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c++ - 如何计算 ICMP 数据包的往返时间

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我正在 Qt5 中编写一些 C 代码来发送 ICMP 回显数据包来检测机器。我不知道如何计算往返时间。


Before sending:
struct timezone tz;
struct timeval ts;
gettimeofday( &ts, &tz );
ts.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec;
ts.tv_usec = ts.tv_usec;
bcopy(&ts, &([0]), sizeof(struct timeval)); // target host will modify this
bcopy(&ts, &([8]), sizeof(struct timeval));

After receiving:
struct timezone tz;
struct timeval ts1;
struct timeval ts2;

bcopy(&([8]), &ts1, sizeof(struct timeval));
gettimeofday( &ts2, &tz );
round trip time = (ts2.tv_sec - ts1.tv_sec) +
1e-6 * (ts2.tv_usec - ts1.tv_usec);




void CPingReceiver::dataProcess(struct icmp_packet pkt)
struct timezone tz;
struct timeval ts1;
struct timeval ts2;

bcopy(&([8]), &ts1, sizeof(struct timeval));
gettimeofday( &ts2, &tz );

QHostAddress ha = QHostAddress(ntohl(pkt.ip.saddr));
foundItem.first = ha.toString();// (ts2.tv_sec * 1000 + ts2.tv_usec / 1000) - (ts1.tv_sec * 1000 + ts1.tv_usec / 1000)
foundItem.second = tr("%1 ms").arg(((ts2.tv_sec - ts1.tv_sec) +
(ts2.tv_usec - ts1.tv_usec) / 1000000));

emit sendToListener(foundItem);

// qDebug() << addr << endl;

// now send the data to ARP Worker Singleton
// PING results will send its data to ARP Worker Singleton as well
// same for hostname, vendor and netbios, open ports


* Build ICMP Header
pkt.icmp.type = ICMP_ECHO; // icmp echo */
pkt.icmp.code = 0; // only valid value for echo or echo reply */
pkt.icmp.checksum = 0;
pkt.icmp.identifier = ICMP_IDENTIFIER; // the id we'll be using to distinguish our data from other icmp packets */
pkt.icmp.sequence = 1; // Start from 0
struct timezone tz;
struct timeval ts;
gettimeofday( &ts, &tz );
bzero(, ICMP_MTU);
bcopy(&ts, &([0]), sizeof(struct timeval));
bcopy(&ts, &([8]), sizeof(struct timeval));

pkt.icmp.checksum = calcsum((quint16 *)(&pkt.icmp), sizeof(pkt.icmp));


"" "----" "F0:7D:68:04:49:86"  // ARP reply
"" "----" "00:19:5B:0D:30:85" // ARP reply
"" "----" "00:04:20:2C:83:34" // ARP reply
"-------------PING reply-----------------" "" "----" "-8316290828429 ms"
"" "----" "74:44:01:D3:07:E0" // ARP reply
"-------------PING reply---------------" "" "----" "-8316290828429 ms"
"-------------PING reply---------------" "" "----" "-8316290828429 ms"
"" "----" "C8:60:00:1A:B0:BC" // ARP reply
"-------------PING reply---------------" "" "----" "-8316290828429 ms"


gettimeofday() 函数以 native 字节顺序提供时间值,不一定以网络字节顺序。不要不要调用ntohl()

double round_trip_time = (ts2.tv_sec - ts1.tv_sec) +
1e-6 * (ts2.tv_usec - ts1.tv_usec);

关于c++ - 如何计算 ICMP 数据包的往返时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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