition: this stack is not full
// adds item to this stack
Node *newNode = new Node;
newNode->data = item;
newNode->next = topItem;
topItem = newNode;
} // end push
void StackLS::pop(void)
// removes top element from this stack if exist
// remains empty otherwise
if (topItem != 0)
Node *temp = topItem;
topItem = topItem->next;
delete temp;
} // end pop
void StackLS::makeEmpty(void)
// makes this stack empty
while (topItem != 0)
Node *temp = topItem;
topItem = topItem->next;
delete temp;
} // end makeEmpty
// destructor
//while (!isEmpty())
// pop();
while (topItem != 0)
Node *temp = topItem;
topItem = topItem->next;
delete temp;
} // end destructor
这是我目前拥有的 main.cpp。main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "StackLS.h"
using namespace std;
do {
int main()
char answer;
char n;
StackLS stack;
cout << " ********** MENU ********** " << endl;
cout << " 1. Basic Brackets () " << endl;
cout << " 2. Standard Brackets ()[]{} " << endl;
cout << " 3. User-Defined brackets " << endl;
cout << " Please enter your choice: " << endl;
switch (choice){
case 1:
cout << "Current Setting: () " << endl;
cout << "Enter your expression followed by a ; : " << endl;
do {
cin >> answer;
while (answer != ;)
} // end main
while (choice != 'n' || 'N')
我再次想知道如何使用我在这个程序 (main.cpp) 中向您展示的堆栈。我对为什么要使用堆栈以及为什么使用有点困惑。任何帮助表示赞赏。谢谢。 main.cpp 可能不正确,但我又在学习,这就是我来这里学习更多信息的原因。谢谢
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