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c++ - 'C' 程序 : multidimensional array issue

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 07:01:52 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

请帮我解决这个问题,在过去的 11 个小时里,我已经测试并测试了它并重新阅读和重新编写,然后我放弃了。我找到了别人写的有效代码,但它仍然没有向我解释为什么他的作品和我的作品不一样,因为我遇到的问题适用于他而不适用于我的

知道了,为遇到类似问题的任何人编辑代码...我的原始代码在这里我遇到的问题是它一直卡在 if(board[x][y - 1] == '.') 检查上。

说得太早了....该程序有时会崩溃...这种情况很少见,但之前已经连续崩溃 3 次...大多数情况下,当我运行它时一切正常。

    // Chapter 8 Programming Project #9

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define SIZE 10
#define PATH_SIZE ((int) (sizeof(brd_path)))
#define ROW_SIZE ((int) (sizeof(board) / sizeof(board[0])))

int main(void)
char board[SIZE][SIZE] = {};
char brd_path[25] = {'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H',
'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V',
'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'};
// 0 = Up, 1 = Down, 2 = Left, 3 = Right
bool path_dir_chk[4] = {false};
bool blocked = false;
unsigned short i, j, x = 0, y = 0;
// Generate a random number
srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
int dir = rand() % 4;
// Set all positions of board to '.'
for (x = 0; x < ROW_SIZE; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < ROW_SIZE; y++)
board[x][y] = '.';

x = 0;
y = 0;
board[0][0] = 'A';
// Generate the path
while (blocked != true && i != PATH_SIZE) {
for (i = 0; i < PATH_SIZE;) {
// Reset path_dir_chk values if empty
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (board[x][y - 1] == '.')
path_dir_chk[0] = false;
if (board[x][y + 1] == '.')
path_dir_chk[1] = false;
if (board[x - 1][y] == '.')
path_dir_chk[2] = false;
if (board[x + 1][y] == '.')
path_dir_chk[3] = false;
// Check the direction and replace that char
switch (dir) {
case 0: if ((y - 1) >= 0 && board[x][y - 1] == '.') {
board[x][--y] = brd_path[i];
path_dir_chk[0] = true;
printf("I is now: %d\n", ++i);
} break;
case 1: if ((y + 1) >= 0 && board[x][y + 1] == '.') {
board[x][++y] = brd_path[i];
path_dir_chk[1] = true;
printf("I is now: %d\n", ++i);
} break;
case 2: if ((x - 1) >= 0 && board[x - 1][y] == '.') {
board[--x][y] = brd_path[i];
path_dir_chk[2] = true;
printf("I is now: %d\n", ++i);
} break;
case 3: if ((x + 1) >= 0 && board[x + 1][y] == '.') {
board[++x][y] = brd_path[i];
path_dir_chk[3] = true;
printf("I is now: %d\n", ++i);
} break;
// if all path's are true exit
if (path_dir_chk[0] == true &&
path_dir_chk[1] == true &&
path_dir_chk[2] == true &&
path_dir_chk[3] == true)
blocked = true;
// Reset the random direction
dir = rand() % 4;
// Print the board
for (x = 0; x < ROW_SIZE; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < ROW_SIZE; y++)
printf("%c ", board[x][y]);

return 0;

好的,我已经进行了更改以反射(reflect)我目前所做的,不,它正在打印“我现在:”数字 1 - 25,然后它重新开始,但它第二次停在 12 并卡住成某种形式循环


    #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define ROWS 10
#define COLS 10
int main (void)
int i, j, k, direction;
char board[ROWS][COLS];
const char letters[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F',
'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L',
'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R',
'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
'Y', 'Z'};

srand ((unsigned) time(NULL));

for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
board[i][j] = '.';

i = 0;
j = 0;
k = 1;
//set array[0][0] to first element
board[i][j] = letters[0];
while (k < 26) {
direction = rand() % 4;

if (board[i][j] == '.')
board[i][j] = letters[k++];
if ((board[i][j + 1] != '.' || j == ROWS - 1 )&&
(board[i + 1][j] != '.' || i == COLS -1) &&
(board[i - 1][j] != '.' || i == 0) &&
(board[i][j - 1] != '.' || j == 0))
switch (direction) {
case 0: if (j < ROWS - 1 && board[i][j + 1] == '.'){ //move right
break; }
case 1: if (i < COLS -1 && board[i + 1][j] == '.') { //move down
break; }
case 2: if (i > 0 && board[i - 1][j] == '.'){ //move up
break; }
case 3: if (j > 0 && board[i][j - 1] == '.') { //move left
break; }
for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
printf ("%4c", board[i][j]);
printf ("\n");

return 0;


你没有在这段代码之后将 x 和 y 设置回 0

for (x = 0; x < ROW_SIZE; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < ROW_SIZE; y++)
board[x][y] = '.';

因此 x 和 y 将从 10 开始。而且您没有检查 x 和 y 的范围,这意味着 x 和 y 可能会偏离棋盘。


    if ((board[x][y - 1] != '.' || y - 1 < 0) &&
(board[x][y + 1] != '.' || y + 1 > ROW_SIZE) &&
(board[x - 1][y] != '.' || x - 1 < 0) &&
(board[x + 1][y] != '.' || x + 1 > ROW_SIZE))


    if ((y - 1 <  0        || board[x][y - 1] != '.') &&
(y + 1 >= ROW_SIZE || board[x][y + 1] != '.') &&
(x - 1 < 0 || board[x - 1][y] != '.') &&
(x + 1 >= ROW_SIZE || board[x + 1][y] != '.'))


首先 y+1 和 x+1 不允许等于 ROW_SIZE,因为 ROW_SIZE 是 10,但有效的数组索引是 0 到 9。

其次,顺序很重要。计算逻辑 OR 时,首先计算左侧,如果为真,则计算右侧。这很重要,因为在某些机器上,即使在数组边界之外读取也会导致崩溃。

关于c++ - 'C' 程序 : multidimensional array issue,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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