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swift - MapKit .PLIST DICTIONARY with INT and STRING-values = multiple annotations WITH Title & Subtitle from plist (根据 : MapKit Sample WWDC 2017 - 237)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 07:33:33 29 4
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我使用了 Apples WWDC 2017 的项目 tandm - 237“Mapkit 中的新功能”。

已经有一个带数组的data.plist命名的自行车和额外的词典有四个项目(键:值 - 对)。

  1. item 0 = Dictionary-Nr (multiple Annotations from 0, 1, 2 ...)
  2. item = "key"lat 用于数据类型为 "number"的地理数据
  3. item = "key"long for geo-data longitude as above
  4. type = "key"0(在 Bike 类中定义的枚举)用于 tintColor 和 glyphImages,用于在 bikeView.swift 中声明的不同注释。


data.plist 显示:

  -> Root  - dictionary
-> bikes - array
-> item 0 - dictionary (Annotation Nr. 1)
-> lat - number 50.12345 (latitude of Annotation Nr.1
-> long - number 6.12345 (longitude of Annot. Nr. 1)
-> type - number 1 (two different 0 or 1)

这是读取字典第 0 项、第 1 项的代码...:

// Class bike.swift 

import MapKit

class Bike: MKPointAnnotation {

enum BikeType: Int {
case unicycle
case bicycle
var type: BikeType = .tricycle
func bikes(fromDictionaries dictionaries: [[String: NSNumber]]) -> [Museum] {

let bikes = { item -> Bike in
let bike = Bike()

bike.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(item["lat"]!.doubleValue, item["long"]!.doubleValue)

bike.type = BikeType(rawValue: item["type"]!.intValue)!

return bike
return bike

我要实现第五个和第六个(key) 将“title”和“subtitle”(每个都有字符串值)命名为 data.plist 的字典(命名为项目 0),例如:

  1. title = "foo"
  2. 副标题 = "栏"


将以下属性添加到 bike.swift

var title: String?
var subtitle: String?

在 data.plist 中实现名为“title”和“subtitle”(每个都有字符串值)的第五个和第六个(键)

enter image description here

运行 Tandm.project

enter image description here

关于swift - MapKit .PLIST DICTIONARY with INT and STRING-values = multiple annotations WITH Title & Subtitle from plist (根据 : MapKit Sample WWDC 2017 - 237),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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